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That Religion Thread continued. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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11 years ago
Continued from
at the request of GBrankTheSponge, whose computer cannot bear the load of repetitive arguing.

Our pasta, who art in colander,
Hearty be thy sauce;
Thy course come,
Thy meat be well-done,
on earth as it is in the kitchen.
Give us this our daily ravioli,
and forgive us our vegetables,
as we forgive those who eat nothing but vegetables;
and lead us not into veganism,
but deliver us from fruits. Ramen.
+4 / -2

11 years ago
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I blasphemed and said god was rubbish, and all I got were these huge genitals
+0 / -0
11 years ago

+0 / -0
11 years ago
What conclusions can be drawn from this thread and part 1?

Most ZK players are irreligious/atheists/blasphemers and reject religion in all forms.
You get lynched for arguing against logic on the ZK forum.
Anything else?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
So many questions here and i like them.:).Sad that some of them turn these questions in jokes and other bad habits.If you are not interested in the subject and dont like it please leave this thread or you waste view space here and i dont need that for example.

I like the Ideas you bring up Sheep cause the first law that all 10 commandements depend is tha law of love(of course its a big word because its verry rare in our life and in case it exist in some form its perverted and missregarded).I just watched the youtube video until 1.38 and i already can bring an answer.YOu just apply the first law and dont kill the 5 workers not even the lonley worker, you just save those lives and endangering your own life.

From John 13:34 in the Bible we have this

"A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Those are the words Jesus said to them after his ressurection and after his suffering on the Cross.

"Religions do not want you to think, they want you to believe, they want you to act in his name. The worst in all of this is that you do not even understand that religion is about other men telling you what to do in the name of some god"

I dont know what religion you say about here Sheep but in mine that i mentioned we dont act like that, on the contrary we reason a lot but with the guidance of spiritual feelings(attatchments, what makes you feel better etc.) so we wont fall on the other side like i posted in that Big image.WE are tought by our saints to be in a constant equilibrium with our resoning and our soul so we wont fall.

Regarding the people that say they have direct connection to God i agree with that.People who say that sheep, are considered in Orthodoxy "cheated by the devil" because is the worst form of pride that some humans take.Pride is the root of all sin and you can understand that easily, but on the contrary side of pride we have the virtue of dignity and between them is a thick layer where you can easily fall from one to the other in case you don't know the difference between them.These things that i wrote here you learn in college for future Ortrhodox priests and there are more things then this one of course.

Regarding the organ donation, from what i know they are not considered a sin because on the contrary, they save life...and thus the law of love is implemented.

Skasi i already posted a picture(BIG PICTURE :P) what happens when you dont keep a balance between reason and spirituality.If you fall to the spiritual side a lot you gain the pride and start to think that you have a special connection to God wich is verry bad and i posted why above.In case you go to the scientific and reasoning side a lot you disregard life and consider to be ok if you kill a few people just to make some things better(like eugenics project and like the russians were doing to some of the population in the second world war,watch soviet story transfer documentary if you are more interested).ANd the reasons were not only overpopulation, but many.

Sorry sheep for not watching all video, il try to watch and comment on every single idea i see there, when is time.

When i said about spirituality sheep its not just all of it, just the corect form of it.Here you must read tons of books to find the right religion and to understand that takes a lot of time and is a long journy.FOr examples to muslims is ok to kill som1 who is infidel(doesnt have your religion).This is just an example, il try to add more but there is not enaught time:(.

Good idea about the continued form of this thread
+0 / -0
I even heard of another proof of a Saint's Hand that constantly is warm .You can find it in Mount Athos from what i remember.Il try to ask for more details if som1 needs it.(Its an Orhodox saint).

I want more info on this, if it's true that it constantly produce heat it would be a miracle that can be scientifically proved easy.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I want more info on this, if it's true that it constantly produce heat it would be a miracle that can be scientifically proved easy.

Moreover, the economic argument would claim it would make quite a neat source of energy.
+0 / -0
"In case you go to the scientific and reasoning side a lot you disregard life and consider to be ok if you kill a few people just to make some things better."
There are more than 0 philosophical theories that are based in reasoning that promote not killing people.


This one even has interaction with religions:

You can use reasoning to determine what is good and what is bad, and the facts that are observable in the world can help you. You can even start from a point where your intuition tells you something is off and you cannot point to a reason yet, but you do not need religion to 'balance science or bad stuff happens'.

