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Remove downvotes

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11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
I dont like them, and it just seems a way for some "high elos" to troll new ideas.

What other purpose does a "downvote" have other than discourage people from posting and contributing new ideas?

I don't think punishing people for posting new ideas is something the community should participate in.
+1 / -8
Downvotes exist to show disapproval of things like bad ideas and rude behavior. It is my personal perception that they are doing a fair job of it.

People don't get punished for posting "new" ideas, even if we accept the implied definition of punishment. They get punished for elements of the idea or its posting that have nothing to do with their newness or lack thereof.
+7 / -1
11 years ago
nobody should be punished for expressing their thoughts
people might decide not to post here anymore
+0 / -0
11 years ago
People are not punished for expressing their thoughts. People are "punished" (what a bizarre word to use) for expressing ideas that the community disproves of. If someone suggested that trolling be rewarded with getting 75% of the team's resources would you say it got downvoted because it is a new idea or because it is insane?
+2 / -0
What other purpose does a "downvote" have other than discourage people from posting

Making discussions in this forum more productive. Downvotes don't mean the downvoted person should stop posting in general. It may mean that they should reconsider whatever they expressed in their post, to the point of refraining from posting this kind of stuff. If people downvote ddab, they don't mean he should stop posting but post less trollposts.

Downvotes are not inherently meant as a personal attack or to express a grudge. They are meant to signal approval or disapproval of the idea within that post. That's all there is to it.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
only allowing upvotes is such a silly naive reflection of what a faggy liberal society we live in
+0 / -2
11 years ago

If you only knew about liberalism, you would realize that liberals are often "equality based" and that "equality based is at the force of law" and that law is often about "social based society".

In a social based society, is important to have a few at the top making sure everyone is balanced and equal. Thus a socialism based government system that is at the top.

And at this top, dissenting ideas are attacked, liberals are by their very nature attacking of certain ideas that are already established. Liberals are a reaction to the current normal. How do you think liberals maintain their control? By downvoting people they don't like. The liberal war is a popularity war, it is based on making ideas popular by attacking those who reject those ideas.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The liberals have any kind of control...? What society do you live in?

There is a lot of useless chaff discussion on this forum, a lot of really stupid ideas and suggestions (neonstorm etc). I used to spend a lot of time arguing against these ideas and suggestions. Now I just see they are at -6, nobody agrees with them, so it's a waste of time to respond to a non-representative oppinion, and instead I respond to the posts with positive responses.

They should also be a clear signal to players with negative downvotes that their posts are not constructive, and give them a clear idea of the sort of sentiments that aren't worth contributing.
+5 / -1
11 years ago
the reply to blitztank was a bit sidetracked.....

i do understand the mentality of "minimize the unpopular ideas and reply to the popular ones" but in the real world it doesn't work

-1 is far to easy, and constructive posting is far too hard

Social networks do not have -1, it doesn't work. Facebook doesn't have it, google+ doesn't have it, and I doubt twitter has it either.

+0 / -1
11 years ago
crushing ideas under a souless -1 is so easy! and it will destroy non-click membership faster than any other policy on this board
+0 / -1
downvotes mean, that this ONE AND ONLY post is disagreed by a person.

1) this means not, that you, YES YOU, as a person is hated. it means the post content is not agreed by the downvoter. nothing else and especially nothing personal. grow up if you dont have already.

2) as saktoth said, it saves time to keep up with the forum and seperate content form troll.

3) if you need motivation to correctly present an idea, you have the upvotes or the damokles sword of downvotes. so you probably think twice how you formulate your idea. a badly or even insulting formulated but good idea wont do it and that is good so. this encourages both the quality of language and clear presentation of the idea to the community, prevents misunderstandings and makes it possible to discuss the idea properly (instead of raging at you because of bad manner or such)

4) there are regulative forces and measurements to prevent abuse of downvotes or correct insulting use of them afterwards

5) stay rational, use the official means to report abuse and dont rage. simple as that.

6) why you compare this with fb, g+ and such? who cares what they got?
+4 / -0
11 years ago
-1 might not mean anything to you mojjj but it does mean something to others

-1 is a souless insult to the poster, a pure one click punishment for posting and contributing to the forums
+0 / -0

11 years ago
if you dont agree with me, simple downvote my post. but i have a slightly impression you didnt understand it or didnt read it.

if it helps you to stay rational, i petition to rename
"upvote" to "agree with post content"
"downvote" to "disagree with post content"
+2 / -0
11 years ago
What DErankAdminmojjj said. There is a lot of whining about downvotes because people always take it the wrong way.
+0 / -1
i +agree with the DErankAdminmojjj proposal.

(i also wonder if scasie's css modification will cause him to not see that word)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You will tell others how to feel when they get downvoted?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That is it though. It is not them getting downvoted, it is the idea that got downvoted.
+2 / -0
You will tell others how to feel when they get downvoted?

If you want to feel insulted by downvotes, we cannot change that. We also probably won't abort the entire system just because it discomforts you. All of this doesn't change the fact that downvotes are not meant as insults, no matter how you feel about them.

But: Your argument works exactly the same for being upvoted. I could complain that i feel insulted by being upvoted. Or if people reply to me with a real post. I mean, you can't tell me how to feel for being replied to! So please everybody stop replying to me, it makes me uncomfortable and sad. (Don't, i'm just making a point).
+0 / -0
Don't take downvotes as an insult. They just mean "I disagree". Which is fine. If you go -9? A lot of people disagree with you. Disagreement is fine. The downvote is far nicer than the "STFU NOOB" reactions that can come if there is no downvote.
+2 / -0
Aaand... another downvote appeared on my profile page. However, i couldn't find a -1 for me in any of the threads i recently posted in.
I'd actually like to know what people disagreed with. In fact, i haven't seen any of my last four -1, and i cannot search for my own posts besides the "Posted threads" thing on my page (no, googling does not work).

I looked up the first four downvotes i got, and while i cannot remember who they originated from, i did learn from them.
Care to enlighten me? I want to improve my posts...

Edit: Well, apparently the counter in the profile got removed... Now "revenge downvoting" will have no effect at all. Yay!
+0 / -0
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