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Zero-K Secrets

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How many sacred white tigers must I feed partially rancid gelatin to gain entry to the Zero-K Concglaive?

a href="http://imgur.com/Z63ISXu" img src="http://i.imgur.com/Z63ISXu.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com"


Where they teach you such secrets as holding ctrl while issuing a move order to keep your units moving at the same speed, which I learned from Houjui after asking him for advice about how I might make a unit AI to do this?

How many of my unit AI ideas have been stolen by the engine?

P.S. CAPTAIN, THEY'VE ADAPTED. It has learned how to edit its posts.
Seriously, I always feel like I'm missing out on the interface, here.

Oddly, it's the same feeling I get in vi.

P.S. Got a weird server error when I tried to html an image.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
html usage is disabled for security reasons. thats why you have to use the tags in those brackets [], so only harmless stuff gets in. you might not use this with nested statements though.
+0 / -0
1st rule: You do not talk about Zero-K Secrets.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
2th: rule you do not reveal the rules of Zero-K secrets to anyone...oops XD
+1 / -0

11 years ago
3rd rule: there are no zero-k secrets.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
3rd rule: there are no zero-k secrets.

Which is, of course, the official story that we tell.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
4th rule: The 5th rule is a lie
5th rule: the 4th rule is true
+3 / -1
11 years ago
4th rule: you may think pros have secret widgets, but you shouldn't speak about such dangerous thoughts.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Do not you think so?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
real pros are 100% human.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Iam sure the zero-k devs have a supercomputer running somewhere to power the top players ai's
+1 / -0
11 years ago
6th rule: scout first
+1 / -0
There is a super secret server with 1000+ extremely nice Zero-K players online 24/7.

There is also a super secret Spring version that is 200% free of bugs and flawlessly supports multithreading.
+6 / -0

11 years ago
free of bugs and flawless multithreading

There goes my hope of a multithreaded spring...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Fixed. :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
... super secret Zero-K server w/ nice people has larger community that commoners Zero-K server w/ trolls...
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Iam sure the zero-k devs have a supercomputer running somewhere to power the top players ai's

I resent the implication that the devs and the top players are non-overlapping categories. The supercomputer runs everything, it's just computers programming computers to simulate computers fighting computers.
+5 / -0
11 years ago
Seriously, guys, that whole ctrl+(move command) bit improved my game more than ctrl+z.

Are there any other features I'm missing? I have pored over this : (http://springrts.com/wiki/Keyboard).

Does anyone have any selections/widgets beyond those posted (here: http://zero-k.info/Wiki/CustomKeys) by Licho?

Am I missing any more interface features like ctrl+move?

Also, it took an explanation by an expert, two years ago, for me to find out about building spacing (shift+z in build mode to space further, shift + x to space closer).
http://springrts.com/wiki/Using_Orders#Building_Buildings \\\THIS.///

My knowledge of the strategy of this game has reached a point at which I will get greater gains from interface improvement.
+0 / -0
Q = Nanoframe

I like this commands too...
/luaui disable
/luaui relaod
/luaui selector

And the profile widget that test your widgets CPU use.

Extra widget i use are:
I did disable Lups, so i use a custom one that make me see team cloaked units easier (if you want i can post it).
Mine roach/tick:
Chili Minimap brief activation:
Did try to use Formation widget "pre-alpha v1.3.5", but i was not able:
Roacher Lucher ("Improved Newton widget") is in ZK by default now...
This look's good:
And probably anothers that i did forget...

Waiting someone to share to me the AI/CAI widget so i can get in the super secret server that power top players ai's!



Lot's to read, have fun...
+1 / -0
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