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ZK abuses

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ZKs game mechanics can be abused in many ways. It rly destroys game. I just wanted to ask u if u think it's intended to destroy proper game, or is a bug/should be fixed.

Abuses I have in mind:

1) Terraforming enemy heavy unit down, when u cant beat it normal way. It seems stupid to me, becasue u can beat 24k detri with 10 rectors this way.

2) Putting nano frames in front of enemy heavy unit, so it hit literaly nothing, instead of ur commander. It makes every unit with high alpha DMG usless.

3) Terraforming ur own commander down, so enemy cant reach u. Coward way.

Likely solutions:

1) and 3) Delay terraform affecting terrain by 5 seconds. This mean taht u will send metal to the ''ground'', but it will start changing shape after 5 seconds. Simple, and will make ppl happier.

2) Make nano frames shield-like. If frame doesnt have enough HP to make shell do 100% DMG, projectile will just skip it, unless u tell unit to attack that frame.
+2 / -3

11 years ago
Most of those are legitimate things, and no significantly effective abuse of nanoframes was seen in my experience (which could probably be gotten rid of).

I'm unsure if it's technically possible to make shield-like nanoframes, but it sounds like a kinda good idea.

Regardless of whether they stop projectiles, they also stop units, which is a much trickier problem to tackle.
+0 / -0
A better approach to Nanoframes would be that projectiles obey NoExplode mechanics if a projectile does more damage than the frame has health - that is, if a plasma-ball hits a low-health nanoframe, the frame is destroyed and the ball keeps progressing as if it were a Gauss projectile or a D-gun. But the Spring engine may not offer the kind of scripting-hooks needed for the ZK developers to control this sort of behavior.

The in-combat offensive terra thing is a holy-war. Half the players love it, half the players think it's a silly mechanic. I'm in the latter camp - if something is meant to be used offensively in the heat of battle, it should be a *weapon*. I'd love to see an auto-trap widget that automates the process of trapping heavy units with terra just so we could see how broken it is when deployed large-scale.
+5 / -0
To be clear, this is not abuse, they're not 'bugs'. Zero-K models physical systems, and the result of those physical systems can be fun, funny, awesome, and sometimes insane.

Almost everything like this we are already well aware of and have discussed at length. Sometimes something stupid or crazy like orbital snipers happens and we have to remove or nerf it. Often though, it's hard to do that while preserving the mechanics.

Terraforming affecting terrain ALREADY has a delay. We put this in precisely because it was so easy to sink a heavy unit. So we went back in time and implimented your suggestion.

Last I recall Spring 95 actually displaces units if they're on unpassable terrain. So terraforming just sort of knocks the unit out of the way. It's not very elegant looking but design wise I think it's the best solution (If this is even considered a problem: I do but others would say this is legitimate and prevents heavies from being OP!).

We've looked a lot at nano-blocking, and it's kind of problematic. If projectiles just pass through, then how do you stop someone from building? Do you auto-fire on these or does it detect their HP and not fire on them if the nanoframes HP is less than the projectiles damage...? But then you want to fire when it's below the 1-shot threshold otherwise it might not kill the nanoframe and complete anyway and then he finishes a HLT and kills you and...

It's more complicated than you think. There are other options, like short delays before the nanoframes goes up (TA did this with upack anims), but that slows everything down to fix this niche case. Right now shot-wasting is considered a lesser evil than the alternatives, and has been a legitimate strategy since OTA.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
nanoframe blocking will be a problem once somebody makes a widget that uses it.
+5 / -0

11 years ago
I think we actually could have a projectile keep travelling if it 1-shots a nanoframe... that's a really elegant solution. You're still going to have to convince people that this thing which has been around since TA is undesirable. I think the test of 'If this was a widget would it break the game and make it awful?' is a good test. I say yeah, it would.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
For extra context on the formation of this SfireFailer rage thread:

Game mechanic chat discussion after battle:
Some of the rage cursing at beginning was left out, as it is not relevant

I will now proceed to analyze the replay:

Failer places a 'goll rush' map label straight off the bat.
He then does nothing for the rest of the game, except simulate a sea sponge while his team gets outplayed.
(If outplaying can even be claimed in this case, in a round with so many players just blindly lucking out on unit, com, or strat choice will matter a lot...)

Here is the dialogue at about 4 minutes into the game:

3:45 * [GBC]HeadHunter resigns
4:20 |Failer|: superninja113 can u hold middle a bit?
|Failer|: I need to finis hgolly

Please observe the game state carefully, it's really funny to think they can middle ANYTHING at this point, nevermind hold it hehe.

