I just started this game 2 days ago and i already almost finished the first dificulty level (Domination League) . I just wanted to know who plays this game and what do you think about it? http://www.pathofexile.com/
+1 / -0
Looks nice. Although nowadays i'm not a big fan of MMORPGs (too much grinding), I used to be addicted to games of this genere some years ago. Imo they look way better with this kind of view (from top) than 3D mmorpgs. I'll give it a try
+0 / -0
Does it have more than just killing mobs and some pvp?
+0 / -0
I'm playing it. Usually on the Singapore server (type it in the box manually). It has much less grinding than I expected for an MMO. Low enough that I can actually play it for the story (it's less an MMO for me than a Diablo-like with occasional coop multiplayer from friends). EDIT: I just kill everything I see and that's enough grinding apparently. At least enough to compensate for my 500ms lag.
+1 / -0
Its nice   ElTorero pm me or add me as friend. My id is : foreversense Maybe il help you with some weaponds. Skasi it has a verry unique kind of gem usage then Diablo 3. Here you can link gems to form up some interesting weapon combination.
+0 / -0
I played with some friends a few weeks ago, got a Scion to level 60 and we beat Dominus on merciless, and I haven't played since. It was my first go at a Diablo-like, and the endgame is apparently just grinding out on the same old stuff for better gear, or currency drops to buy better year. It was fun while it lasted, but it isn't the kind of game I will play in the long run. I didn't spend any money or ever feel pressured to spend money on it though, so nothing lost there.
+0 / -0
Yeah, you level up pretty fast.
+0 / -0
Remember   ElTorero to tell me what class you chosed so i will know what weaponds to spare from trading.
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http://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Saktoth/charactersMy 74 Ground Slam Marauder beat the game but could not do maps, so I was screwed. I still don't know what the story is though, because they don't just PLAY THE DIALOGUE OVER THE GAMEPLAY. You can't even SHOP while you listen to the dialogue. Way too ADHD for this shit. Sconemey is how far I got in Hardcore before dying to Dominus in Cruel. There is lots of variety to the skills and gems and builds you can go for, and some whacky combinations. But you basically have to copy someone else's build to come up with anything that's going to not just fail late game, and trying out new builds or options means hours and hours invested leveling so it usually means you're bored to death of it by the time you finish leveling it. Its combat is just not as interesting as Diablo 3 though. You spend most of the game using one skill over and over again, often the same skill for your whole play-through, as anything else would just have less DPS. If you're lucky you'll have two, an AoE attack and a single-target attack, but this is barely more interesting. In Diablo 3, you want to be using every skill slot and you can easily experiment with new ones, and you have to vary your strategies in response to what enemies you are fighting (At least when you hit Inferno, before that you are just facerolling). Other than that, everything else is better than Diablo 3: The difficulty curve (Which was pathetically easy in d3), the crafting and item system, the depth of the passive tree, etc. Although it's frustratingly time-consuming to buy or sell anything in PoE (I don't bother), I get that making more money through the auction house than through actually playing was counter-intuitive in D3. Though, both games are basically about desyncing and dying, which makes Hardcore unplayable.
+3 / -0
Blergh. Why you compare it with D3? I never played that. Compare it with D2!
+0 / -0
   Saktoth what do you mean yo cant do maps? At the level of 41 that i have i torture bosses and clusters of units. I simply devasted them. I am a Templar but based more on Marauder passive skills with mana regen and something else. Tell me more "You spend most of the game using one skill over and over again" Well from my point of view, i use like 3-4 skills depending on the situation. If its a strong long range shooter i go long range to( i haz a skill for that to throw spectral weaponds), if its a verry strong close range unit i go wirhopool( gives me lots of hp from hits) and if clusters of units i use sweep+Whirlpool. Other then that i am curently working on devastating blow gem to gain more and more dmg with it. I have like 500 dmg but i am still working on it. Anny suggestions    Saktoth ? It is true, yesterday i just planned like 2 hours my passive skills yet again. Its hard, i admint but if you manage them well you can be verry devastating. Regarding the trade system, i admint its hard .I tried to trade with some people but they didnt want to, so shop exchange i use it curently , i hope until level 60. After that i will use the player trade forrum cause i wont find it efficient to seel strong weaponds.
+0 / -0
Ok its 540 dmg/s two handed weapond at level 43 I use double strike, heavy strike (big hp units gives 931.9 dmg/s), Cuclone(clusters of units) sweep (clusters of units), spectral throw (long range) and 3 more skills that curently i need gem slots to perfect them and combine them with other games. I am thinking of a freeze magic( already have)+ some passive skills to incraese freeze duration so i will do well in pvp against mages.I will just freeze them and then bang instant kill with big dmg. Il also need the speed gems but il have to wait for those. I have like 24% speed incraese without potion( cause of gear) and that makes me a verry fast mover dmg attacker.
