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What's your idea for a new mod/special map?

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11 years ago
I thought I'd start a thread to ask the questions:

What would you like to see in a mod or fun map (eg. duke) for ZK? What's your idea for a new coop/team/1v1 mode that would add new exciting gameplay? What do the dev's think about ideas for mods and what is easy/hard to create?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Here is two ideas to get started:

ZKcraft - Map has no metal. Start with com, some standard issue porc. Com morph is half price. Wander map with com and a couple of chosen support units, finding small "bandit groups" of enemy units tied to small area. Defeat the gradually tougher bands to reclaim for metal. Find bonus units you can capture by standing next to them. Eventually attack the other player/CAI bases to win. In the same gameplay style as Warcraft III. Also good for teaching noobs about unit types.

ZK Racing - There is definitely potential for some form of racing in ZK using Newtons and hostile units. I've played around with lines of Newtons trying to get a racecourse effect with units getting pushed around a "track", but haven't got it quite right yet. Could a mod make this work? Newton spam is always lolz.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
ZK Mining or something, suggested by jK: map has limited metal per section, which is drained by mining it with mexes. When mined empty, the section collapses in an earthquake, possibly falling into lava.
+4 / -0
11 years ago
I would like to see this:
http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/5199 :)

And maybe tower defence.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
One "Uncle Sam" - Mode.
No Metal Map, per user +8 Income... or so.
+0 / -0
NeonStorm made "Uncle Sam" zk mod already afair. (Where does this "Uncle Sam" come from?)

Also Spring has a quite good tower defense game: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=28916
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well I have new old idea for quite some time basically to give commander hook and make special map for it, gameplay would be ultra fast. Best if it would like this

or at least this slow :)

but problem is I m very busy and dont have time and I will have time not sooner than 2 months later :)

+0 / -0
11 years ago
special map? LLTA Complex V2 zombies
+0 / -0
11 years ago
ZK Plague - Normal game, except AI unit of random type spawns at random map location every 30sec. Units wander map. When killed, ai unit spawn two of the same unit type at new random location on map. Potentially, can add multiple plague AIs for extra lolz.

ZK Spawn - Start with normal game. At gradually faster intervals, which are staggered for each player, gradually larger numbers of units (starting at one) of a single random type spawn around each commander. At every interval, all previously spawned units are removed, encouraging immediate use. Objective is to destroy other commander. "My glaives are winning! No wait they turned into dirtbags I'm dying. OMG my roaches just exploded everywhere!"

ZK Fixnub - All porc disabled.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
ZK Original: overdrivesharingscheme=communism
+0 / -0
11 years ago
ZK Porc: All mobile units except builders are disabled.

ZK Sharing: Everyone on a team controls all the team's units, with some number of commanders at the beginning based on playercount (maybe 1 commander for every 4 people, rounded down?). This actually used to be a modoption, but not anymore.

ZK Supercommanders: All commanders go from ulti- to detri- sized from morph levels 1-5, with corresponding HP, range, and damage increases.

ZK Nukespam: Nukes (the missiles) take 30s instead of one minute, along with costing 1/3 what they do now. Nuke silos cost 2500 metal. Antinukes have their normal cost. (yes, this measn that nukes cost less than antinukes overall)

ZK Air Wars: All dedicated anti-air is disabled.

An empty 1x1 map

A giant 24x24 FFA map.

A maze map. Air is disabled, and the area on top of the walls is impassible to discourage jumpy or spider bots to go on them.

ZK Unitspam: Everyone picks a starting (mobile) unit and a builder. They can build defenses and that unit and that builder only. Athenas are disabled unless chosen. Also, the builder and the unit can both be builders (or even the same one, although that would be useless).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You should not have axed this. I'm going to flood the thread now.

OTA-style deathmatch. In OTA, there was a respawning mode. Bring that to ZK. Each player starts with 2000 metal of Boost (ploppable *anything*) and Boost can be used for comm-morphs too. After you die, you respawn at a random startpoint. Killing a comm gets you one point (killing a comm with your nukedeath does not).

So kills are expensive since you lose everything you used to earn the kill. And if a player is getting too strong, you can suicide your comm into him and destroy his base... but that feeds him a point.

First player to 20 points wins.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
King of the Metal: players get fixed M income, but earn victory points for mining metal. When you mine, half the victory-metal stays sequestered in the extractor. This means you can actually destroy the enemy player's victory points to knock down his score.
+0 / -0
Multi-Comm 1v1.

Each player gets 2 comms (and 2 plops) in a 1v1 match. Comm-dies-game-ends. So it will allow experimenting with multi-fac opening tactics and it will let you run a game-ends where you actually have a second chance.
+0 / -0
ZK Unitspam: Everyone picks a starting (mobile) unit and a builder. They can build defenses and that unit and that builder only. Athenas are disabled unless chosen. Also, the builder and the unit can both be builders (or even the same one, although that would be useless).

So kind of like monobattles. That would be fun. Although I wonder if it would be better if only the basic defensive turrets would be unlocked, otherwise it could end up as a huge porcfest.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Homebase KOTH:

A KOTH-game where each base gets a big secure invincible static tower-comm that gives them a minimum income and a beefy defense in their home base. This forces players to entirely focus on the Hill instead of eliminating the competition.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Conway's Teeth: bring back Dragons Teeth, every 5 or so seconds they all mutate according to Conway's Life rules. Possibilities are endless!

- make "classic" dragon's teeth with 2x2 blocks or beehives!
- send a spaceship at an enemy army to disrupt their pathing!
- create an oscillator to make a gate that opens and closes!
- aim a glider gun at the enemy fac!
- get an eater for antiglider defense!
- use a puffer train to ruin the game!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Conway's Teeth
While back I did quick test with something similiar.
Obstacles that change (semi) random:

Problem was iirc the walls would trap units when switching and pathing takes a while to update. So it was a bit annoying to move units around.
But maybe the obstacles just need to change slower..
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Wander map with com and a couple of chosen support units, finding small "bandit groups" of enemy units tied to small area. Defeat the gradually tougher bands to reclaim for metal. Find bonus units you can capture by standing next to them.

There used to be a Spring mod, Micro Modules by KDR_11k. You started with a bunch of units and could summon aggressive neutral units at will - you got additional units for killing them.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
omg i want test that mod
+0 / -0
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