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!kick poll

7 posts, 787 views
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Just a quick question.
Is it possible to change "!(vote)kick [player]" into "!(vote)kick [player] [reason]" which would make poll "Poll: Kick [player] for [reason]?"
(!kick Failer Teamkilling --> Poll: Kick Failer for Teamkilling?)
+9 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Also add it a feature such that if you do !kick sfireman it automatically adds the reason (being sfireman)
+5 / -1
And make it as if input "[reason]" isn't given, poll is giving output "no reason", so after "!kick Failer" poll would be "Kick Failer for no reason?" :D
Just to troll nabs a bit :D
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It's a good idea in principal and I think it should be done.

My only concern is that it might be abused/misunderstood in the sense that the reason might sound too 'official'. If the game asks you "Kick Failer for teamkilling?" Then everyone is going to vote 'yes', even if the teamkilling is not proven. After all, it might just be the description someone who doesn't like Failer put into the poll.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
No, make it say "4no raisins".
+0 / -0
11 years ago
changed. syntax is either

!kick Failer Teamkilling
!kick Failer for Teamkilling

negative side effect: you can no longer type "!kick fa l r" and have it recognise that as Failer. Not sure if that is a popular feature or not
+1 / -0