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Why are are higher level players so rude ??

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11 years ago
Since if started this game i get harrasment, teamkilled and yesterday my game was exited by spectrators. Everytime by Players who are paying this game a bit longer than me. Is it the way to say "Hello cool that your here" to new Players ? Right now im just feeling like solo play thIs great Game to avoid People of the Community but since Spectrators even can kill my Game i dont know what to do now.
+0 / -0
It's because all the nice players (Hi!) stopped playing frequently. :(

To fix your name: /nick OneShotOneKill
To stop your games from being exitted: Boss yourself via !boss OneShootOneKill before other people join, then you can !endvote and !kick abusers
+0 / -0
Just report the meanies and they will be disappeared for a while. There's a button for that.

Be sure to include relevant details as to what they did and in what game, or logs if it was in lobby.

Specs exiting game and teamkilling are bannable abuses. If done by a high level player, that also means they probably have done it before, while gaining that high level - which, in turn, means they don't get much lenience.
+5 / -0
It's a teamgame with a long time-commitment between teammates with smallish teams (compared to something like TF2 at least), where you can see what your teammates are doing.

This combination of mechanics naturally creates rage because you can see why your team is failing in intimate detail. Look at how vicious the various DOTAlike communities are, and DOTAs have those same features.

First off, the admins do not tolerate teamkilling or verbal abuse. You can report the players who do this, and an admin can take action on-the-spot if they happen to be in-game with you.

Now, fortunately, ZK is not DOTA and it offers a 1v1 mode. So you can play without letting down any teammates. If you play 1v1, you will get clobbered, and fast. But most 1v1 games are played in batches of a half-dozen or so, and the time between rounds is quick, so you'll be able to hop right back in and start again. 1v1s offer the fastest way to learn ZK's mechanics with the most direct feedback (whoops I'm dead that strategy didn't work). If you're willing to see through the unrelenting failure of round after round of crushing defeat, you'll get better *fast*.

Then when you come back to teamgames you'll be a far better contributor to your team.
+9 / -0
11 years ago
... and if you get tired of quick learning in 1v1 (getting steamrolled constantly can be little discouraging without any breaks to test your improvements against somebody near your level) , you can always take refuge and play some relaxing games in "newbies only" room ... just dont assume that tactics working there will be useful at all against even little more experienced players :)
+1 / -0

11 years ago
because moderation is very lenient and the game is free.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
All the high level players are not so rude. Most of the highly skilled players are really nice, most of the ragers only think they are high skill when they are not. I very much agree with Pxtl, 1v1 is incredibly good for learning. The community at large has a high tolerance for verbal abuse, so you cant expect much to be done unless it was incredibly offensive. The best thing I have found is to play in 1v1, avoid the ragers and trolls and - once you get good - play high skill small teams.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
any other team game e.g. sc2, cs:go, LoL, DoTA - as you get better, your rank is increased and you're matched with people of equal skill

in ZK it is the opposite, the better you are, the more retarded your team mates become

so you can see how that might be annoying

it is an unavoidable consequence of a small playerbase
+6 / -7
11 years ago
the better you are, the more retarded your team mates become

it is an unavoidable consequence of a small playerbase

Because as we all know calling people retards will only encourage them to stay and grow the player base.
+9 / -0
See, that's a prime example of why i've always been a proponent of "making people disappear" as a tool of social engineering in online communities.
+7 / -5

11 years ago
The generalization of "rude players" to "higher level players" does not work; sorry. You just seem to have had bad luck with the ppl you encountered.

Also, "Players who are p(l)aying this game a bit longer than me" applies to almost the entire set of regulars here :(

But anyway, w/e. Join one of the small team rooms with ISP members. We have made it a policy of being nice to new players ;-)
+4 / -0
11 years ago
Seems so far you only played Coop games vs AI and chicken defense.
When this type of game is coming to an end, it seems to be somewhat habit of some players to use whatever weapons they have left on their own units or allys.
For example the chicken queen is almost dead but a player still has a nuke. So he might nuke his allys, because explosions. Not supernice to do but when the game ends one minute later anyway, no need to be upset either.
If it was serious teamkilling then report the player.

Spectators even can kill my Game:
That is a bug. (although strangely some argue it is a feature)
Eitherway it is on bugtracker and if more players comment on it then maybe it catches attention of a developer who might consier it worthwhile to fix. http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/issues/detail?id=1551
+0 / -0

11 years ago
See, that's a prime example of why i've always been a proponent of "making people disappear" as a tool of social engineering in online communities


lose one

gain all the subsequent that that one would have driven away

net gain
+5 / -0
there are 2 reasons high* players rage at low level players

1. cause they are low level (all "your doin it wrong" coments relate to this)
2. cause they themselves are noobs obsessed about winning
3. cause they just got clusterfucked (and clusterfuck is never your fault**)

*(high) level? skill? retardation? or just high on drugs... the first 2 are debatable because there are only 4 players in the whole of the ZK playerbase that i consider high skill, and only fireman has a high level of 150++***

**its ALLWAYS your fault

***curent fireman ban ---> (PENALTY: Pottymouth)

lose one
gain all the subsequent that that one would have driven away
net gain

see League of Lolnabs for details of how this dose not apear to apply to competetive games (evryone rages there)
+2 / -0
Because as we all know calling people retards will only encourage them to stay and grow the player base.

Dear god, where is Sfireman? We need him right now!
+2 / -0
so you can see how that might be annoying

it is an unavoidable consequence of a small playerbase

It is annoying for veterans, but it is not unavoidable. The small playerbase seems to prefer staying a small playerbase if it's driving away the new players.

If veterans want more people to grow into veterans and therefore have more people to play with, they are going to need to learn how to be more patient in the "everyone welcome" room. Every veteran starts as a new player.
+8 / -0
11 years ago
But first, we need a working (Linux, Windows + Intel, AMD + BA, ZK) software.
+0 / -0
Right now im just feeling like solo play thIs great Game to avoid People of the Community

Those are just tips to make your experience with the community better, in no way an excuse for abuse by veterans.

Playing solo to get familiar with the game (interface, units) is a good idea. Then you need to spectate a few 1v1 or team games to understand how the game is played in this context (get more ground control instead of waiting for the apocalypse in your cosy base).

If you happen to have friends who also started playing with you, I'd strongly advise against making a clan with them until you are better. A clan of new players who are all using the same (bad) strategy will definitively attract hostility, because a clan of 2-3 players not helping their team will ruin the fun (and chances) of whoever gets them in their teams.

(Note to devs: to avoid this situation, maybe it should not be possible to create a clan or join a clan if average ELO is lower than a threshold... or if joining would lower the average below that threshold)
+2 / -1
11 years ago
+1, the balance script/mechanism doesn't like clan-stack of extremely low or high elo.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
There are some players, who only want to play with there mates. And Clan is some kind of connection point. The Pirate Clan started with 4 newbies too. Than there joined some good players or other complete newbies. But we always got the Clan to comunicat bout stuff. Like "When do you want to play?" Or "Can you help me mate, I played a game and did this or that wrong. What do you think, can I do, to to get better?" aso.
Or other example for unlimited elo Clans is the room Newbies welcome. There you can learn with other newbie and don't need to have a high elo Clan.
+0 / -0
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