Edit: EErankAdminAnarchid There's always a relevant xkcd, isn't there? :D
+0 / -0

11 years ago
watch this if you like miracles:

Most ZK players are irreligious/atheists/blasphemers and reject religion in all forms.
You get lynched for arguing against logic on the ZK forum.
Anything else?

Correct. I dunno about others, but I reject religion in all forms I know of... but I let people believe what they want as long as they don't proselytize. I don't go to churches to tell them how wrong they are. But if you bring religion or magic thinking to justify anything in a public debate, expect to be confronted fiercely.

Regarding the people that say they have direct connection to God i agree with that.People who say that sheep, are considered in Orthodoxy "cheated by the devil" because is the worst form of pride that some humans take.

I don't know the details of this religion... but the simple fact that you use the religion to justify the religious view makes it worthless. If in the end, we coincidentally agree on something because your religion tells you how you should view something, it is just a coincidence... and I still question the thought process.

Don't forget to pray the Invisible Pink Unicorn when you ate all your noodles. Ramen.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Lalz BRrank[V]sheep you own me a 1 vs 1 for that:D(joking)."Don't forget to pray the Invisible Pink Unicorn when you ate all your noodles. Ramen"

I was not indoctrinated, i just asked questions to priest, read a lot found a lot and reasoned that is ok to fight for what you think is good especially when you see the fruits of that goodness.

I accept that BRrank[V]sheep "expect to be confronted fiercely." and i like it, but i dont want to be a confruntation of pride over pride, cause that wont take us annywhere.I just want a reasonal debate in balance with what you feel is right.

I said that about people who think they have a special connection to God because of the pride factor, and i already told why pride is bad and you can see it everyday people running and fighting to keep it, even if they do bad things to other.The religion I follow(Is the true religion from what i found in years of study and years of reading) makes reasonal states regarding those people who have lots of pride and has examples why is bad.

"I even heard of another proof of a Saint's Hand that constantly is warm .You can find it in Mount Athos from what i remember.Il try to ask for more details if som1 needs it.(Its an Orhodox saint).

I want more info on this, if it's true that it constantly produce heat it would be a miracle that can be scientifically proved easy. "

@[DOOP]fortaleza i will ask the priest who went there and saw that miracle and give you more info where it is and in what part of Mount Athos it happens.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Another excaple of a miracle is in this video:

Watter changes course every year in the same day God was bapthised.I will try to add the exactly date in case some of you want to go there and see it with your own eyes.
+0 / -0
Watter changes course every year in the same day God was bapthised.

Where is the evidence that this is not a natural occurrence? There should be evidence of something being unexplainable by nature or humans before attributing it to divine intervention.
+0 / -0
this could be evidence that the moon goes around the earth and the earth goes around the sun, causing gravitational pulls that affect global water distribution?

you know, as opposed to that whole 'everything goes round the earth' theory that Christianity championed until the naysayers got too numerous to just burn alive..
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Well, i'll ask once again: How old is the earth?

There's nothing spiritual to be balanced here. Just cold, hard facts. There is no way around admitting that the bible is wrong on earth's age.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Personally, I am a religious person, although I disagree with Forever on some points (which I will probably not discuss to prevent rage). To (roughly) quote something from someone I used to know: "Every religion that makes people better is good". You can find some things that don't follow this (radical sects of Islam, for example), but you'll find that overall, most do. To quote Forever (and the Bible): "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Go find the evidence then....exactly in the same day of God's bapthise when it happens, weird right? Please, now you see evidence, clear ones and still deny
+0 / -3
11 years ago
MauranKilom i already said that God is beyond the timeline and his time can be 1 second for Him and for us 100000 of years.or it can be 10000 of years for Him and 1 second for us.Just remove the fact that he Is subjected to the natural laws and you understand
+0 / -1
This is not about how much time good took to create the earth. It's about the actual age of the earth. How long (in human years) has it existed? Millions or just a few thousand?

exactly in the same day of God's bapthise when it happens, weird right?

I know a person who has his birthday on that day. Every year, without fail, it's on that very day. Weird, right? Clearly that person must be holy!
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I was not there my friend to see, and thats the problem.Tell me , if i find out with what this will help when you will know
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