+0 / -0
The way the game works is you finish the 3 difficulties, then you play through randomly generated maps. That's the endgame content. My groundslam marauder cannot do them. It was just a brick wall, they were too hard for me and give few rewards. Mawrawda was a character from before the 'launch', before Dominus was added. His passives were reset, I might respec him if I can be bothered to play him again, but I'd need all new equipment if I were to go, say, a discharge build. Of course you crush at level 43. Level 43 is easy. Late game you need 5-6 links: Your chest piece, and your weapon if you're 2H. Just getting a 5-6 link on these is pretty expensive, especially if you're upgrading often, but once you have that many support gems the damage will be much higher than any of your other skills, and you can only afford to link 1-2 skills in this way. My advice to you is focus on Spectral Throw. It's safe and has a high DPS potential. Note that any melee damage nodes you took are useless for spectral throw, it scales off of projectile damage. With enough damage, you won't need any other AoE skills, but a high damage single target skill like heavy strike can be useful if you have the HP to facetank an enemy: Otherwise, Kite everything with spectral throw. But I can't offer much else without seeing your passive tree. PvP is mostly just for fun, I wouldn't spec for it. Here is Sconemy's passive tree. I was playing hardcore so you can see it's specced almost entirely for HP: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABAnEEswhnFE0YXRkuGlUn7Sj6MZ4yfjWSNug6UjrhPC0_J0GHRmlKyEz_TeNQUFRJWGNYr18_ZKNodG6qeA2Cx4LkiPGKr4xYjM-QEZSgogCmV6loqW6sWa9stfK3PrndxPbFisauxtjUj9hN2mLnUudj7w7wH_Iv8kXz3fZI-ej-Cv6PNot nearly as useful for Standard because you want to spec mostly suicidally high damage to do fast clearing. Telling me all your stats is a bit of a waste of time, at level 43 you play for a few more hours and that's all going to change anyway, you equipment, stats, dps, everything.
+1 / -0
I have life gained on kill 20 and gained on hit you make 2. If i use Ciclon (and i tested it) on unique bosses its devasteting and my mana doesnt drop because of : 8.8 mana regeneration per second (11 life regen per sec, forgot to mention) and 3% mana leach, 99% stun duration. So a Cyclon attack with multistrike added( you know the gem) can devasted wide areas and my mana doesnt drop( i tested it and its verry strong). I am curently developing spectral weapond throw and il think how i will use it in the future. Meanwhile things are going well and the only problem that i have is magical resistance. Yes, i just need more fire resistance and cold restistance. ALso i want Flicker Strike cause i need it verry bad. Wanted to give multistrike combination with Heavy strike so i do double dmg and then run with speed ability( i hope i find that gem) then i use Flicker again on the boss. Forgot to mention that i am curently developing +10 more life for each kill and 100% critical strike multiplyer. so i will always do more 150% more dmg to the main dmg. So it will be like double cyclone dmg and because of that il gain more mana and hp.:)
+0 / -0
Ohh regarding the changing of weaponds and stuff, i just use what i can find and worked for me well. I also finished the game and all quests alone and i never needed help. I intend to keep it this way until level 70. Curently i have some things storred in wh that i dont use ( lots of orbs) and il use them in the proper situation.:).
+0 / -0
I think Path of Exile is the best game of its type. This is a fairly narrow category including Torchlight and the Diablos. I think it has the most interesting mechanics and overall best design. These games tend to come down to farming and perfect builds in the end but this seems to be the aim of the game, for that I can't really fault it. I played a little before release but did not get far at all. More recently I have built a level 60 Shadow. I don't seem to need a particularly intelligent build although I probably won't make it to the endgame. I've just been picking up dual wield damage, criticals, charges, attack speed and health in reasonably good looking chunks. I am quite probably gimped in my lack of specialization in weapon type or melee. I may end up using only 1 attack skill later on but up until now I have been able to try out many. Cyclone was good for a short time. Reave (with AoE) and Spectral Throw seem to be my staples. There has been a lot to mess around with; The choice to support with attack speed or damage (attack speed is not that useful when kiting), Blind to make non-spellcasters never hit, cold damage, power charge gain etc... It probably depends on your character but I have found combat fairly interesting. There are a reasonable number of mobility skills and I don't see why you would not use one alongside your main attack. Flicker Strike, Leap Slam, Whirling Blades, That Lightning Teleport Thing. Then there are things to consider in combat such as what to kill first and which skills to use. On top of that curses and auras are usable by everyone so you may as well use one of each and you have to decide which to use. Although, with my not particularly good build and my lack of grinding some bosses have been hard. I don't think I could have done Cruel Dominus or Merciless Oversoul without dying.
