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hash bug by map download

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11 years ago
I start zero-k normalie it started a update?... and i cant play
the map was not loaded.
A new setup was not helped .... I need help to play please
ps a windows was to see for 1 sec with a button scan... hash ... cant read in this time
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Dont know why .. but it is already good
thx :))
+0 / -0

11 years ago
so you have zero-k lobby or another lobby ?
are you on windows or linux?
does it try to load a game, or at what point does it stop?
search your game data directory for a file called "infolog.txt" and copy the content to www.pastebin.com, then copy the link from pastebin here (there is data collected from the last game/loading porcess)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I had zero-k lobby on windows vista laptop with low wlan internet
The problem is an window that flaming on display for 1sec or 3sec time
not by playing the game
This window comes in multiplayer website, forum ,battleroom.....
Yesterday so wonder i can play the game normally today :( not
please help me
+0 / -0
11 years ago
ps: I canot load a map txt failed the map
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Wir können dir wahrscheinlich besser helfen wenn du auf deutsch fragst, derzeit fällt's schwer dich zu verstehen.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Ja, mein Englisch ist sehr schlecht.
Es geht wieder, keine Ahnung warum.
Hatte zwei Verknüpfungen für Zero-K.
Diese müßten aber auf die gleiche Anwendung verweisen.
Das Fenster poppte davor egal wo ich war immer wieder zurzeitig auf, mal eine Sekunde mal zwei Sekunden lang und verschwand dann wieder.
Das Fenster hatte einen Button mit der Beschriftung "Scan",Hintergrund war grau, dazu noch ein Text als Statusanzeige: scanne alle maps oder so ähnlich.
Der Fehler trat nach einem Restart nach einem Update auf.
Spielen konnte ich nicht, weil keine Map geladen wurde.
Vielleicht war es doch die falsche Verknüpfung. Tut mir leid, das Ihr so viel Mühe mit mir habt.
+0 / -0
Ich übersetz das mal (das Problem gab's schon bei anderen, ich weiß aber nicht wie/ob das gefixt wurde)

"It's working already, i don't know why. I had two links for Zero-K, they should link to the same application.
A window popped up occasionally wherever i was, sometimes one, sometimes two seconds before disappearing again.
It was labeled "Scan" with a grey background, the states label said something like "scan all maps".
The error happened after a restart after an update. I couldn't play because no map was loading. Maybe it was the wrong link, i don't know..."
+0 / -0

11 years ago
A window popped up occasionally wherever i was, sometimes one, sometimes two seconds before disappearing again.
It was labeled "Scan" with a grey background, the states label said something like "scan all maps".

I've been having this issue for months now, ever since switching to zkl on linux.

It's almost as irritating as the focus loss whenever i receive a PM while typing.
+0 / -0