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Totally uncool Swastika

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11 years ago

I came on recently seeing that a lot of hosts have the map Suasti chosen - which shows basically a FCKING SWASTIKA.

Seriously? I am very surprised by that - maybe due to my personal background (yes, my grandparents were kinda victims of the Nazis, though some of them even were nazis) I am SO SO SO PISSED. I understand that political-correctness isnt that common among gamers - but this is the symbol of a fucking massmurdering movement that caused and causes so much pain, losses, deaths.

Please remove that map from the game and blacklist it if possible.

And to whoever uploaded it: Fuck you.

PS: Sorry for the swearing....
+13 / -1
I changed map on the last host that had it.

It should be removed from map pool, any idea how to?

Here it is on Springfiles:
+0 / -0
Agreed. This map (and similar) has no place here (or anywhere else for that matter).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Personally I would say that political correctness has no place here, but as many people will be offended I will say yes, remove it. Perhaps some map standard would be welcome here? Things like no swastikas, no 16x16 textures, no ridiculously one sided maps.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I agree, this map needs to go (along with a few similar ones).
+0 / -0
Is there a way to exclude the map from the cycle?

Or maybe it is. In which case, what's going on?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I highly doubt it is a featured map that will come up in the rotation. It does not have to be featured to be played though, "!map Suasti" would activate it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What's wrong with the bhudist symbol for immortality?
Really grow up people hitler blew his brains out over half a century ago... Mud moronic paranoia
+5 / -1
Well, swastika is sun symbol is some ancient shit...

Perhaps some map standard would be welcome here?

I have to make tits map...

hitler blew his brains out over half a century ago...

There are still some morons, taht think he was right - they are called neonacists ^^

+1 / -1
Really grow up people hitler blew his brains out over half a century ago... Mud moronic paranoia

Sure, because the end of hitler's existance completely wiped his ideology off the face of the planet. Right?

Without trying to start a discussion on this, but believe me, the german education system is very pedantic about sensibilizing people on this topic. It's absolutely nothing to be joked about and a very serious topic, even in the present days.
If your neighbour country's largest party were a right-winged nationalist one with strong xenophobic and racist tendencies, would you call that "mud moronic paranoia", too?
+7 / -0
Since this will inevitably turn into a thread about why people hate Nazism etc. and get locked because of the inevitable flamewar I might as well start now.

There are still some morons, taht think he was right - they are called neonacists ^^

While you might dislike Hitler and Nazism there is no reason to call people who believe in it morons. How is it any less of a valid belief than anything else. Unless you hate Nazism because everyone else thinks it is evil without thinking about it yourself, in which case I can only conclude you are a delusional nutcase, there is no real reason to see it as any different from other religions/philosophies/beliefs. Disagreeing is one thing, hating people for their beliefs is another. How ironic that Nazis who hated people for what they believed and did have been remembered with hatred for what they believed and did.

"I disapprove of what you say believe, but I will defend to the death your right to say believe it.
-Voltaire, who could explain it better than me.

Anyway, back to maps and standards. I think it would be a good idea if there was a guideline document of standards that must be met to be put on the ZK map database. A concern was raised in #zkdev that this would stop people from playing new maps, but I dont see that it would make a whole lot of difference because it would encourage people to make higher quality maps which would be played more. Most of our new and good maps seem to come from CArankTheMooseIsLoose, so perhaps he would like to draw up some quality guidelines?
+0 / -3
11 years ago
Who do I have to talk with if I find maps with water offensive? Water has been causing many deaths by drown along the history of mankind (see Titanic)
Therefore I demand all the maps with water to be removed
+10 / -1
11 years ago
While you might dislike Hitler and Nazism there is no reason to call people who believe in it morons. How is it any less of a valid belief than anything else. Unless you hate Nazism because everyone else thinks it is evil without thinking about it yourself, in which case I can only conclude you are a delusional nutcase, there is no real reason to see it as any different from other religions/philosophies/beliefs. Disagreeing is one thing, hating people for their beliefs is another. How ironic that Nazis who hated people for what they believed and did have been remembered with hatred for what they believed and did.

Noam Chomsky explains why he thinks natural law is right and moral relativism is wrong and capitalism must end because it’s immoral.

I think that modern Germany in a lot of ways has been able to learn from its past more than many other nations and Noam Chomsky is right there are bounds in which humans must operate just maybe not his bounds.
+0 / -1
11 years ago
an idea, on its own, is just an idea. only when you aply it can that idea do anything... thus to fear an idea is paranoia. You should fear the application of the idea much more then its existance.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you do relize that the swastica was orignaly a symbol of good just caz the asshats nazi used it for evil dosent mean that symbol is only used for evil after the cross the symbol of chistianity was once used to massicare muslums and jews
+1 / -0
11 years ago





+0 / -0

11 years ago
+1 / -0
You can debate yourself silly over the nature of symbolism and the subjectivity of interpretation, but in real life it basically comes down to this: the vast majority of people who see a swastika will be first reminded of Nazism.

Imagine a new player opens up the client for the first time, and goes to the multiplayer tabs and sees a bunch of swastika images from the minimap thumbnails. How do you think that represents the community?
+10 / -0
as devout roma, catholic, budist, hindu, practitioners of safe driving methodw who belive in everlasting world peace?

no really, these days most people under the age of 15 have never even seen a nazi swastika, let alone have personal familiarity with the subject (noone under the age of 70 was even born at the time)

also i find christian/catholic croses extremly offencive, due to my absolute hate of the inquisition and almost evrything that the christian/catholic church actualy stands for...
(mostly (institutionalized) mass murder, child molestation, blackmail, extortion, fraud, and hypocracy)
(all things that said religion specialize in)
+2 / -2
USrankluckywaldo7 is right. Debating Nazism does not stop people being offended by swastika maps.
+0 / -0
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