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The problem is the resigns

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10 years ago
I do like this game and have not played many but i do think the problem with the longevity is the resings. My team is a lot of the time comprised of spineless individuals who have not the will to fight the enemy.
when we can still win they throw the towel into the ring and lay down exposing their behind to take a good battering from enemy ram.
If we had behaved like this in world war two, we would all now be speaking German.
I propose to fix the problem that is should not be so easy to resigne.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Lots of love Steff xxx
+0 / -0
The thing is, this is not real war. People are playing this game for fun, and if all they see coming up is waiting 5 more minutes for the enemy to finally clear the base, they just resign instead to play another match soon.

Yes, people occasionally resign too early when they still have chances of winning. However, nothing prevents you from keeping up the battle if you still think you can win, the remaining players can take over the idle units.

Would you have any proposal for how to make it "not so easy to resign"?
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Um, u are new player, so u proapbly jsut cant recognize as clearly as pros , when the game is lost.
+0 / -0
Yeah, that too, to a certain extent. When the enemy has twice the map under his control (note that this is just about 16% more than half) then he also has about twice the resource income and will easily be able to run you over soon. Unless you have an ace up your sleeve (like a nuke or a big strider), there is not a lot you can do to come back from that.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
It's not over until it's over! I often see people calling resign votes while there is still a chance for a comeback and it can be annoying. Resigning when winning is highly unlikely is understandable, but resigning when the enemy has 65% of the map is silly.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Then this is a problem with the game balance. There should be more room for players to come back, it makes it interesting and dynamic. A game where the scales tip too easily is dull and predictable.
+0 / -0
> I propose to fix the problem that is should not be so easy to resigne.

Perhaps a captcha system, you could only resign if you're able to answer difficult math questions?

"You appear to have pressed the resign button. In order to proceed, please calculate the cube root of 185 to 3 decimal places: ______"

In all seriousness, I think the current system is pretty darn good.

I've been in games before where someone will flag an early resign vote, but I don't agree so I vote "no". And then we've gone on to win!

Perhaps it's a bigger issue in smaller team games, but if the majority of your team is willing to resign, I think it's safe to say you've lost. You loser, you.

Aside: "we would all now be speaking German" Er... is German not an official recognized language in your country?"
+0 / -0
10 years ago
i have to agree with steffano, there really are a good number of people who will resign at the first opportunity, and most of us know who those people are.

its just as big of a problem as people not resigning at all, tho the people im talking about dont have the excuse of beeing noobs, they just seem to have very low frustration tolerance and will not accept loosing their com or other precious thing even when the game is far from over. and they know, they just dont want to play when things arent going exactly their way.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
See Resigning sucks.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Ah yes, good points already made a few weeks ago.

Agree with you Skasi, playersInTeam/2 + 1 feels too low.
+1 / -0
Yes resigning sucks, but devs think it is alright. Thats one of the reasons why I dont play seriously anymore.

First I really hate takes of other people armies and units. Higher elo -> more takes and with this preemptive resigning elo is your enemy.
Second if I play seriously I wanna win (hate losing) and I cant stand people who resign too soon and so on -> dont play seriously -> no big deal in losing.

PS terraform avatar lol.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
there's been battles where the team resigned when they were winning. they had a lot of ground, good eco, and were pumping out untis to finish off the enemy. lol
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I really hate takes of other people armies and units

I wanna win (hate losing)

"oh noes, I hate it when I receive free units that can help me win!"

a problem with the game balance. There should be more room for players to come back

Comebacks are possible already provided that you pull off something amazing; if the enemy has twice the map control, they already deserve the victory - and for all intents and purposes, have already won: if you couldn't manage to do anything when you had equal territory, then neither will you when they have twice.

My team is a lot of the time comprised of spineless individuals who have not the will to fight the enemy.

Don't want a single 'spineless' person on your team? Play 1v1.
Or find a clan of other 'brave' people who will all fight to the last solar.

It's not over until it's over!

Yeah, your units will totally roflpwn 5 times their metal worth of opposition!

If we had behaved like this in world war two, we would all now be speaking German.

That'd be lovely! Polish is a hard language with many annoying caveats!
+4 / -1
10 years ago
My theory is, team games in ZK suffer from snowballing, and precise teamwork required for comebacks is very difficult in team games. That's why it is a one-sided victory so often.
+0 / -0
Hell to not able to comeback. this game allow for more comeback than any other PvP RTS games that I ever played.

Team Resign is a good mechanic allowing people to end game without having to wait for the rookies that make mountain of defense especially when the enemies is dragging the game out intentionally.

the way I see it allowing team resign is fine but the threshold may be too low, increase threshold to 70% or 90% would make it harder to team resign.

Edit resign to team resign.
+0 / -0
No, it wouldn't make it harder to resign. It would make it harder to team resign. You can individually resign at any time you want. If players/2+1 people do so (in a position where a loss appears imminent), I don't see the remaining players pulling off a victory. I mean, do what you want and increase the threshold, but I doubt it will make much of a difference.

And yeah, comebacks are possible and somewhat common, making for interesting games. Yes, teams occasionally resign at the wrong point (although this can have to do with mindgaming the opponent, you can easily fake map control). However, as long as individuals are free to leave at any point, it's not like you can alleviate this issue by simply raising some voting threshold.

Don't be fooled, I've also had 2v2 games where we were clearly winning (as in, no enemy facs left) and my partner lost his com and resigned and I couldn't deal with the required micro to win. Yes, it sucks. But this just shows that it's a thing about your team mates, not about the resign mechanics.
+0 / -0
The problem is that most people already resign when victory is unlikely instead of unrealistic or nearly impossible. Good players resign early, because they know when it's unlikely to win. Very good players resign late, because they know that resigning early reduces win ratio (and thus also elo).

The system is not bad except higher threshold would be better. There is also the possibility of ressource based thresholds, but one has to be carefull with such ideas (varying number of required voteresigners from teamplayers/2+1 to teamplayers depending on team's total mass ratio?).

Edit resign to team resign.
There should be an option to leave the game at any time and giving units to allies is better than not playing seriously. The resulting elo falsification could - if at all - be solved by weighting elo wins/losses of a game by the ratio of time played in it. However there is a certain requirement of decency for every player to their team to finish a game properly until successfull voteresign, which is ok to infringe in seroious exceptions. Maybe there should be a UI change that emphasizes resign as standard action in 1v1 and voteresign in teams (and maybe exit in 1vAI).

Hell to not able to comeback. this game allow for more comeback than any other PvP RTS games that I ever played.
The only PvP RTS with better comeback potential that I know is SupCom (in teams, not in 1v1). And I know a lot.

So it is mostly a problem of player behaviour instead of the system itself. But note that player behaviour is also influenced by more subtle aspects of the system (-> GUI?) that could be improved with regarding to that..
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Definitely agree that many people resign too early. Typical case is there is a big battle, both teams basically kill off each others army, one team decides that they're about to be steam-rolled and capitulates without loosing any effective territory. Other team wonders how they won.

The last game like this (can't find replay) the resigning team was sitting on ~20 Ravens that would've easily swung the battle back if they'd bothered to wait for 15 seconds and try.

Problem is I think the current resign logic is about as good as it gets. You can't force people to play, but ffs make sure you're actually going to lose before resigning. :/
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Morale damage is a thing. =)
+2 / -0
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