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Training mission for teams room

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10 years ago
The most harmful thing to the ZK playerbase is the veteran raging/nubs not listening problem. Debate as to whose fault it is is non-productive. We need a practical solution. A single tutorial mission that corrects the balance-breaking newbie faults in the Teams setting. For me and Sortale, this is:

-Expand, raid, don't porc, don't suicide

Why? So there is a single step that can be either suggested or required of new players to screen out balance-breaking newbie behaviour. The objective is not to train experts, or teach everything, but simply create a single point that removes the mistakes that destroy the chance of a team winning entirely.

Sortale and I have constructed a mission that aims to do this
(it has been polished a bit more now)

Not everyone will like it, and armchair criticism is easy, but ZK urgently needs this so that it doesn't hemorrhage players for no good reason.

Sortale and I request that the Devs give other players four weeks to actually build a mission that is better, and then choose the best actual-real-existing-mission as the official prerequisite mission for the Teams room.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
i support your efforts, but

+4 / -0
10 years ago
I really don't like the idea of adding requirements to play in teams. The problem with veterans raging at noobs would easily be solved if the veterans used Platinum.
+7 / -1
10 years ago
Yup, can't make it a requirement. It's nice as s suggestion though. If people think the mission is good enough, then it could be made official. That doesn't mean it can't be upgraded or replaced with a completely new mission one day.

The problem with veterans raging at noobs would easily be solved if the veterans used Platinum.

That requires visible elo.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
LOL mojjj.

We accept the mission will need to be a "strong suggestion" for the time being, rather than any sort of requirement. Perhaps once official the next step will be more obvious.

visible elo / veterans used Platinum

I support these suggestions too. They are not mutually exclusive with a team training mission. So, I still challenge others to build a better mission or support this one for official :)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
How long has elo been hidden?

Are there any lessons learned since then?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I fully support the idea of a tutorial mission (or a series of them covering different things) but making it a requirement to play in teams could discourage a lot of people - especially if they have previous RTS experience - and new players are vital to keeping ZK alive. What I don't understand is why you would make it compulsory. If it is about minimizing the amount of veteran vs noob rage would it not be more effective to encourage people to use Platinum if they don't like mixed-skill games?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Other-RTS veterans might prefer to not suck and could want to play the tutorial or singleplayer not to shame themselves.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
That doesn't mean you have to force them to do that, though.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Other RTS veterans might beat you into mash a week after first playing. *cough andy cough*
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Andy doesn't count, he's a defrosted spring vet.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I hear there will be good/fun tutorials and a campaign when zk is on steam.
If this is correct i think enough of these should be required before joining MP games.
+0 / -0
I hear there will be good/fun tutorials and a campaign when zk is on steam.

for me tutorials are generally very boring, especially if i came to the game for PVP play

unless ZK want to advertise it as a PVE game, tutorials should be strictly optional
(with maybe some minor bonuses such as a commander skin attached to it)

the only tutorial to date that i have enjoyed is the one in Gem Craft, that tutorial does not interfere with play at all and is thoroughly fun:
how to gemcraft tutorial:

if(OnFirstPlay) {
highlight(find.mex(300elmo, all));
markertext(build mex on these spots to produce metal, player.commander);
select(commander, econ build menu);
highlight("metal extractor");
return; };
+2 / -0

10 years ago
I have no doubt that new people will find the training missions they are looking for if they chose to do so.

One thing I'd like to point out is how such a "first mission" will also likely set the first impression of the game. You'd want to make sure that tone, content and eyecandy are carefully and consciously chosen.
+4 / -0
ill just throw this in here:

... this is why i think we need a welcome screen that directly links to the basic manual and tutorial missions and maybe the newbies only room. this might direct newbies to the places they should be in their first 2 hours of zk.

dont know about the use of force but having all the links and some very basic info right in peoples face when they start the lobby for the first time and having the games we dont want them to be in not readily accessible might just do the trick.
+1 / -0
dont know about the use of force but having all the links and some very basic info right in peoples face when they start the lobby for the first time (...) might just do the trick.

Like this? I've decided to clean up the profile display a bit while creating this screenshot, 'cause by default it looks cluttered and misaligned.

The links take players to a tutorial page, the 1v1 room and the newbie-team room respectively. This could be displayed for players until they reach level 10 or 1500 elo or whatever. There can be more or different links.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
i like it, tho i imagined a more in your face kind of thing, like an extra window in the center of the screen.
+1 / -0
I've had a chance to look at Spring's primary competitor in "open source rts engine" department, and they come with a game that has a main menu.

You know what's an ingame main menu? It's a thing that you can't get lost in.

So that's where i started thinking: shouldn't the lobby start screen look like an ingame main menu?

Imagine the above screenshot, but in your mind replace men with glaives and women with conjurers.
+5 / -0
10 years ago
All that would be needed would be for the lobby to automatically fullscreen and look more relevant to the game (shiny buttons!).
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Gosh how I hate fullscreen stuff. Now that I used ZKL for a few years I don't wanna go back. There was nothing good about it. :(

DErankKlon, of course that could also go above the profile.

To make it more in-your-face and simpler for new players we could remove all this completely obsolete information like banner, first/last login, faction and trophies. Once unlocks are removed completely we can also hide levels and the unlock link. Tada, suddenly the lobby starting screen can be used for important things like getting new people to learn and play the game.
+4 / -0
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