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Steam Wallet Cards

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hey guys click this link and share it and yours with your friends to get free Steam Wallet Cards *Deleted link. It's a scam, let's not get it more marks than necessary -Shadowfury333*
+0 / -10
I subbed to your channel, can you sub me back?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Whoa. That snowball system. 20 doesn't look like a lot, but that's some extreme exponential growth...
+0 / -0
These are usually scams. If you want to test it for yourself, just get some proxies and voila. Usually what these people will do is when you hit the x amount of clicks you need you'll need to fill out a survey and/or complete some offers such as completing ANOTHER survey or purchasing garbage from some affiliate. They then will likely sell this information while you are left with nothing.

I honestly do not think you should be posting links to these types of sites here - scam or no scam - on the forums. I'm not sure how the administration feels on this but I'm 90% confident that this is a scam. Preferably this topic should be treated as spam and incinerated.

Edit: http://videogamesuncovered.com/steam-card-scam-is-too-good-to-be-true
Edit 2:
A general piece of advise for you USrankowlmage :
If its too good to be true, IT IS.
Ask the following:
Why would they give away a free __ ?
How do they finance this?
What are their objectives?
Is this a company I've heard of before?
Can I trust these people?

If you cannot answer any of these logically, it is 90% chance a scam.
+0 / -0
Right at the bottom of that page it says:
"© 2014 steam-cards.com All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
This website is not affiliated in any way with Valve Corporation or any of their partners. Steam is registred trademark of Valve Corporation.
This website and its services comes with absolutely no warranty."
+0 / -0
Right then Spongiee.

+0 / -0
10 years ago
Confirmed for fun & public information:

With a little JavaScript, I "borrowed" owlmage's "unique link", and tried claiming his $20 card (apologies owlmage, for your own good!)

And yes, it's a survey-farm! I don't see any juicy warez though (e.g. not GOZ), which is what I was looking for... (probably for the best).

This, on the other hand, is totally legit.
No, wait...
+1 / -0