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? this game didnt reach to steam?

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9 years ago
what happend past this months ?
+1 / -0
9 years ago
It goes to steam when its ready. Asking for it to be released sooner is asking for it to become evo, that is to say, a temporary player spike that does nothing but complain before leaving.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
When it comes to the lobby, frontend user experience and player retention and some technical engine issues, we're still sort of in beta.

Steam players are going to be much less tolerant of an open-source looking windows skinned fidgety to get going game, and we really only get one shot at this, so we want to retain any spike of players and keep that momentum going.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
That isn't what beta means. We haven't even released the lobby and a lot of it still requires coding.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
It's quite like a beta release where the game itself is released (bugs and engine issues notwithstanding) but the final lobby, setup process, frontend experience etc is not done yet. But yeah sure the lobby itself is barely in alpha I guess.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Barely in Alpha or a ways from Alpha?
+0 / -0
You already made a thread on this 21 days ago (it was the second last post you made, in fact.)

Since you do not appear to be volunteering to help in any way, all you are accomplishing by repeating such threads is making me annoyed. And when I get annoyed, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset...
+3 / -1
9 years ago
but that was 21 days ago.

and the thread was necro
+0 / -0
9 years ago
21 days is not long on Zero-K scale. Zero-K has been greenlit for what, almost a year now?
And the very optimistic estimate would be that it will be released in 2-3 months.
The pessimistic estimate is that the release will take place roughly at the time the story of the game takes place.
+5 / -0
9 years ago
More than a year RUrankYogzototh - it was greenlit in may and it is second half of June now.
The most optimistic estimate presented to the public was 1 month I think (back during greenlight). Keep in mind that a lot stuff can be done in one month if people are motivated, coordinated and have time to work on ZK and its infra. At current state ZK will not be released on Steam at all because current infrastructure work is very sluggish due it being one man's work and Licho is not very active lately.
+0 / -0
Evo's problem was that the lobby system in spring (all lobbies) is woefully inadequate. However, my pain has been everyone's gain because it highlighted some of the sharpest issues.

If you look at the reviews of evo on steam, you will see that the vast majority of them have to do with the lobby, a lesser percentage complaints about no proper tutorials (even though they exist, but are not ingame, which is a foul ball), and you can probably count on one hand issues with the game itself, and 3/4ths of those are issues with ATI cards and spring.

This is why I get all up in arms when people say stuff like "evo is buggy", oh no the hell it isn't. There is one very rare issue that happens thanks to oddness in zk chili, which I have bandaged to prevent luaui from crashing altogether. Ideally at some point I can replace all the zk chili crap that I use anyway with something better, but for the most part, issues with the game itself are exceedingly rare.

Therefore, the bottleneck is the lobby system. Get the lobby system off the ground, and all of a sudden, issues start resolving themselves. Unfortunately for zk, licho thought it would be a good idea to split to a different server (a move which I consider to be a net negative for zk and a net positive for everything else spring related) which has massively increased the workload needed and split the potential for devs helping in half...

That said, I knew good and damn well that these issues would exist whether I waited or launched. Unfortunately I set my launch date too early on accident and screwed the pooch on that one, but the end result would have been the same regardless.

tl;dr: at this point you might as well package it up and release it, cause otherwise it will never get done at all. What are you going to do if steam decides to revoke your greenlight because you haven't used it? That would be a damn shame. Fact of the matter is, zk probably has a large enough community to overcome the issues that evo ran into and come out the other side looking pretty grand.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Judging by CZrankAdminLicho's list of necessary features (Note that I'm only considering "A" priority items here), a singleplayer campaign, or at least a proper framework for people to use to play a singleplayer campaign, is a blocking feature for Steam release. Last I checked @KingRaptor was actively working on that, but I don't know how it is going.

I'd have to run the latest 99RC through it's paces to be sure, but if that fixes the main bugs (and the only ones I've seen in earlier RCs have involved units getting stuck and some issues with the GameOver callin, the former has apparently been fixed, and the latter is mostly an issue for casting tournaments), I think the main MP side is pretty much just in need of a proper map rotation, removal of chat noise (i.e. '!' commands in chat), and the completion of the new lobby client for aesthetics. Ideally also the return of matchmaking.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
If CZrankAdminLicho considers campaign to be a necessity then ZK will probably be released circa 2020 (that is an optimistic evaluation).
@KingRaptor was not very active in the past year at all. However he gave reports that he is doing something with campaign UI, released 2 new missions etc. But then he also has other priorities as for example he is a mantainer of a largest mod of Starsector right now not mentioning other things so I see no prospects in ZK campaign being finished honestly.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Campaign is currently held up by defects in the infrastructure (UI, mission launching) that are currently outside my capacity to fix.

There's not technically anything stopping me from making new missions in the interim, but since people won't be able to play them for a long time anyway...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
great thread
+4 / -0
9 years ago
Well, the biggest problem here is finding people who actually know what to help with and how. Skills are a problem. I mean, if we had a little bit bigger programmer base then it MIGHT go faster.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Well, the biggest problem here is finding people who actually know what to help with and how. Skills are a problem. I mean, if we had a little bit bigger programmer base then it MIGHT go faster

The problem isn't a skill deficiency, it is a teaching deficiency.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
leadership deficiency

+2 / -0