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Black dawns

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13 years ago
Why do i get the feeling black dawn rush just always work? They always get the job done. Even if they have aa they will destroy alot before they go down. I see ppl rushing them every game and it always works. Black dawns should be more expensive i think.
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13 years ago
In later game they are not very cost effective, though I always think they are better than machine gun gunship - I never use that so I forgot its name.

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13 years ago
Pretty much all the matches i play i see mutliple ppl rushing black dawns and pwning all others. I tried to counter it with gnats but that doesnt work very well. The black dawn just retreats back to the porc after it fired its salvo and gnats get pwned. There wasnt even a razor kiss defending it just some defenders

Something needs to be done because now its a black dawn rush fight
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13 years ago
Just a heavy AA bot/tank can deal with, especially the flaktank it have AoE.

Beside, you can put same amount of metal on Rapiers to get all enemy.
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13 years ago
Problem is you can only cover a small area with it. The black dawn just rapes someone else then.
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13 years ago
Stop it already. Please. Every day you call another unit op. Let's just nerf every friggin unit at once.

Black Dawn was called op a year ago. People always rushed it, then suddenly stopped and found another 'op unit'. That's a cycle, just a phase, so calm down!!!!!
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13 years ago
Guess i have to abuse it then to prove it
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13 years ago
Please do.
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13 years ago
It works against arty - hammers, volverines(which "do they best" trying to hit air) some direct fire units like warrior and etc should deal with it.
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13 years ago
I was pretty sure a Razors Kiss with builder support could fight one off. Try to get one player to start planes for larger games.
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13 years ago
I agree with Google, the last few games I played in Zero-K.
I always wanted to start with plane to guide team find enemys weakness point.

Also defend air.
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13 years ago
It works on smaller maps where planes barely have room to manuever too. 1 razor kiss cant kill a black dawn (it takes like 30 sec for a razor to kill a black dawn) before your com is dead (which takes only 1-3 salvo's). So you end up with no com...
Besides if he actualy uses the black dawn as a hit and run unit its pretty much invulnerable to 1 razor kiss. It just goes in releases its rockets then goes back and you got like 5 sec to kill it and its always defended by aa. Maybe a range nerf so it cant hit and run that easily anymore would fix that.
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13 years ago
I don't think they're invincible. I do feel that black dawns have a little too high HP for a skirmisher type unit, though.
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13 years ago
Rick, you shall detect the blackdawn first and let commander build missile tower to protect itself. and yeah, if they insist to kill commander with 2 blackdawns at very begining, it will probably sucess.

BD have 2900 hp, 2 shot getting a commander.

However, this is a team game. It meant to join units to get opponents weakness. Like 2 player take down 1. Only 1 blackdawn could only fulfill one mission to attack, but not defend, see how much metal you passed on it - 900M =10 glavies + vairous other units.
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13 years ago
1 black dawn is enough to kill a com. If you are lucky it can even 1 shot it. Its getting really lame last matches I played everytime ppl rushed black dawn and won. Unless you spam aa and ignore the ground you get pwned by black dawn. Only effective counter is to rush black dawn yourself to even the balance.
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13 years ago
a radar plane could find blackdawn instantly and kill it with fighters.
yeah, but how the blackdawn know where you are and find your commander?

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13 years ago
Try kill a black dawn thats behind porc with your 3 rushed vamps. Even if they kill it you still lose. They get the reclaim and you lost most if not all your vamps. Most of the time you dont even have time to make a counter. Your com is dead in 10 sec or so.
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13 years ago
Might be interested in some data:
Min players 6, min teams 2, ZK version 0.8.x.
Unit stats for 356 games:
Used in 89 games; Cost damaged/lost 0,78;
List of top dmg. Left: dmg dealt, Right: dmg taken.

Recommended counters by efficiency:
Tarantula - AA Spider
Flail - AA Hover
Copperhead - Flak Tank
Jethro - AA Bot
Rapier - Skirmisher, AA Gunship
Cobra - AA Flak Gun
Hacksaw - Long Range AA Missile Battery
Razor's Kiss - Hardened AA Laser (maybe microable - close when BD fires, open when BD reloads)
Stinger - High-Energy Laser Tower
Defender - Light Missile Tower

I was expecting Hacksaws to be efficient against hit and run units.

Krow has higher efficiency than any other mobile unit. Its stats were changed often, so this information is unreliable.
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13 years ago
Under the Jack's Cost Damage/Lost column, it says:

Am I right in assuming the , is really a decimal point?
And that 494,26 means that the blackdawn has killed 494.26 times of a blackdawn's cost in Jacks over 89 games?
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13 years ago
It means Black Dawns deal 494,26 times the cost-damage that Jacks deal against Black Dawns. ("cost-damage" meaning hp/cost)
So if BDs dealt 70907 damage to Jacks (5k hp @ 650 metal cost) they damaged ~9200 metal worth of Jacks. ponder If my maths don't fail that would mean Jacks dealt exactly 60 damage to a Black Dawn.. which can't be true since Jacks deal 300 damage per hit. Maybe the Black Dawn was already down to 60hp? Pff. *shrug*
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