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Corrupt Packets

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11 years ago
Just came back to zk, but in my first game it was lagging very badly. I kept getting spam in the chat window something like "Error, discarding incoming corrupt packets". Anyone have any ideas? This makes zk almost unplayable.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
post content of infolo.txt (e.g. via pastebin.com)
+0 / -0
11 years ago


+0 / -0
from the infolog file, i read you have used the map "simple chess".

[f=0000000] Using map: SimpleChess
[f=0000000] Warning: Incompatible map-checksum: Checksum of SimpleChess (checksum 0x50e19d06) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be 2 different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.

zk validates the map file with a checksum over the file. The file for the map you use is somehow not equal than the file of the map on the spring server. use another map or delete the current map (to download again), then try to play again.

there could be other reasons for the corrupt packets though. im no expert ;)
+1 / -0
11 years ago
It was happening before that map, so I don't think it was that.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
on autohost the checksum of maps&game are always 0x1. (maybe because AH does not have those files) So that checksum warning is normal.

Does not look like zK problem but more like engine, so maybe ask there: http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=11

From where the message comes from in engine it might be problem with UDP connection? (network, maybe firewall or something)
Or maybe 32/64 bit problem?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I cross posted it, hopefully someone can help me.
+0 / -0
Welcome back, BT!

Was it this battle : http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/196632 ?

Here's the cross post :
Corrupeted Packets

Can we assume that you have tried all the usual things, like different clients, reinstalling the engine, playing on different Spring versions than 91.0, etc?

Have you ever had a game without this error spam?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This build is brand new. IDK if I ever did play zk from my current ip address, I had played it before on a different ip/comp and had some lag, never this error spam.

Yes that was the game that i posted from the infolo.txt, but it happens every game right now. Not had a game yet where it doesn't do this in multiplayer. Single player is perfectly fine.

I haven't tried any of those things you said yet, can you point me to another client that runs zk, or maybe a tutorial on how to force zk to use a different engine version? I will try re installing zk.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Actually i don't know how to uninstall it. Do I just delete the engine folder and have the lobby re-download it or what? I haven't played a spring game in a long while.
+0 / -0
can you point me to another client that runs zk, or maybe a tutorial on how to force zk to use a different engine version?

If I get dev blessing, I will write one.

As it is, just get the NOTA client, and SpringLobby. SpringLobby is the proverbial woman of easy attitude about ZK, but she can be wrangled.

By the way, the NOTA client is good to have on its own, and includes three missions.

You might try a NOTA multiplayer game, too, just to test whether or not it is the engine at fault. Let me know how that works out.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
USrankBT yes, go to settings->open game data folder and just delete it and restart/redownload zero-k lobby.

Lobby itself has no effect on "corruption". Its most likely some issue with your network or hardware. you will see after reinstall
+0 / -0
Deleted spring and re downloaded, was still error spamming.

I used the web lobby tried to watch a ba game, was still error spamming.

Quoting from my cross post on the spring forums.

[quote="bubbletrout"] [quote="abma"]
Error: Discarding incoming corrupted packet: CRC 117, LEN 6

i never saw so many CRC corrupted packages. do you have a personal firewall or something similar installed? is your network card maybe broken? did you check event log about network related errors?[/quote]

I had windows firewall running, but turned it off and was still getting this spam. IDK if my network card is broken, I can play other games just fine, not seeing unusual amounts of lag, or any packet loss.

I have windows 7 64bit. From quick googling it doesn't have event log(think that is xp), but i checked event viewer and it didn't seem to show anything for the times i have tried to play zk/spring.

My mother board is this one. It has a "Killer E2205", which comes with some software. Haven't really poked around in it, but it did have spring/zk lobby running at it's highest priority settings.[/quote]

It does look like it is on my end somewhere, or maybe a routing issue.

EDIT: is nested quoting broken on this forum?
+1 / -0
nested quoting in not supported, same as setting the author of a quote :/ ( see here for formatting options )


from the hardware advertising of your mainboard:
Kill Your Lag! The Killer E2200 Intelligent Networking Platform is built for maximum networking performance for online games and high-quality streaming media. Featuring Advanced Stream Detect, Killer E2200 automatically detects and accelerates game traffic ahead of other network traffic for smoother, stutter-free in-game performance and the competitive edge. With this exclusive, automatic traffic prioritization, games and real-time chat get priority over low-level system chatter, giving you the lowest latency for game data on the most controllable network hardware available.

well, as i run out of options: i see your mainboard has a agressive network gaming optimization option. can you try to disable this (or is this not possible?) and report the outcome?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I believe I disabled it, and tested. No change, I then tried to uninstall it, but it is tied to my lan drivers so can't do that.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Could I have a look at another infolog.txt with dpaste.de?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Also, if you're still putting up with this BS, do any other mods work?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CZrankAdminLicho Lobby itself has no effect on "corruption".

Are you sure about that? It could be that the lobbies are corrupting map downloads.

I have seen more than one case where someone had to download a map directly from springfiles because of problems with the map.
+0 / -0
I tried to watch a BA game with the weblobby, it was still error spamming.

Here is new infolo.txt from a zk game I just tried to watch.


There was some more checksum stuff in this one too. Is it a problem with map downloads?
+1 / -0

11 years ago
impressive, 6k lines, thereof 5579 corrupt packet errors

i saw this:
Using read-only data directory: C:\Users\Shazbot\Documents\My Games\Spring\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Users\Shazbot\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\91.0\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Users\Shazbot\Documents\my games\Spring\engine\

you could try in desparation to set you spring directory to read/write if its read-only
+0 / -0
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