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Text image caused by explosions

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10 years ago
The problem I am seeing is that whenever an explosion or EMP occurs at a particular location on the map, a block of characters (including the alphabet) appears at that location. The size of the block is proportional to the size of the explosion that occurred.

The image at the link below shows the moment that this problem started. A large number of ticks were exploding in the same place at the same time. The effect occurred and it has been occurring ever since.

Unfortunately I haven't documented very well, so I can't remember if the image that appears subsequently fades over time. Later I will check to see if I can see the effect in a replay.

Also, I copied the following text from the ZeroKLobbyErrors files after the problem occurred:
5/9/2014 4:58 PM
System.ArgumentNullException: Array cannot be null.
Parameter name: bytes
at System.Text.Encoding.GetString(Byte[] bytes)
at ZeroKLobby.EngineConfigurator.ReadResourceString(String uri)

5/9/2014 4:58 PM
System.ArgumentNullException: Array cannot be null.
Parameter name: bytes
at System.Text.Encoding.GetString(Byte[] bytes)
at ZeroKLobby.EngineConfigurator.ReadResourceString(String uri)

5/9/2014 4:58 PM
System.ArgumentNullException: Array cannot be null.
Parameter name: bytes
at System.Text.Encoding.GetString(Byte[] bytes)
at ZeroKLobby.EngineConfigurator.ReadResourceString(String uri)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I think MYrankxponen has encountered this problem once, I remember seeing it on the forums.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Yep, was on the forum before. It has something to do with missing textures, but I really can't remember the correct fix...
+0 / -0
10 years ago
xponen said that it wasn't him but that he remembered this problem cropping up a very long time ago. Taking his advice, I'll probably just purge my system of Zero-K files and reload them. I'll also try updating my graphics card driver if that is possible (per xponen's recommendation). I didn't have this problem initially, so I think it's a good bet that starting fresh will make it go away. I guess more than anything I'm just curious about what the heck could be causing that to happen.

Thanks for all the advice!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
USrankhixidom, I had the same bug when i used INtel R Hd graphics card to my old laptop. You need to remove the thing that creates that black thing from the roaches, ticks and commander explosion. Dont remember how it is called.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
"ground decals"
+2 / -0
10 years ago
No wonders, bombing was so intense even games UI was damaged.

I blame the economic recession and cut off funds from the Lua UI department. Obvious solution would be to stop saving expenses where you cant and use better materials when building UI, which could withstand even few nukes at the same spot. Donations to the UI department would help greatly.
+0 / -0