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New names suck ,etc

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10 years ago
I think the old names was so good,and most of the unit statics. I dont say the new version sucks its good, split attack,CAI nerfs etc.Recon commander speed bonus removed, so its not good to ambush enemy bases, or mobilize fast.Players will choose it only for the jump ability.Avenger renamed to Swift, its shity name for me,dont blame me, I think this. Shadow renamed to Raven,I hate this name,torp launcher removed???? commanders undefended against subs?amphs? 1 recon comm can be pwned in game start? by 2 shadow and 1 avenger?? Make commanders more important,not to shity.
+9 / -1
10 years ago
Wyvern sounds retarded...
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I seriously cannot understand the removal of torpedo launcher. It will make shipfac opening even more impossible to pull off against duck rush..
+3 / -0
Build an Urchin. Urchin OP.

Back to topic: Suggest better names! There is only a single requirement: No OTA ripoff.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Renaming units always causes manuals, posts in forums and anything that refers to units by name to become outdated.
Even recorded livestream of games suddendly become harder to understand.

Think if there is more unit renaming then all units should be renamed at once, to their final names. Even if a name is maybe slightly better..each rename is always confusion.

Wyvvwvyvwyern is word like banaanaanana, there is no stopping!
+6 / -0
No OTA ripoff

Why the fuck not?

I understand when we got rid of the otacontent for IP reasons and because the original models are often too crude, but what the fuck is witht he names? Have they aged badly and dont sound edgy enough to the modern audience? Do they infringe on some copyright?

Do we hate OTA and want to distance ourselves as far away from it? Well too bad, you cant fool anybody. People call ZK a PA ripoff or a SupCom ripoff on the steam page all the fucking time. You dont fucking make it less resemblant of OTA by removing OTA unit names.

Do we want noobs to have easier time learning unit names by making them thematic? Good job, now i cant fucking tell by the name what unit it is. Oh, its some fucking bird? Too bad, it describes the entire factory now, i dont know which unit you are talking about. If someone thougt thematic names would help noobs he is wrong and should stop pushing his shitty ideas already.

Think thematic names help? well here is an even more logical idea! How about we make the first syllable of all units describe its role, and the second describe its factory, with special roles having random syllables! Surely this will confuse, uh, i mean, help streamline the unit naming a lot!
+4 / -7

10 years ago
Reasons for changes:

1) Comms should not be pre-game RPS. Torp-launcher comm was pre-game RPS and meant it completely changed the naval game for your comm depending on whether you had the module or not. This kind of balance is not supposed to live in comm-modules. Same reason why there are no comm AA modules. A commander module should not be a core feature of gameplay balance. If the game needs a torp launcher on comms to be good, then it should be part of all commanders and not be a special module.

2) Many of the units renamed are units that still had TA names. Those were must-rename units. Shadow->Raven is good, Jethro->Gremlin is good - those were excellent renames because the names are thematic and tasteful.

Wyvern is bad, but I'd rather see it kept than see the unit go through endless renames until we settle on something.

The only problem with renames is this piecemeal approach to it. I'm with DErank[2up]knorke that the team should be more aggressive in renaming all the units that need new names, and then stop renames forever. Bad names would be better than the current mish-mash of OTA and random medieval weaponry.

Also, remember that the Shieldbot lab originally all had OTA names and then they all got renamed into a single thematic group and nobody complains about them. Nobody still calls them the Mug/Thud, AK, Dominator, Stormm, etc. Just takes time to get used to the new names.

I agree that recon comm was overnerfed... it needed a nerf, but that was too much.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Do we hate OTA and want to distance ourselves as far away from it?

Yes. OTA sucks.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
RUrankYogzototh could you please reduce the fuck*-count by 600%?
+3 / -1
Also CZrankAdminLicho was a ridiculous, confusing joke name that needed beating to death with sticks.
+2 / -4
Licho -> Wyvern -> Teratorn?

Teratorns (from the Greek Τερατορνις Teratornis, 'monster bird')

Also, can someone add a non-flying plane so that we can have Emu? EDIT: Oh, and Penguin too.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
Yogzototh could you please reduce the fuck*-count by 600%?

Also Licho was a ridiculous, confusing joke name that needed beating to death with sticks.

I agree. Fuck Licho.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I love that the ultra bomber was named after Licho! Best tribute to our own Slavic demon. What's next? Rename Detriment? Rename CarRepairer's Nanolathe? We already lost the Saktoth and now Licho too! We're losing all the vanity names! NO!
+7 / -0
read fast:

scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scallop scorcher scorcher scorcher scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scalpel scorcher scrubber scorcher scorcher scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scrubber scalpel scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scallop scorcher scorcher scrubber scrubber scorcher scorcher scalpel scalpel scallop scalpel scorcher scrubber scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scallop scrubber scalpel scorcher scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scalpel scorcher scrubber
+3 / -0

10 years ago
scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scallop scorcher scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scalpel scorcher scrubber scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scallop scorcher scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scalpel scorcher scrubber scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scorcher scallop scorcher scorcher scrubber scalpel scallop scalpel scorcher scrubber

A Screamer, Screamer Screamer Screaamer!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
If any unit needs a rename it's Scrubber. OTA, dull, phonetically similar to other names, and non-thematic.
+2 / -1
10 years ago
why puppyies named puppyies they are more zombie like,scavengers
+0 / -0

10 years ago
@Jellal - renaming jumpies will be hard because Firewalker is a terrible name, Sumo and Pyro are awesome but OTA names, and Placeholder is the greatest name ever. So any bulk renaming project done in the Jumpy lab will be the flamewar to end all flamewars.
+0 / -1
10 years ago
Rename CarRepairer's Nanolathe?

Lets name all units and modules after notable zk players and developers.
For example,
Detriment -> Godde
Scuttle -> Kubey
Disco Rave Party -> Banana gun :)
+1 / -0
I really do not understand the purpose of a torpedo launcher removal either. And speed removal bonus from recon com seems meh. To be honest commanders are rarely if ever an issue. At best they are taken out with skutles, sniped by snipers, shot to death by penetrators or bombed to hell by precision bombers, or taken out by Black dawns. They rarely if ever make cost. I do not understand the purpose of changing what isn't broken in my honest opinion. Custom commanders are part of the game. They are the 'fun' part of the game and lately it seems that the devs are wishing to nerf them into useless boring metal sinks. Please, if you are going to change commanders at least give them some more varied and interesting weapons. Take what already exists and further expand on it with chasis-only modules or something. Like recon commander can have a module that allows longer jump distance but slower jump cooldown, support commander can have a metal production module that adds x metal/sec or increased build range and build power, bombard commander having something with range boost and damage but slower weapon cooldown or decreased artillery cooldown, battle commander with weapon cooldown decrease. Furthermore, add chasis-only weapons too. Weapons unique to that chasis. For example battle commander could have a Twin Electromagnetic Grenade Launchers dgun that launches 2 projectiles that deal small area damage and paralyse damage, recon commander could have a stun dgun that deals small damage and high paraylsis damage (sort of like a damaging spy gun). Things like this would add to the tactics of the game. My thoughts on the commander changes.

Edit: Furthermore if we're just going to nerf commanders into boring metal sinks, why do we even have an XP unlock system?

Edit 2: Better idea for the recon dgun: A pene-like stun/light damage gun. Deals 20 damage and 200 stun damage every second for 4 seconds with 20 second cooldown. Closer targets take higher damage (like heat ray) scaling up to 5x damage at PB. Would make for a very interesting weapon.
+1 / -0
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