His golly actually gets out, and is driving to their front line next to our base, at about 6:00 minute mark.
Meanwhile at the same time their two nubs at the front get bumrushed and cleaned out via various nastiness including skuttle.
For some reason losing all your units before your rushed crap gets into battle seems like a bad idea but IDK not an expert.

6:30 * Failer added label 'lel'

7:00 Golly FINALLY comes, and drives into our territory. What an exciting time to be North team !

Here is the power balance state at the moment of engagement:

South team (Enemy):
1x Golly
4x Glaive

North team (Ally):
1x Doki Doki Pretty Cure level 1 - Mobile Assault Commander
5x Rocko
5x Glaive
1x Jack
2x Venom
1x Moderator
2x Warrior

You were going to be destroyed, nano lathe placement or not.

I'm sorry that rushing a 2200 cost unit with no economy, no raider phase, no anything is not as effective
as You rushers are entitled to. In your comfort, they recently buffed Air factory. New Licho now costs 1500 and still
oneshots the same comms as the old Licho. Maybe you should consider switching to playing a lesser skilled factory instead
of a ground factory - Our peasantry units by wide and large are not gamewinning by right clicking into a front line, therefore
an Air aristocrate, used to the Air powerscale, will find a plethora of the usual surefire easy win strategies unbecomingly unapproachable.

It's greatly appreciated that you are trying to get rid of game mechanic that set the game apart from other RTS.
But please consider just allowing reports of users who Widget-assist their nanoshielding (AFAIK no useful Widget support yet at this time so no users),
followed by the banhammer.

Hopefully it can be an officially-recognized-as-not-bug game mechanic like the roach cannon (TM).
+2 / -2
We've been discussing these mechanics literally for years SIrankSuperNoob14. Regardless of PLrankFailer's motivations, it's legitimate to discuss this though calling it 'abuse' is obviously specious.

Calling automating nanoshielding or terratrapping 'abuse' is equally specious though. If you have enough APM, you could do this manually, which means at some level of skill, it becomes a problem if, indeed, it is a problem.

Roach Cannon was in fact automated and does ruin some maps, like Speed Metal. Eventually we decided that basically SpeedMetal is not worth saving. Scouting with it was a particular problem, and we removed that in the end. If it comes to dominate the meta we might do something else to it.

When a strategy comes up that just makes the game feel awful or becomes the only solution to a problem, we will change it...
+3 / -0
11 years ago
But i Like terraform why you consider it abuse? Its actual tactic...hard one but it is tactic. Tell me how many big elo nabs do that?
+0 / -1
11 years ago
Noone of this mentioned above is abuse. Expected to hear something like space skuttles or similar new things here which were actually OP where is your creativity!.

Oh wait I know old not changing engine and all creativity was fixed away.

PS my favorite was hadron colider bug when you you shot units from factory now that was fun (also back then units didint die when out of map).
+1 / -0
SIrankSuperNoob14 what the fuck are utalkign about?
Im not talking about that game (well not about the whole game).
What does losing middle has to nano shield being stupid? What does my goly rush and ''lel'' labbel has to it? What does HeadHunters resign has to it?

It's not thread about battle. It's about nano frame and terraform abuses.

LTrank[pikts]wolas u made newton widget. Please, make an ''auto terraforming down units taht costs more than 600 metal'' widget. Or ''auto spam HLT nanoframe in front of every attacked con''. We'll see which ''abuse'' causes more gameplay destruction. Space skutles, or mentioned above.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
...becasue u can beat 24k detri with 10 rectors this way.

If you can take down a detriment with 10 rectors then you're the better player. ZK strategy isn't just "how much metal have I got walking towards the other team". One of the best things about the game are the open possibilities and fluid tactics. Rushing a heavy in the early game should get beaten, and a stand-alone walker without enough support to be disabled by rectors deserves to be disabled.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
So you are talking what would be if would be... There is no such widgets and so there is no problem. If we talk about most OP widget possible I think autoflea.lua would win it easy.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
[pikts]wolas autoflea.lua exists, it avoids static defenses, it dodges projectiles, etc.

The proposed widget is actually really trivial, especially the terraform one. As developers we actually talk about this stuff all the time, often we go ahead and make the widget ourselves, implement it, and see if it breaks the game... (flea automicro).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I suggest making nano-frames lose some metal after x seconds without an active worker assisting it (even if it is not actively building the nanoframe, e.g. paused construction), like it used to happen in Total Annihilation and in Supreme Commander. If it loses all the metal invested in it, it vanishes, like the power of an unplugged laptop battery.

After all, all those tiny nanobots still require energy to be kept in place before being assembled into a complete building ;)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Calling automating nanoshielding or terratrapping 'abuse' is equally specious though. If you have enough APM, you could do this manually, which means at some level of skill, it becomes a problem if, indeed, it is a problem.

