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Soft ban

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13 years ago
In quake3 if you chatfrag'ing there was softban for 5 games or something like that. I think it is great thing to have in springie. Its not ban, and votable by simple people. That would greatly discourage trolls to troll, because now after kick they need exaclty 1 second to rejoin and troll again. And we wouldnt need to be harsh(ban) either.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Agreed. Current !kick command allows the kicked player to return. What's the point if they can just rejoin?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Do not agreed. Sometimes we just use /kick to kick a AFK, not reason to ban him from 5 games, if you want a ban make a new command like /ban5 or somethig.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So use !spec.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Is fortaleza smoking crack?

!spec makes players spec.
!kick kicks players
!ban bans them.

What is hard to understand about that?

Also, has fortaleza been kicking players that should have been specced all along? lulz
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Exactly, Antelope!
!kick kicks players
It should not ban them, wouldn't make sense!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you thought that I mean kick = softban then... there should be !softban as votable option maybe pretier like !beNiceThanks PLAYERNAME or something like that.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I would also like some sort of !voteban or !softban option.
Kicking a troll is kind of pointless, they can just vote yes to speed up the voting just so they can come back to continue trolling.
If they get softban from Springie2 they should be banned from Springie*. The requirement to pass a softban should also be kind of high, 75-80%?

Should we make a ticket?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
This idea just gives normal players the ability to ban noobs from playing because they suck at ZK.
if you have a complaint about a player contact one of the ZK admins and they will make a decision
+0 / -0
13 years ago
As we saw harvey that takes some time.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Can we add a minimum knowledge requirement along the system requirements for zk?

I would require ppls to speak some words english and add a redirect to a online curse :)

That would solve this problem!

!votesoftban Antelope for causing 5 useless posts
!vote 1

+1 for 5 minutes
5 minutes should be enough to avoid rejoining before !start

+1 for 30 minutes if you get softbananed 2 times within 30 minutes.

+1 for 2 hours if you get softbananed 3 times within 2 hours.

... to be continued ...

you would have the choice to NOT rejoin directly after 5 minutes to avoid being abuse-banned 2 times within this 30 minutes.

also you shouldn't be able to !softban the !boss - simple leave the server and go to another one ( unless some troll makes many accounts and block all springies with !boss trollaccount )

It's really annoying if you are boss, open a server for FFA and some ppls kick you to play TEAMvTEAM - even if the host description IS FFA.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Not everyone team-kills because someone doesn't listen. Some of us do try to help the newbies. Worst case scenario if the softban gets abused it can get disabled or adjusted.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
worst case scenario is that we alienate 2 or 3 newbies because trolls get them soft banned rather then have them on their team.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well I actually never seen kicked newbies(and after that they wont even rejoin) or something like that so why they should try softban? If I see my team is absolute fail I just click spectate. Also such softbaning could end in ban for trolls so...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If this softban required a great majority of votes, it'd be rather unlikely that trolls would be able to abuse it.

I think a time limit is clearer than next [insert number] games. Something like half an hour maybe?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What about a greater number of sub-mods? I'm not talking about adding more people with true moderator/administrator privileges, but we could have a class of privileged users that would be allowed to at least start the !softban vote.

That way, it would require:
A)A trusted, admin-approved user to call the vote
B)A majority to actually make the vote happen.

A far as trolling goes, it would be easy to revoke and/or bans from "privileged users" who turn out to be trolls or have bad judgment.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
This should be like on other mod autohosts, where is !kickban command. Of course kickban abuse appears, but not often.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I got kicked because i pointed out there was no !balance done before starting the game and wanted to exit (and it really was 1 rankers vs 1700+ elo). Dont happen often at all...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If I wouldnt know you, Rick, I would believe you but when you vote 2 for exit when other team has 2 player less from ~2min game and say "just play" i dont believe you at all.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ye if they resign to waste my ships so i wont take the planet ofc
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