quote: What exactly is wrong with 91? |
Newer engine versions generally have "more stuff and fixes." But it is imo only partly about if game needs this stuff.
It is also about spring as organism in general.
Example quote from from
http://springrts.com/mantis/view.php?id=4384quote: sorry, i refuse to investigate crashes in such an old engine version as its very likely fixed in the current version. [...] also the current stacktrace translate doesn't work for this old version, so it would require doing this manual -> a lot of work. |
So it seems engine devs are unable/unwilling to investigate crashes in old engine versions.
Everything in spring organism is kind of connected with each other: Games copy stuff from each other, players provide bugreports on game or engine etc. So it goes and grows.
If a gameproject removes itself from this feedback looping then it weakens whole organism. And thus, after some time, also the gameproject itself.
quote: Perhaps a link and concise instructions with a bold "There be dragons ahead" warning in the description could still bring enough brave newbie souls to find the weak spots to fix before official release? |
Better yet, put this on download page:

(make better grahic, maybe)
Think such videos would provide really good ideas about what needs to improve, where players struggle, what they try to do first and so on.
Is done in any software/product testing.
Nowadays recording video is common. Many players stream to twitch.tv when playing games etc, so it at least has a chance for sucess?