It's hard to estimate how high is the optimal manual nanoshield performance.
I think nanoshielding can be compared to a more difficult to execute glitch,
like ignoring turret facing on low turnrate plasma cannon (See picture, it is a Big Bertha firing over 90 degree out of neutral turret arc).

It's a great advantage, Especially on something like Crabe - It can't anymore be soloed by a raider running faster than the turret is able to follow.
While this theoretically affects the metagame on Kurczak and Trololo_zombie.smf, where you are often faced with such corner case situations, the timing constraints on the glitch are so tight that I've never seen it used in a real game. Conversely nanoshielding has a really low newbie startup cost - Just place a building.

In Super Metroid SNES console game speedrunning (= Complete game as fast as possible), the current optimal route includes an instance of Continuous WallJump (CWJ), video below:

It was initially thought to be too inconsistent to be incorporated. But after many many hours of searching for and drilling the optimal setup, it turns out doable, introducing an expected average random delay of about 2 minutes and below.

The important detail is that noone seems to be able to perform consistently. Due to 2 frame timing constraint, human physiology is the limiting factor.
The Spring turret facing glitch seems AFAIK to activate if weapon target is changed exactly the frame before firing. Adjusting for Spring's 30 frames per second versus SNES NTSC console 60 frames per second, the time constraints for the two tricks match up.

It is therefore possible, that the turret facing glitch would never become a problem - At any skill level. But could become a problem if scripted.
If fashioning an automation script that surpasses human levels can result in removing the mechanic, it's a very unfortunate situation.
This is so especially because the required Lua bindings (eg. Access to inflight projectile data) used to not exist in Spring. This was a very frustrating ommission when trying to make maphack. Engine had to be tweaked. Of course building a hacked executable that does not desync is an another issue...
Random Spring dev decisions of which API to expose to the Widget side of Lua so dictate the mechanics in ZeroK.

In nanoshielding you mostly just mash buttons to make the magic happen. Faster mashing = more magic, where doing it at all already brings benefits. So I can see how it could be OP - In a different game where 90% of units do not have high enough fire rate or are not totally unaffected by nanoshield (eg. Laser weapons).

Nanoshielding is also not a critical type mechanic. With the turret facing glitch you get 'Ahaha now I pwn all these nubs with mah sniper Bertha' situations. Not so with the shielding, as it has only defensive use.
It'd become OP only indirectly, such as 'My opponent built a Grizzly monoculture army. The Grizzball fires only once per 10 seconds so my Widget assisted cons will march infront of my units, blocking the shots allowing a close-in'.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
How does the bertha or crabe abuse break the game? Bertha dps is limited by their RoF and their actual dps. The cases where your bertha needs to actually turn 90° between shots are negligible (not to mention that even in these cases it will not really make much of a difference in the first place if it shoots 5 seconds earlier or later). Even with crabe. Sure, you can use an OMGHAX widget to abuse the abuse, or just send a riot with it.

I didn't quite get what was being shown in the video. Where's the wall for the walljump?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I dont think any of those are abuse, If a con gets up in a detri's face you deserve to lose it.
+1 / -0
BRrankQuantumProjects, that doesn't help, nano-blocking is done where the frame is built instantly to stop a projectile, you only really just leave them around if it's as an anti-cloaking measure.

SIrankSuperNoob14 The aim thing is a bug which should be fixed next engine version AFAIK. Either way, automating things outside of human possibility is one thing (Technically the APM of auto-micro already does this, sometimes quite effectively). Nano shielding and terra-trapping though? Trivial. If you had a lot of very high level play and players were competing against eachother with these tactics, it would be considered one of the basic things to master in Zero-K, like the drone drill or muta stacking (Which are actually much harder).

When Det and I used to play nothing but Sands of War in BA, blocking subs with nanoframes was just the standard way you dealt with them. The comm is very easy to snipe with subs in the water and rushing one out to pen him into his island or get an early kill was very viable. Nano-shielding turns this around entirely so that you can prettymuch ignore the DPS from a sub if you have a comm nearby: It's practically a counter. You can even stick the commander on repeat and he'll just keep placing down the nanoframe, it doesn't even take much micro if the enemy is not moving (Subs have a limited fire arc so take a long time to re-position).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I want nanoframs (and shields) to just reduce the projectile's damage by their health.
-> Ofcouse some weapons might have "instable" projectiles which release their whole damage at once.

BTW: You can even block tac nukes with Zenit-Nano-frames, did this once to troll someone and do this to improve tac-nuke resistace (maybe it also works vs EMP...)

About terra:
How do you think about smoth terra first, then sharpen the edges?
Or that kbots just ignore everything below 1/3 their leg height and tanks everything below 1/2 their weel/chain-weel height?
+0 / -0
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