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Vamp is piece of shit

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12 years ago
Simple as that because it is. Give it missiles or even replace its lasers with missiles or something so it wont be sucker against gunships.
+0 / -0
I don't believe you. If it was shit then players wouldn't use/spam it. Players spend 1.6 times as much metal on Vamps as they do on Avengers. That's probably because Vamps make short work of anything, even inside enemy static AA.
+0 / -0
Vamps are great vs all types of bombers, but vs gunships, expecially rapiers or krow they completely suck. They are only good to scare the krow away.
The only flying counter to krow is precision bombers at the moment, still you would need equal cost of them to counter the krow...

The vamp makes little damage...
The avenger is made of paper...
The rapier is too slow...
Gnats die horibly without any effect unless you are 100% sure you have enough of them.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
They spend 1.6 time more metal on them because they hope that it is good. Description air superiority fighter.

Things where vamp is good:

1) fighting retreating vamps
2) fighting avengers
3) fighting bombers

And anywhere else it just suck bad. It is nothing what you expect from such name. It fails against gunships so bad, most of time it trys to get in position where it could shoot and not actually shooting. Missiles would help here.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Rafal, planes Krow counter has been fixed some versions back. EMP bomber used to fire through Krow or some other shit, not sure, that was reworked. (I didn't test it, just read it somewhere..)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Rafal you can emp krow if you are lucky with two emp bombers but you must be really lucky since if it is not moving in line where emp bomber is flying at it does very little emp damage. And of course if you succesfully emp it you still need emp drones to keep it emped and dumb enemy which doesnt make AA since those dies very easy.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>> It is nothing what you expect from such name.

I'm not sure exactly what you are expecting, an instant 'win air control'?

+0 / -0
12 years ago
> I'm not sure exactly what you are expecting, an instant 'win air control'?

+0 / -0
I m expecting it... hmm wrong... I read that it is "superior against all air units" which is lies . It just dances arround gunships.

Sad truth it is better to make precision bombers against gunships.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What it is
What you expect it would be
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I do think that Vamp is not that much better than Avenger, it is only good for operating in enemy AA zones.

However, we cannot go back to a time when the plane factory completely counters the gunship factory. This makes gunships irrelevant the moment anyone makes planes, meaning most people will go planes and skip gunships entirely.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Make wamp counter krow but be countered by rapiers?

But don't ask me how to accomplish this.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
I honestly don't see why anybody thinks Vamp is supposed to be a Krow counter. Krow is a fortress. I've never seen small planes destroying big ass shit when the technology level's about the same, not even in sci-fi movies.

Krow dies to anti-heavies only. That means Screamer, Skuttle, Snipers, Bombers, maybe even dgun, Sumo and Catapult, etc.; When the unit is low on health you use slow effect, capture and EMP weapons, 'cause then it takes increased damage from them.

Anyway, again: Vamp is not supposed to hard counter Krow.
+0 / -0
I like it. Vamp is offensive aa. I'd hate to return to the days when the l2 fighter was the solution to all enemy air.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Vamp is good. Krow just has a lot of hp and can run back to aa.
+0 / -0
>Krow just has a lot of hp and can run back to aa.


Vamp not being able to kill is just a symptom. Fix Krow and Vamp gets fixed automatically.

Basically, Krow outruns everything. It's faster than a raider! It goes against everything "assault unit" means. It has insane burst dps (one-shots a 12,000 HP Warlord for those still paying attention), can kill spam, and has own limited AA. It totally breaks any sort of attempt to define a role for this unit. It does every single role in the game: assault, skirmish, riot, AA, and anti-heavy. And it does them all extremely well. Except AA, which it does pretty darn well.

The worst part is that it has a limited set of (boring) mobile counters. Even the "best" AA in the game (Archangel) is still much, much slower and really serves as more of an almost-static (vs. mobile) defense vs Krows. Today Sak kept telling everyone to spam Vamps vs. Krow rush. Really? That's it?!? ZK is a game of MANY counters to each scenario, and the best Sak can say is to spam Vamps? A unit that is ONLY useful vs. other air? It's boring and reactive.

Is that the kind of game we want people playing? I can see it now:
>Ally 1: Enemy just finished Krow!
>Ally 2: Sigh, guess I'd better spam Vamps....
>Ally 1: Welcome to ZK.

Krows need to be less able to take out a huge swath of enemies in a single shot. Why not simple slow it down? It can be amazing vs. fixed defenses and poor vs. mobile units. It's ability to quickly move in, drop at 20K damage bomb, and move out quickly is simply too much.
+0 / -0
1: Best krow counter is emp bomber + spider aa. Spider aa is basically un-killable by krow so you can build up an army of them.
2: Also AA ships
3: 3x cobra
4:Heavy veh aa as well. In flat areas
5:Also hover aa is very good vs krow.
6: Snipers can also be good and are dual use.

-1: screamer not a counter for krow rush cause you need to makes missles
-2: Archangel is not a great counter because its short range.
-3; vamp only on real mars type map or a shit load of them
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah best mobile counters are units with good speed and range:
-spider AA
-hover AA
-ship AA
-tank AA
-cloakbot AA (you need lots of them)
+0 / -0
Why not start a new thread? I've flagged all the 'krow rush' matches and agree that a 2 minute Krow is just too much.

That being said I don't think the other team was countering it very well (Which doesn't mean it isn't too hard to counter). But this is 10v10 games for you, the only sort where this is possible.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well a 2 minute Krow in the hands of a good player is hard to kill yes.

Its alot easier to get player to help build a rush unit then to get them help counter one. They have already decided what they will do for the first 10 mins and rarely will change.
+0 / -0
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