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OP Puppy?

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Puppt might not be considered as OP when u look at its stats. It is actualy quite well balanced. The problem starts when, in longer games, there is a huge metal lwasteland lying on no-man land. Then, 1st who starts spaming puppies win.

Puppies multiply and tahts their bigger problem. If u make 5 puppies, and put it near enough metal, after 20 seconds u would get 160 puppies as an output. And you need no cons to reclai nor BP to build. Impresive isnt it?

5 ---4s--> 10 ---4s--> 20 ---4s--> 40 ---4s--> 80 ---4s--> 160

2ndly there is no way other than Detri to stop such a huge swarm. Even roaches fail hard usualy, as pupies take no DMG when they are airbone. So when roach is coming puppies jump to kill it, then roach explodes and barerly deal any damage.

Sollution? - I'd suggest dividing puppies reclaim power by 2, and making them reclaim metal, not multiply themselves.

Why? - Now eating such a wasteland is getting faster and faster as more puppies appear. If they reclaimed metal, not multiplied, player would have to spend more metal on BP (nanos) to make more puppies faster, and ofc it would took mroe time to bring new ones into the wasteland.

But such a metal can be spent into i.e. a Detri - yes, thats why I suggested decreasing dividing reclaim BP by 2.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
I fully agree that decreasing reclaim BP will fix this problem.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
i thin puppy has a feature for this game that you dont see in anny game. Why change it? I consider it epic and it costs 60 metal to built. Its enemy's fault that he doesnt reclaim and let puppies reclaim his field.
+4 / -0
10 years ago
Agree with buildpower decrease.

Lack of counters is not entirely true though:
Felon (especially with late-game shieldball)
Stardust (especially if elevated)
Firewalkers (especially at chokepoints or just spewed on the highest density wrecks. can't reclaim if you can't get to it.)
Wolverines up to a point
Slashers kind of, though late-game might have too many craters to really have that work
OPlaw but not very well
Kodachi, but only against massive swarms
Avenger can troll them a litte bit
redback line, maybe
fleas (on account of costing less than a puppy. puppies should reclaim at .5 efficiency through grey goo iirc, making fleas even more cost-effective)
Archers, scallops
Halberd should be able to tank puppies for cost

DDM if it gets very dire.
Hardest lab to counter with is gunships, i think. Brawler might be able to, but not very well.

+0 / -0
(cloaked) com with drohnes! proof: Multiplayer B258359 20 on Fields_Of_Isis
+0 / -0
10 years ago

Reclaiming with cons is WAY harder than with puppies imo, and making the game into a "who gets more puppies out of wreckages faster" race is very bad.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
...keep in mind that trading for cost against puppies is harder than it sounds. 40% of your investment will be converted to puppies if it dies (and leaves a wreck).
+2 / -0
10 years ago
On the other hand, when puppies attack you lose many of them even if the enemy doesn't fire shot. Puppies disadvantage is in its suicide, so I think a damage nerf of 10% would make more sense than change to the fun grey goo part.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It's interesting to see puppy become OP just because of changes to the other jumpfac units which just makes the factory more common and makes people remember puppies are a thing.

Puppies should possibly goo slower, though I always felt that would be the tradeoff for them gooing at 100% efficiency rather than a flat nerf. I would not want to see them lose their special power and become reclaim-only cons, that's lame.

Frankly I think if this is truly a problem in big team games it's from players sucking and not adequately contesting wreck fields. You can't just throw away units, and you need to make cons as part of your regular build queue to start eating those wrecks.

As for counters, anything with HP will waste puppies unless they're on holdfire. Halberd, Razors kisses, crabe, etc.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
They goo fine IMO, it's a nice mechanic and helps make the endgame more intense.

As a counter Tremor/Catapult work OK if you target them while gooing... assuming you already have them around of course.

What is counter to Det followed by Puppies? That is a truly terrifying thing.
+0 / -0
Imho, the puppy BP is the reason teh unit rides the OP/UP rollercoaster. They have an obscenely high BP/cost ratio, especially since they're both building and reclaiming at once. This high power is also why their combat-effectiveness-per-cost is kept low, because you can easily build a swarm of them with a good wreck-field. When you build a puppy, they seem UP. When you get near-infinite puppies out of a 10,000 metal front-line wreck-field in a blink of an eye, they seem OP.

I'd like to see it buffed as a combat unit and nerfed as a reclaimer.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Rollercoaster? Puppy has been barely changed and they are not all that common.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I guess they've been pretty stable since they lost the ability to eat map-features. It just felt like before then that people were constantly complaining they were OP/UP. Now it seems that everyone settled on UP, this is the first time in a while that somebody complained about them being too powerful.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I don't feel puppies are OP, they are useful in some situations, for instance when there is a contested reclaim field. But puppies can easily be countered by any riot, any unit with high HP/cost or shot wasters like wolverines, drones, nanoframes or fleas. The bad part about turning wreckage into puppies is the lower efficiency (iirc you get only 60% of the metal for puppies) and you can't choose what to do with the metal (you can't reclaim it anymore to make funnelwebs).

I think the problem is just that people easily forget to reclaim and how to counter puppies.
+4 / -0
puppy goo looses 50% of the metal it picks up...

this is an old ninja change that i dont belive EVER got removed from them
(its also not listed in the unit description, so really evil ninja change)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
GBrankKyubey - I think it's actually 33%, not 50%. A fac-made puppy costs 50M50E, a Goo-made puppy costs 75M0E.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
really, i thought a goo puppy cost 100m, but maybe it has been changed...
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Now where rest of that metal goes...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
puppy is only a problem in massive neebfests really
+0 / -0

10 years ago

I checked the gadget a few weeks ago and it said 75m.

Now, if you wanted to reclaim live puppies after they ate a wreck-field, the additional inefficiency of reclaiming a live unit means your final efficiency is something like 44%. That might be what you were thinking of.
+0 / -0
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