+0 / -0
You can basically just mess around until Merciless (Or, Cruel Dominus at least). The game can still be challenging, particularly on hardcore: Plenty of players will just get freeze-locked by Hailrake, which means dying only 10 minutes in. In standard though, the only obstacle to progress is when you hit a point where you are losing XP faster from dying than you are gaining it from killing things, or where you just cannot find any upgrades to your equipment. That tends to happen only in act 3 merciless. You don't even lose much time from dying, in Normal sometimes it's faster to die than to waste a town portal. I don't just mean you'll use the one skill the whole game, and wont be able to experiment (Though it means leveling up a new gem and often changing socket colours or weapons) I mean at any one time, you'll only by using one or two damage skills. So it's just ground slam or heavy strike or spectral throw over and over and over. Auras are build decisions, out of combat, so that doesn't really factor. You do tend to use a mobility skill, but only for mobility: So it's just a kind of positioning mechanic, like walking. Positioning can matter, but it tends to just be about getting everything in your AoE and not getting sorrounded. Curses are generally only for bosses, since everything else dies in a few hits and is thus not worth cursing (The DPS you lose by spending your time cursing does not make up for the damage or lifesteal or whatever lost from doing so). If you use something like enduring cry you do have to hit the button every time your charges are about to expire, but that's about all there is to it. This is where Diablo 3 did it better. It had a lot more skills that were on cooldown, so you had to time them right to mitigate attacks, and position yourself to use them correctly when the cd was up. The resource management was more interesting: In PoE everything just drains from the same pool, so it's mostly just a cap on DPS (Which makes the game way more boring when it runs out) rather than about management or resource draining skills over non-draining or replenishing skills. Resource management is an out-of-combat thing in PoE (Other than hitting the potion button), you just need to make sure your regeneration is higher than your consumption. Though PoE's Flask system is lightyears ahead of Diablo 3's health orbs, I do feel that using a town portal a dozen times in a boss fight is a bit dodgey. Diablo 3's combat was just more engaging for me. Though, the difficulty curve was way too shallow, so you just spec for ridiculous damage and faster clear, to the point that multiplayer becomes about who can get to the pack and 1-shot it first. There is also less point to actually engaging in the combat, since the rewards to grinding just don't feel worth it (Particularly with auction house, which I actually enjoyed playing as a market simulator!). PoE's currency means that you always feel like you can get an upgrade on what you want, though getting 4, 5 and 6 links in the colors you need begins to become prohibitively expensive later on every time you upgrade.
+0 / -0
I sort of see your point about Diablo 3. Perhaps it was far too easy for me to be doing anything beyond messing around. It didn't catch me for longer than a playthrough on the first difficulty. I forgot to mention the races. I played a descent race a few weeks ago. This was basically roguelike mode; Death is permanent and every character permanently dies after an hour. The aim is to reach a high level so you have to balance offense and quick clearing against survivability. This was quite fun because I got to mess around with the first 15 or so levels of a build in a rather challenging environment with no pressure, or even ability to, grind. Also there is no town so potion charges are more important and there is no reason to lug around items which you are never going to use.
+0 / -0
Yeah, they really shaped the difficulty curve for knuckle-dragging morons. Diablo 3 is informed heavily by MOBA's, with the idea that you have a set of skills that do not exceed your number of fingers, that operate with positioning, combos cooldowns and mana in such a way that you want to use them all to the greatest effectiveness. They forgot that what makes that interesting though is a competative environment that push the high-execution requirements though. Inferno was incredibly difficult though, and got ridiculously hard very fast. This is because you stop leveling at 60 and have to grind out better and better gear to complete inferno, the power curve on equipment suddenly jumps 10-fold or so at leve 60. That's really what killed d3 for me, if the difficult was about your build and execution it would be fine, but when the difference between lowend gear and highend gear is so steep, it's the only thing determining success. Given that the races are for a set time period it is crazy that you have to be online at a certain time to play in them. Just start the timer when the player creates the character so you can compete in these races at any time in a 24 hour period, especially the solo ones. Good idea but terrible bit of design there if you ask me. This is why I've never participated in one: I waited for one once but got distracted and when I came to play I'd lost too much time and it was pointless. It really does seem designed for hardcore nolifers who can schedule their whole lives around this...
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