I created a batch file that runs rapid then launches springlobby
@REM The Following line needs to be set to the directory path of "springlobby.exe"; without the trailing "\".
@SET SPRINGDIR=C:\SpringRTS\spring-
@REM the lobby to use
@SET Lobby=%SPRINGDIR%\springlobby.exe
::@SET Lobby=%SPRINGDIR%\TASClient.exe
@REM The following is a list of the game mods for Spring using the rapid updater
@REM ba:latest zk:stable zk:test ba:version:7.20 evo:stable evo:test sa:latest nota:latest gundam:latest ct:stable ct:test this:test thecursed:latest xta:latest s44:latest ea:latest
@REM Comment the following line after first run
::START "pinning Zero-K stable, test" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" pin zk:test zk:stable
@REM The following line updates pinned items
START "Upgrading Pinned items" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" upgrade
::START "performing clean-up" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" uninstall-unpinned
@REM the following two lines will update pinned items and remove files that are no longer needed (The two lines above should be commented out)
::START "Upgrading Pinned items" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" clean-upgrade
::START "performing clean-up" /WAIT /HIGH /MAX /D"%SPRINGDIR%" "rapid\rapid.exe" collect-pool
@START "Starting Lobby" "%Lobby%"