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Strategy review

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In the last few days I have been losing badly in almost every game I play. I lost 11 in a row at one point, 2 of them to a 1550 elo player. I have gone from being the #10 to being #40 with 1742 elo. The games I am specifically referring to are:
Multiplayer B224494 2 on FrozenPlanetV3
Multiplayer B224493 2 on Altair_Crossing_v3
Multiplayer B224491 2 on DunePatrol_wip_v03
Multiplayer B224937 2 on Iceland_v1
Multiplayer B224934 2 on TitanDuel
Multiplayer B224941 2 on Altair_Crossing_v3
Multiplayer B225013 2 on SapphireShores_Dry_V2.1
Multiplayer B225027 2 on Badlands
Please watch some of those and critique what I did. I don't understand why I lost them. My macro was alright I think, and I am not aware that my tactical micro was terrible.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
1 vs 1 elo should be banned from team elo, thats the thing...
Most of 1 vs 1 players except Godde dont do well in teams, they are nabs :D( i remind that not all)
+0 / -1
11 years ago
team elo is mentained if you know how to cooperate with your team players. Try talking more with your team, label spam if you think its right like i do it , or kick them all like sfireman does it:)).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That is my 1v1 elo forever. You can see it on the top50 ladder page.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Seeing as the fix for upload directory is not yet implemented, you're going to have to find your local replays and upload them if you want analysis.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Big elo= lots of nabs. If you dont manage your nabs you lose game.
+0 / -1
If you dont manage your nabs you lose game.

I win most of my games by not having any nabs on the team. Hard to have any nabs on team where you're on your own.

Hint: this is about 1v1, all games GBrankTheSponge linked are 1v1!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Maybe ROrankForever is refering to the "nab within". As Yoda would put it "The nab within manage you must!"
+9 / -0
11 years ago
hahaha Skasi good one.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I'd consider watching the replays if they would actually download. But they dont.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Where can I find my local replays?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It gets sometimes depressing for some players after losing games in rows. I remember me playing against EErankAdminAnarchid and him having fun of me most of the time in those 1 vs 1( when i was nab of course). So when you see that you lose games many times 1 after the other then you need some breaks. You cant be always in 100% condition to play 1 vs 1 games.
+0 / -0
Where can I find my local replays?

Open game data folder

[11:32 AM] Anarchid i also like lauri because he's my smurf
[11:32 AM] Anarchid next place in ladder, same flag, you guessed it, right?
+3 / -0

11 years ago
@forever : when i was nab of course

did you make my quote of the day on purpose?
+1 / -0
ROrankForever, please calm down, smurfing is not against the rules. Focus on the topic, I'll try to do the same. EErankAdminAnarchid, you too. :P

GBrankTheSponge, maybe you happened to play the last few battles when you were tired? Such things can have a surprisingly huge impact. Maybe you stopped trying out new things and started repeating established moves without analyzing the situation before deciding on an action.
+5 / -0
11 years ago
"maybe you happened to play the last few battles when you were tired? Such things can have a surprisingly huge impact. Maybe you stopped trying out new things and started repeating established moves without analyzing the situation before deciding on an action.""

Thats what i mention to him, tired and repeating actins against same enemies. If you repeat the same tactics over and over again you will 100% fail at some point. Thats why i want more units to this game and more newton technology with hard micro cause i like to improve and develop new tactics. I even know how to long roach factories from distance with 80% acuracy. Its quite efficient if you want to kill singu instead of factory.

Another example is that i always tried the com autorepair push + gunship tactic to players that never specced the games where i playid and were similar.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I have uploaded my local replays here. A few of the games I mentioned in the OP may be missing, I could not find them all. All of the important ones are there.
+1 / -0
Since asking didn't work, i've taken to myself to delete all smurfing-related posts (including mine) with no topic-relevant content. Skasi's posts stayed because they had on-topic information.

(i would have moved them, but this forum has no tool for moving individual posts)

You're free to discuss that topic in this thread if you want to discuss that instead.

Note: since ROrankForever seemed intent on keeping up with his derail campaign by repeatedly posting here after this post, he'll have his opportunity to discuss admin smurfing after he calms down in three hours.
+4 / -1
11 years ago
After downloading a replay, how can i replay the replay (using ZKL, Windows)?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
After downloading a replay, how can i replay the replay (using ZKL, Windows)?

If it's a manual download there's currently no way to handle it in ZKL at present, you open it manually with spring.exe.
+0 / -0
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