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v1.0.3.9 + Spring 88.0

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12 years ago


Thanks CaptianBenz for the great new Bantha model. Apart from the model there are a reasonable number of small fixes. Lastly Spring 88.0 has been released, there are few new fixes in this one since the dev version. Now that there is an official release it should be easier for Linux users to find pre-complied packages.


Spring 88.0 has been released. There are few changes since the development version (87.0.1-68-g6cefe1d) that was previously used. ZKL users will update automatically and because this release is official there should be packages around for Linux users.

Pathfinding seems to have improved in this release and units are more prone to clump together.

The workaround for area commands is now completely removed.


  • 15% more damage
  • 15% more impulse

  • Missile range increased 800 -> 950 (This is to make it equal to laser, just a usability thing).

=== UI===

Gesture menu has a few more options that can be toggled through settings or with UIkeys.
  • Added a toggle to disable right-click to open.
  • Added a bindable UIkey that opens the menu that does not interact with the mouse.

Small Fixes

  • Fixed longstanding area mex bug related to queuing area mex and normally placed mexes together.
  • Shredder now has a range ring.
  • EMP healthbar and flash now displays for units on less than 1% health.
  • Fixed small bug in ferry point UI.
  • Fixed self-d detection with units that don't count. For example terraform points and wolverine mines.
  • Added proper wrecks for Grizzly and Djinn.
  • Fixed very rare pylon bug (I could only cause it by creating all units and destroying them in the same frame).
  • Might have fixed Dominatrix retargeting.
  • Moderator sound is now louder. An engine change appears to have reduced it's volume.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
"More prone to clump together"

This is improved pathfinding?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"More prone to clump together"

This actually sounds like a bad thing.
Plus I dont think this is improved pathfinding either.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The improvement was probably in performance and so units don't push one another down when standing next to a hill. The first was really super bad for quite some time now.

Anyway, err.. Moderator plays a sound?! You must be lying. :O
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The moderator does play a sound when it fires actually. It makes a very deep 'hum' sound when it fires it's slow beams. However it's very unotticeable and it didn't seem to get any louder with this update.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Adding a new detriment model Might make the game better because the detriment looks fearsome, and stupid...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
u think detri looks only stupid
+0 / -1
10 years ago
WELL its better now :.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
What kind of sick necroing is going on here?
+2 / -0
10 years ago
+1 / -0
10 years ago
WELL its better now :.

He just updated his engine to .88 and zk to v1.0.3.9
+0 / -0