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being kicked

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Just got kicked from a battler vote started by Hower, complete total viscious nonsense. It makes people think there is a good reason. Got banned a couple of weeks ago by sfire/report/whatever man aswell.. Im not too bothered by the actual events, but I would like it if someone who is not completely mad would say "oh sorry, yes, that was completely unecessary and wrong"

the kick vote from hower should be bannable imo

+0 / -0
10 years ago
What battle was this in? Malicious kick votes can get your vote rights removed.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0
last game, naroonha got kicked after accidentally burying forevers com into a not very deep hole. i agree with naroonha that its NOT fair to kick anyone for this, altho i wonder what the whole point is about putting repair pads in holes either.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
That was not a very fair kick. naroonha was terraforming that land well before forever's comm wandered onto it, the nanoframes were visible on the ground, and he was spraying his nanites everywhere (or nanite beam, for low graphics). If forever had been paying attention he would have seen it coming for like 20 seconds.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The hole was rather large and obvious, Forever should have been paying more attention to his com. About 10 seconds after Forever noticed that his com was in a ditch Hower !votekicked Naroonha. Forever, who was the "victim" of Naroonha's ditch voted !n to this kick vote, along with most of North Team but it still passed (with a lot of help from South Team). I do not think this kick vote was warranted as the com getting stuck in a ditch was clearly accidental.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Ban he!
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Yeah, so the point is that the people that kicked just think that its fair and that something haenous has happened, and the result will be that NaroonHa will be considered some kind of baddie, regardless of what happens now. That is why this kind of thing must be strongly discouraged imo.

Im really trying to play the bloody game

-- Im not telling you why I put them in holes :)
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Hole is bad idea. Make them to spires!
+0 / -0
Hole -> AA has no direct line of fire. Would be my guess.

But afaict, "yes, that [kick] was completely unecessary and wrong". There you have it.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Why anybody would put air stuff to holes..,
+0 / -0
Yup, people kick much too often. Reasons are hardly ever given or valid.

On !votekick, auto-pause the game, give a 10 second timer before people can actually vote. This way there's time to ask for and give explanations on the situation.

To quote random lulz: "War is anticommunication! Honk!"
+1 / -0
Ban me. For at least 5 years. Cuz I started kick poll against some1 who was making giant hole in the ground.

BTW, why did u even make air pad? Were you air player? No, u werent cuz I was. I know this isnt the point of the thread, but for the future dont make eitehr holes, nor air pads if ure not air player. Do you realize taht u treid to place airpad in teh middle of Ravaged map? If u did it, I'd lose like 10 thausands of planes. Even if AA cant hit them directly while rearming/repairing, they will get under teh enemy fire right after start, becasue they are reparing on teh middle of teh small map. So please, think t hirce before u do anything. And dont make airpads unless air player asks you to. Oh, and ATM u treid to do this I had no bombers. I barerly had any planes becasue it was 1st 3 minutes of teh game. So well... you know.

On !votekick, auto-pause the game, give a 10 second timer before people can actually vote. This way there's time to ask for and give explanations on the situation.

Just tested.. lol it is working. Didnt even know.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
You should talk before even trying to kick. Kicking is the last resort for disruptive players who cannot be talked to.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
The fact is the first thing I did was grab my commander to build a ramp. I literally didnt have time before the kickvote started. You have no right whatsoever to demand how I play spring, Ive supported many many air players who have thanked me at the end of the match. That doesnt make me right or you wrong. What you did was nasty and childish, and you should just say sorry, and not do it again.
+4 / -0
i have reported player Hower mutiple times for harrasment but he just sucks up to the admins and now the admin mojjj chatbanned me and let hower free....

He has been harrassing people verbally all day
what is this BS
+0 / -1
10 years ago
Being at same clan whit sfireman will do that what we see on @Hower!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The best way to deal with @hower is to make it like he does not even exist. If enough people do it, he will cease to exist and fade from this reality.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The fact is the first thing I did was grab my commander to build a ramp. I literally didnt have time before the kickvote started. You have no right whatsoever to demand how I play spring

If the first thing a football player does at the kickoff is fall to his knees and start digging a hole in the grass with his hands, he might expect to be kickvoted too. People have no right to demand how you play spring, but if you fail to play a competitive teamgame as part of team then you might expect people to demand you play somewhere else with someone else so you do not damage their experience.
+1 / -2
10 years ago
If the first thing a football player does at the kickoff is fall to his knees and start digging a hole in the grass with his hands, he might expect to be kickvoted too. People have no right to demand how you play spring, but if you fail to play a competitive teamgame as part of team then you might expect people to demand you play somewhere else with someone else so you do not damage their experience.

This happened in Springiee, which isn't used for competitive play. "ALL WELCOME" means that people digging ditches in the map for repair pads are welcome too IMO.
+4 / -0
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