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Finding and reporting the problems with new engines so we can finally update

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10 years ago
The engine we use is nearly two years old. Significant improvements have been made since then (vehicle pathing etc) but we cant take advantage of them because of the problems people have with the engine versions the improvements were released in. We also lack the ability to get engine features updated/fixed on an old version of Spring.

To my knowledge the two major problems with updating to a newer engine version are ATI compatibility and performance in 10v10. If those were fixed it would be possible to use a newer engine version and take advantage of all the improvements that have been made. To do this it will be necessary to find out when the problems occur, on what hardware setups etc and see if there are any patterns to it. Engine devs may be able to find and fix the problems if detailed reports are provided about them.

It could be much harder than that. A lot of engine versions have been and gone so it might be difficult to find where the problem started, which would be very useful information for getting it fixed.

I think it will be important to be able to work with the engine devs to fix bugs found after releasing on Steam, which wont be possible on 91.0. What are others' thoughts on the matter?
+3 / -0
The engine we use is

...97.0.1-19. It is as fresh as plasma spirals.

Except for few rooms where people used !boss !setengine.


I think it will be important to be able to work with the engine devs to fix bugs found after releasing on Steam, which wont be possible on 91.0. What are others' thoughts on the matter?

Did you even look at the commit log recently? There's been huge amount of work both from ZK and from engine to stabilize things.
+1 / -0
...97.0.1-19. It is as fresh as plasma spirals.

For the record, the game is also unplayble for me on 97. Unless solution is found in some reasonable timeframe, I will push for revert.

The 10v10 room still uses 91 too.
+0 / -0
The 10v10 room still uses 91 too.

Because somebody !boss !setengined it. This is not any part of any official policy.


I'm feeling pedantic. You wrote "The engine we use", in present tense. In present tense, ZK uses 97. Diminishing possibility of future revert does not change that.

it might be difficult to find where the problem started, which would be very useful information for getting it fixed.

The first thing here would be to identify what exactly happens, only then it can be traced.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
can some one post a step by step tut to isolate problem and reporting it?

I saw so many rage and so little resource provided for bug fixing.

and I am quite lost as well trying to report bug tbh.
+1 / -0
How2bugs 101:

1) Confirm that you can repeat it reasonably well.

2) Isolate the minimum actions needed to reproduce it to best of your ability.

3) Confirm that it still occurs on /luaui disable and /luarules disable

4) If it fails any of above tests, submit it to ZK bug tracker. You can probably start using the Github tracker here since github migration is pretty close to completion (and issues made there will be reported into #zkdev immediately). Alternatively, you can use the google code tracker at risk of noone ever seeing it, or use the forum section for help and bugs.

5) If it still happens with above disabled, it's probably an engine bug. Collect full information, including replay link, replication instructions, versions of engine and game used, infolog.txt, used settings, hardware specifications, OS version, etc.

6) Check all your data with extreme rigor, and if you feel like the developers will be able to understand and reproduce the issue, submit the issue to Spring engine mantis.

Just writing "shit lags, it all lags, lags lags lags, shit shit" -- like most [troll] people do - is not just useless, but extremely counterproductive.
+9 / -0

10 years ago
We used to have a list of active tester but there is no reliable way to communicate with everyone, any suggestion?

old tester list:


old testing plan:

+0 / -0
10 years ago
does ZK have a real buglog (like bugspray or bugzilla) wherein a special logging group/session could be created in which to work? Because having to use things like etherpad is why bugzilla was created in the first place.

But on the other hand, new engine! Sweet! Anyone have an idea of what percentage of users have problems with it? Last engine was like 50% of people had problems.
+0 / -0
svn [old system] and git hub [new system] have native bug log just not as robust as bugzilla.

and remember for each extra component we need more man power to establish and maintain [we have no manpower].
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Anyone have an idea of what percentage of users have problems with it? Last engine was like 50% of people had problems.

That isn't known at the moment. 97.0 has changed a lot but it hasn't been tested in large teams since they were made. To the 10v10 players: please test the newest engine at least daily!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
will the old issues list be moved?

there is an import script(python) to migrate the issues list from googlecode to github. see https://github.com/arthur-debert/google-code-issues-migrator

is there someone who is doing this? else i would take care within the next 2-3 weeks.

+0 / -0
There are 500+ open tickets on gcode tracker.

A very large part of them are garbage.

I say, let them BURN, so that the new tickets can actually be useful.

Oh, also github notification hook for #zkdev is up and running - any issue you migrate will be penalized with a line of spam.

If you really want to save some old issues i would recommend doing it by hand and only importing useful, non-obsolete ones.

+1 / -0

10 years ago
according to the migrator script, each issue will generate github watcher notification email anyway. spam it will be, so spam it is. so you dont say let there be spam? can i get some other dev's opinion too?
+0 / -0
You can set up your mail client that you dont get notified when new email of this github specific mail arrives if you get spammed too much. + Automove to specific folder "zero-k issues" so you read them when you actually want.

At least Icedove a.k.a Thunderbid can do that.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The performance issues some people experience don't seem to be based on how powerful your computer is. I can play in a 6v6 without too much lag but people with much more powerful computers lag out. In the game I linked all but one of the enemy team dropped or quit because of the performance (the last one with ~1400 elo then steamrolled us, it was a funny game). Maybe it is something to do with specific hardware setups?
+3 / -0
10 years ago
^this. people with better computers than I are lagging horribly while I don't even notice a difference between 91 and 97, there must be some sort of hardware/software/graphics driver version or settings that is making them lag out or making me not be affected. We should make them test with safe mode/no springsettings.cfg if they haven't already, maybe get a list of hardware and driver versions...
+2 / -0

10 years ago
I played one game yesterday http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/267744
It wasn't lagging until I started to build puppies. The number of them changed several times between nearly zero and 100+. I don't know what happend at other points of the map, but I cpould see that I started to lag every time the number of puppies started to get over ~50 and I cached up, when they were destroyed.

One more remark. I have a Radeon HD7500 and I had to switch to the newest driver to run the 97 engine.
+0 / -0
10 years ago

That isn't known at the moment. 97.0 has changed a lot but it hasn't been tested in large teams since they were made. To the 10v10 players: please test the newest engine at least daily!

Someone reverted the teams room to 91. This is the problem, noone wants to actually test the new engine it seems.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
USrankyanom its more like people want to play not lag...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Ok I can tell you from first hand experience. I just tried to switch engine on teams rooms. Of course, ONLY the usual suspect (and clan-affiliated buffoon) complained at the idea (I don't mention his name, like Voldemor, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"). Other players did not seem to care at all. Just lock the engine on 97 for teams room and we will be able to finally test it!
Added bonus: the above-mentioned suspect may abstain from playing.

+1 / -1
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