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Speaking of How to Counter Troll Comms... This is what commanders are for.

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11 years ago
This is what commanders are actually for :

http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/194683 [20th minute]

Also, does anyone have any especially non-obvious effective specific commander setups that work well?

If you want to prove it, post a battle link or screenshot and a module list, or link to, your commander setup!

I'm looking for my next comm build, the one that will change everything*.


This is by way of answering http://zero-k.info/Forum/NewPost?threadID=4892,
since I others have already named me a necromancer, in flagrant spite (or result) of the fact that they cannot spell "necromancer" without the word "romancer".

*As opposed to actually learning the strategy guides, interface, and spectating more than playing.
+0 / -0
cloaked dgun
assault unit
anti-riot unit
jumping shotgun
cloaker commander (great for cloaking roaches running at enemy defense structures)
undersea torpedo resurrection com
economy?(never seen any advantages for this one)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
economy com is what i use most. at level 2, a ressurection module, all 8 nanolathes. its building/reclaiming/rezz range is superior.

morphing com does concentrate too much metal in one spot. single point of failure. one skuttle. boom. a group of raiders. boom. some tanks. boom. some assault bots. boom. some planes. boom. some gunshits. boom. some snipers. boom. 1-2 penes. boom. this could continue for a long time.

when you watch experienced player matches, they barely morph their com beyond level 1/2 (exclude troll situations).

to my experience, trollcoms 'can' make cost, but only if you dont face an experienced player or your are lucky. and its extremely situational. thats why i let my com sit in the second row, support and let units fight. because thats what units are for.
+0 / -0
I use nothing but eco comm. Beamlaser + e cell, then pure carreps nanos.

The only time you should ever morph your commander is when you suddenly find yourself with more resources than you can spend: You just lost your factory, nanos, or cons, your expansion just started to pay off, you just got a huge reclaim boon (Say, his enemy comm), your just finished your supergeo morph and now you have heaps of overdrive, you just got metal from a /take etc etc. With proper planning this will happen less, but it still happens.

When it does, morph your comm. If you're playing like this, you're only using the morph as free BP. Since when you are in this situation, all you -need- is more BP, you might as well spend the temporary free BP from the morph on securing more, long-term BP.

A BP comm is also incredibly powerful, he can make any weapon for any purpose almost instantly, and only when he needs it. You can win any and all comm wars. If the enemy has an LLT or defenders, just build your own LLT within range of them. Put your comm on repeat if need be, to make sure the nanoframe goes down and waste defender shots. It will build faster than their DPS and then repair enough to kill them. If you have radar coverage, you'll always see an army moving towards you and be able to insta-build a field of turrets before they arrive.

But, every comm, even a BP comm is metal inefficient, which is why you should only morph when excessing. Think of it like making puppies, they convert reclaim very ineffeciently into more puppies, and you often lose large amounts of them, but they do it so quickly and with no BP costs so that's why you make them. Puppies are bad, yes, but free puppies are good. Comm morphs are the same.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
>I use nothing but eco comm. Beamlaser + e cell

same. then on lvl2 two nanos and rest is some random troll modules which i never morph into.
I morph lvl1 just from start, then morph on lvl2 if i need bp and im to busy to build cons or nanos
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I use a L1 strike com with riot cannon and admantium. This is most useful for supporting early assault spam like thugs/ravager/reaper, combining speed, a tiny model, resilience and AoE/accuracy. I rarely bother with L2, as for the price I could almost get another reaper.
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