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Back to the Future: Zero-K v1.2.6.0 with Spring 97.0

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10 years ago
Hop in the DeLorean, we're going 88 mph with no looking back! 1.21 gigawatts, baby!


Rocket speed reduced by 5%

Gauss guns can now pierce water. This is to make Scrubber (now Dagger) useful in the sea. As a side effect the Gauss Turret is another form of anti-sub and wading Detriments no longer fear submarines.

Scrubber has been renamed to Dagger (to reduce the prevalence of Sc- names).

Gauss Turret can now shoot at aircraft.

Replaced Gauss Gun with a dual Glaive Gun.

Commander Gauss has been removed. Shock Rifle now converts from Light Particle Beam.

Duck, Scallop, Scalpel, Crusader (depthcharge), Hunter, Snake and Serpent no longer lead their target. This makes them better at shooting targets near their maximum range.

Health 240 -> 340
Range 240 -> 250
Added unit AI.

Health 1000 -> 900
Range 600 -> 520

Significantly increased the performance of the unit selection window.
Minor Unit AI optimization.
Minor Shield Link optimization.
Fixed Initial Queue crash.
Added a modoption to force Commander Junior.
Solars can no longer be forced open.
Reduced Hawk firing sound.
+9 / -0
Someone should update http://springrts.com/ news if 97.0 already out...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
They said they will release 98.0 as the "stable" version when a few more critical bugs get fixed (including anything that very likely gets discovered today and tomorrow).
+0 / -0
10 years ago
WOW! It was sooooooooooo unexpected.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Replaced Gauss Gun with a dual Glaive Gun.

this is bs. what makes funnel and other drone carriers op are drones, not their main weapon. this change only makes a single funnel worse and doesnt change much about funnel spam. nerf drones instead, they deserve it.
+2 / -0
Why are u removing gauss gun from commander? You want to keep comm useless in water?

Giving back torpedo and keeping the gauss will make comms less "take this or die" in t0eh water, rather than make 60BP supp com, or dont use com at all, which is now.
+2 / -1

10 years ago
Thx for da work!!
+4 / -0
10 years ago
no longer lead their target. This makes them better at shooting targets near their maximum range.
Health 240 -> 340
Range 240 -> 250
Added unit AI.

Let the Duck spam begin! Honk honk!
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Yeah... I dont really see the point in removing commander weapon choice. It would have been nice if gauss was buffed up to beam laser/LPB strength instead.

Also bug report: Enemies can see your initial build que.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
noone uses comms any more... i dont see the issue with com weapon change
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Scrubber(Dagger) now can kill duck and not get hit back (or did them change torp to hit hover now too? ), so maybe that the reason for the bluff, but i can not play so no way for me to test it...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
this is bs. what makes funnel and other drone carriers op are drones, not their main weapon.

Quant's rule.

I dont really see the point in removing commander weapon choice. It would have been nice if gauss was buffed up to beam laser/LPB strength instead.

Gauss guns can now hit underwater targets, so the reason for removal is the same as torp's and sonic gun's.

(or did them change torp to hit hover now too? )

+4 / -0
So now commanders cannot shoot anything when under water?
Also I cannot see selection circles on 97.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
the internet doesnt know Quant's rule and neither do i : /
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Also I cannot see selection circles on 97

There's some engine bug causing that (and I don't know any workaround, and apparently the people working on BAR's selection widget have the same problem). From what I can tell UnitShapes default to off for the moment, though Blurry Halo Selections work fine, if a bit slower.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Gauss guns can now hit underwater targets, so the reason for removal is the same as torp's and sonic gun's.

But I still dont understand why coms are prevented from hitting underwater things. I know that torp gun was removed due to lack of chioce (only weapon for water was a torp launcher) but now when u have 2 guns to chose from, it doesnt make sense at all.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I thought springee will use 97 now... Or it was immediately reverted as usual?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It's not "lack of choice" it's "unlock to win".

Dunno, maybe junior could be given gauss, then your argument would make sense.
+2 / -0
Siege coms are no longer able to use shock rifles because they cant use light particle beams. i assume this is an unintentional sideeffect? will this be fixed?
+6 / -0
10 years ago
Gauss was worst weapon of all. Its good that it was removed. The only time when I would pick gauss is when I want to wanted to morph to sniper com.
+0 / -0
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