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Lobby design

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Curent lobby is not very pleasent to look. Can we discus here how it should look?

I was thinkink about 2-3 panel layout where all the functionality of current ZKL is preserverd and content is just replaced and restyled.

Left and right panel would have fixed width and fluid vertical spacing/sizng.
Buttons on left would be done as images with mouse over and click actions.
Chat channels would be tabed on top.

Dont mind element sizing or colors, its just a sketch.

PS: Don just f* criticise and tel how it should look like.

AUrankAdminSaktoth design:
+1 / -0
11 years ago
OMG my eyes!!!!!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Dont mind element sizing or colors, its just a sketch.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Where would the left panel and the channel list go once you switch to chat?
+0 / -0
Chat channels would be tabed on top.

On middle panel, instead of list, tabs. 4-panel layout would look stupid.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
So you want to display 8+ tabs (friends too?) in the center, or do you want to use the whole width?

Where would the minimap of the current game go?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It would fit into middle one, 10 tabs for sure, or better one row for channels and one row for friends. (which would be hidden for no friend chat)

I forgot to draw the map, it would be under battle chat on right, it would fir there, image have messed up sizing.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Just because it's a sketch doesn't mean it doesn't need to show at least one reason why I'd ever even consider using this over the current layout.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Why are there 2 settings buttons?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Just because it's a sketch doesn't mean it doesn't need to show at least one reason why I'd ever even consider using this over the current layout.

This layout seems nicer to me, i dont like that boring windowish stly of ZKL. Im not capable of deep graphic sense i just know that current lobby is not what modern game lobby should look like.

CArankTheMooseIsLoose Settings and battle setup

+0 / -0

11 years ago
You could talk more about each design decision you've made in that sketch, would be much easier to understand, criticize and improve.

Things i dislike about current ZKL design (aside from minor graphical glitches and assorted bugs) and that could maybe get adressed in any "rebranding" attempt:

- Battle is a chat channel? What? I keep getting caught in this semantic noobtrap, trying to hit "multiplayer" to see my ongoing battle room enlarged.
- Proliferation of bottom bars that munch away at the primary dimension of my screen real estate for the pillbox effect.
- No real notion of tabs and lack of disambiguation between browser and in-app buttons.
+4 / -0
11 years ago
I think that two important buttons (SP, MP) needs to be bigger and left panel is better visible than top.

Battle chat could be only on right side (direct chat from everywhere), it would make more sense.
Also, curent battle bar on botom with doubled chat is weird.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Awesme think could be minimal mode, where you can show just the right panel and stick it to right side of screen, so you can browse and watch game status, vote and chat.
+0 / -0
One thing I agree with, is that all the buttons could be at left side instead of at top like they are is current layout.
This would save some vertical space which is very much needed for chat and player list. With current layout there is deficit of vertical space at times, all the download bars, vote bars, matchmaking bars take valuable vertical space and sometimes as result the player list gets so compacted you cant even see one full team. Which is even more annoying because scrolling is broken, but this is another issue.
+2 / -0
- Where does the current map of the battle you are in go?

- Will anything else be displayed on left panel? Huge wasted space if it is just those buttons. Current sketch: 25% of screen. current lobby: 5% of screen for the same buttons. Even when you resize this sketch and keep left panel the same width, all the space below it is wasted.

- Wastage of vertical space is not addressed by making a big zero-k icon take up vertical space, as well as a big tab button that tells you where you are in addition to the left panel being perfectly capable of telling you that. "my battle" info bar can also be made more vertically efficient by having no icon and one line of text.

- Two wrench icons is confusing. Better would be "general options" and "battle options", but those would be big buttons. For consistence, other buttons on battle panel should also have text instead of icons, and ideally all be the same size so you get a neat 2x2 grid of buttons.

- In my opinion chat is at least as important as singleplayer, button size should reflect this.

edit: spacing and:

- Where do the votes go in this lobby design? Logically they would go in "my battle" panel, but there is no space there with chat AND playerlist AND buttons.
+0 / -0
- Where does the current map of the battle you are in go?
Read on top, i forgot to place under right chat

- Will anything else be displayed on left panel? Huge wasted space if it is just those buttons. Current sketch: 25% of screen. current lobby: 5% of screen for the same buttons. Even when you resize this sketch and keep left panel the same width, all the space below it is wasted.
Every monitor is at least 1280 pixels wide, why is important to fill space?
And it may be 25% on sketch but it would be less in real app.
Look for example on LoL lobby desgned by professionals, is it space efficient?

- Two wrench icons is confusing. Better would be "general options" and "battle options", but those would be big buttons. For consistence, other buttons on battle panel should also have text instead of icons, and ideally all be the same size so you get a neat 2x2 grid of buttons.
Yes it is just for ilustration. One yould be wrench and one could say settings...

- In my opinion chat is at least as important as singleplayer, button size should reflect this.
Not for newbies i think, others can always find it. The button would still be big enought and with new message status.

- Where do the votes go in this lobby design? Logically they would go in "my battle" panel, but there is no space there with chat AND playerlist AND buttons.
I guess in right panel if it would fit up to 800px height (smallest monitors).

It would need real size sketch to see.
+0 / -0
its a good thing i can respawn!
+0 / -0
I changed it right after i saw that blue... Dont worry im not that sadistic.
+1 / -0
OR we could have something that... you know. Doesn't look too awful.
+1 / -0
That is good.

- Can you transform that into windows form aplication?
- It would just looked weird at windows frame, can mono handle borderles windows?
- The window would had to have fixed size.
- Ergonomic errors stays with this design.

I would like t have design like that with layout like i showed.
+0 / -0
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