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Top scores

Earn points by killing mexes and bosses, and for completing rounds.
Try not to take too long or lose your units!
1. DErankPieger 13966 in 27m 41s (rev. 41)
2. SErank[Er0]Godde 13867 in 24m 50s (rev. 10)
3. DErankmodschi 13769 in 46m 26s (rev. 57)
4. RUrankZerelau 13588 in 33m 8s (rev. 51)
5. ROrankRinne#old#332466 13383 in 24m 47s (rev. 41)
6. MYrankAdminHistidine 13358 in 20m 18s (rev. 8)
7. EErank[ISP]Lauri 12875 in 39m 42s (rev. 5)
8. ILranknimor 12574 in 1h 39m 39s (rev. 13)
9. DErankSinoe 11914 in 1h 5m 20s (rev. 57)
10. ITrankOldGhostStalker 11887 in 37m 47s (rev. 16)
11. DErankBrackman 11540 in 37m 21s (rev. 48)
12. DErankManu12 10006 in 40m 50s (rev. 15)
13. AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 8099 in 25m 56s (rev. 2)
14. DErankKlon 7510 in 32m 25s (rev. 2)
15. PLrankAdminSprung 6741 in 16m 41s (rev. 2)
16. UArankdahn 5303 in 1h 8m 43s (rev. 101)
17. AUrankAdminAquanim 4653 in 15m 12s (rev. 14)
18. FIrankFFC 4346 in 15m 19s (rev. 14)
19. BErankFlipstip 3810 in 24m 17s (rev. 104)
20. ROrankIknowyoureadthis 3657 in 13m 54s (rev. 22)

Super Extreme Kodachi Rally

By MYrankAdminHistidine
Kite, burn and race across Comet Catcher in this challenging arena!

Players: 1
Map: Comet Catcher Redux v2
Game:Zero-K $VERSION
Created:10 years ago
Changed: 7 years ago (revision 131)
Played: 576 times
Rated: 21 times
Rating: Your vote:
Difficulty: Your vote:

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Page of 4 (66 records)

Gah, koda trying to take shortcuts through ditches and then getting stuck there when you were so close to finishing a level. Man.
+0 / -0
Very interesting !

It becomes complicated when scortchers get in. This is for sure something I'll try to beat a lot !

How many levels are in this mission ?
+0 / -0
Kodachi was never a good name.

getting stuck

Wait for Spring 96+.

I noticed a defender range widget bug. After the first round it failed to display attack range of a few DDMs, I think the ones that were not newly created.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Fun mission.
+0 / -0
I wasn't made for this :'(
Edit: I'm getting better :)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Can missions be forced to use specific engine versions?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Wow, Lauri is just... next level. Just wow.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Eww, even GBrankPRO_rANDY died on round 3 or so. Maybe I should move the Scorchers to round 5.

How many levels are in this mission ?

6 normal rounds, one miniboss round, one boss round

Can missions be forced to use specific engine versions?

Not that I know of, unfortunately. (Maybe I should make it so!)

Protip: Set target lets you shoot ground behind you without stopping (you have to be good at gauging the range and such however).
+0 / -0
Pff Lauri probably plays with pause and 1% speed!

Oh btw KR, you should auto-pause the game after every round to let players get an idea of where the different mexes are and minibosses should be explained, 'cause I ended up scouting for mexes, thinking they were not revealed this time.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I just had a quick try KR, will give it a proper go tonight!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Pff Lauri probably plays with pause and 1% speed!

Nah, I just gave it a regular try and got my score on the first run. Did try it twice afterwards, but I couldn't quite better my initial score.

It was fun though, so I'll happily try again after somebody beats my score.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Another thing KR, a score table would be nice.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Scorchers aren't actually a big deal imo. Yes, if you catch them at a bad angle and they start shooting from anywhere but max range, your koda is basically dead (and spamming move orders for the koda is detrimental, unintuitively). But that's part of the deal.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
This mission is really fun! Also, mabey it could teach people about micro and how Kodas work. Thanks for this mission!
+1 / -0
10 years ago
WTf I can't start it. It says press any key to start, but nothing works ;o
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Press any key? B-but... which one's the any key!?
+2 / -0
10 years ago
+1 / -0
10 years ago
but nothing works ;o

I have literaly pressed every singel key on the keyboard. And I was still stuck in the black screen.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
The completion (or death) times are interesting to note...
1h for Lauri, 16 minutes for PLrankAdminSprung, 26 min for Google's domination...
+1 / -0
Yeah, a significant portion of that 1h was spent running around the goliath and the supporting army with two kodachis. I had around 8.5k points when i started the last round and decided to go for the goli kill instead of suiciding. Got it down to around 200 HP, but lost almost all of my kodachis.

It was annoying that goliath kept losing interest in my kodachis once they got out of immediate proximity of it. I couldn't burn it to death with my 2 kodachis, because it just refused to chase them. Neither did I get any free kodachi or army clear powerups for what felt like an eternity. All the time the points just kept ticking down...

Frustrated by failing to kill the goliath for such a long time by such tiny margin of HP frustrated me enough to not try the mission after that. That frustration has gone away now so I'll give it another try in the coming days.
+1 / -0
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