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Move Valkyrie to Air fac

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10 years ago
So it would be nice to see transports used for --transporting-- instead of early game trollish comm-naps. Rather than having both in GS fact, how about moving Valkyrie to Air fac?

This would give a team Air player another useful supporting role outside of air supremacy and raven snipes. It would give the fac another role behind front lines and hopefully promote some better macro play and logistics.

A GS player could do this already, but it seems generally accepted that a team GS start is a Bad Thing. And given that GS plays more like a land fac without terrain, the GS player is probably less interested in the support-role side of things.
+0 / -2

10 years ago
So Gunships are bad to start => Move some early game utility from Gunships to Planes?
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Move Reaper to spidorz fac, cuz lulz.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog Well I probably shouldn't have mentioned GS start, that's a different discussion. But think about it: what early game utility does an air transport have for a GS player in (especially) a single player game? None at all, your units can *fly*.

The point is I'd like to see transports used for transporting, and in team games where the air player has a relatively limited number of roles, adding a (currently under/never used) transport option would be a good addition.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
No1 uses transport as it is too micro intensive. Its easier to just give factory orders to send every unit it produces to some point.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Well you can set ferry routes and forget about them.. so not sure what you mean.

And if transports are "too micro-intensive" to be used, should they be removed?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
make transports buildable by constructors

:P there solved all the issues in this thread
+4 / -1
10 years ago
How about BOTH factories have transports? Seems fine to me i guess.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The Planes player definitely does not have a limited role in teamgames and if later on they find themselves with nothing to do they can make another factory. Transports are probably quite powerful with some coordination and Gunship players are the ones that seem to be lacking roles.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Hmmm will be a fail that, but what do we lack in this game is a multi unit transportation.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Transports might even be sleeper OP. Anyway, multi-unit air transports are definitely possible in Spring:

But does this serve any purpose? Instead of one N-slot transport you can simply get N transports. Single-slot transports are probably even superior in that they can spread out, handle ferry routes right away with full efficiency instead of waiting for full load, and so on.
+5 / -0
10 years ago
Make gunships have : Light v tank transporter, where it can carry and drop 5 tanks. Light units transporter where it can drop 10-15 glaves, bandits or other small raiding units, Heavy transporter is vindicator so no need for that. We just need something to carry these small units in big numbers
+0 / -2
10 years ago
Having a eight units transport half damaged is better than losing four single unit transports during a airdrop, that's the major advantage of multi units transport.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
well you want deep strike attack, you need to be prepared to take risks
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Transports might even be sleeper OP

Well, you can't win a battle with a fleet of Valkyries. :D

Gunship players are the ones that seem to be lacking roles

Yeah, guess so.

Well, I'm going to make an effort to use transports more, see what happens.
+0 / -0
How about we re purpose the heavy transport into a transport/light anti-heavy. Increase its cost to 2000. Give it EMP guns capable of stunning commanders, reapers,crabbes, other medium weight units(below 2000 metal). Remove the laser blasters. This emp gun would fire fast with little emp damage, taking a few seconds to stun out its target(~5ish).

It would become a unique way of dealing with these units, with the risk of being shut down by AA, but the reward of being able to chose where the reclaim lands.

As for the light transport, I propose we move it to the amphib factory. It would synergize the the slow units in it giving mobility to the factory. Also with the djin, it would make for high risk, high reward mobility play.

+0 / -0
NO, cause gnats
(for more information see Gnats)

and let me reiterate
1) transports are not OP in the least
2) transports should be moved to builder UNITS tab
3) transports are off topic, since they are utility units, and surve no specific purpose in GS lab (see point 2)
+0 / -0
1) yes
2) Agree, but might be more op then moving one to amphibian. It might destroy the metagame as we know it!
3) Yes on topic, Yes utility, Yes no Purpose, I try to give purpose.

Gnats are cheese. Heavy transport becomes gnat on cocaine+LSD. Like Reaper->Goliath. It is lategame upgrade. Nobody ever uses gnats outside of the first 3 minutes of the game.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
@ off topic
:P thought this was the gunship thread, misclick

the main thihg i use heavy transport for is dropping dante on things that anoy me.

having transport cost 2k, or have weapons, seems pointless considering that its main use is for droping dante
+0 / -0
10 years ago
But what if you could abduct dante after dropping yours?
+0 / -0
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