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Zero-K v1.1.9.0

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11 years ago
In this version we've accumulated more changes than would be expected for 3 weeks work. On the visuals front we have a new Chainsaw model by aiphee and many new wreckages by Kerr. The Improved Newton widget by Wolas has been modified and added. There are some small tweaks to balance as well as more major changes to mechanics.

Balance Tweaks

The raiders for the Tank and Amphibious factories are now slightly more powerful although Duck lost it's homing. Archer has much better accuracy and reliability. Phoenix and Shadow have been buffed as part of the ongoing bomber rebalance. Krow is 10% cheaper.


The Shock Rifle, Disintegrator and Torpedo Launcher have been tweaked. SLAM Rocket has been reworked into a vertical launch weapon.


Scouting should be more 'interesting' now that we've blocked or nerfed some of the most powerful ways to scout. Athena has an increase decloak radius, Fighters have reduced sight range and Newton launched units cannot see the ground because they are too high up. Vulture can see further in an attempt to promote 'conventional' scouting.


Stiletto and Racketeer now deal their own kind of disable damage called Disarm. It acts exactly like EMP with two exceptions: affected units are able to move and flash yellow. If you're on the receiving end of a disarm attack you can choose to retreat or push onwards. This is much better for gameplay than a long EMP time Stiletto, if you're hit by one of those you can just sit back and watch your units die with no chance for interaction.


After being deemed detrimental for FFA play, Detriment now moves slower and hits softer. Additionally air transports slow down when transporting very heavy units. A Vindicator transporting a Detriment moves at about 25% speed.

A full changelog is available here: http://zero-k.info/Wiki/ReleaseNotes2
+11 / -0
Fantastic! Great news about that stiletto nerf, it was really quite game breaking. I also like the sound of the tank buffs, it should make the raider game much more interesting. I wish I could have got the new Faraday done in time for this release. My only issue with this is that shield bots seem, once again, to be the only viable factory.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Really, really nice job. Good thing with this Disarm, finnaly Silettos will be not that anyoing. Also I allways loved scouting with vulture but fighters were just too good for it. Now my "Avatar" finnaly will see day light.

Archer <3
+1 / -0
There is good and bad in this.

Raiders are better
Cheaper Krow
Balance for bombers
View change for flung units
Stiletto nerf
Detri is slower, tranport is slower

Bad: Reduced fighter scout range (you gave them things to scout better, then you make it so you can't scout well with them)
Athena decloak radius increases (Why? Just make it cost more, since it usually dies when scouting anyway. With this change, athena is useless AGAIN)
Racketeer change (For some ridiculous reason, it has homing now. Even though they don't stun, they can still stop almost any unit if you have a thug or some bandits along. They even hit air.)
Det does not hit as hard (this is worded oddly; assuming it means that det doesn't do as much damage, det is now much less useful: shields can already stop it for cost)

Overall, shields benefitted a lot from this (and need some changes like moving some units out of the factory). Air didn't get much of a change, Tank/Amph seem to have benefitted, det is less useful, coms are better, and athena is useless (which is bad).

EMP vs. Disarm needs to be changed in unit descriptions.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+6 / -0
+2 / -1

11 years ago
Yea I worried about that but the mechanic sounds like it would work too well for these units. So we're trying it out.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
With Det nerf FFA will only take longer to end, in place of nerfing Det i think we should bluff/power up the another super units, so there more diversification.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
Venom deals damage - YES!
Reef wreck fixed - FINALLY!
Disarm sounds great, can't wait to try it.
+1 / -0
I like the changes to DETriment mega strider unit. I do not think it should have ever been "the end goal of the game" that it was before the update.Det should be a walking super attack robot. To slowly push into enemy, while being supported by other units. There are so many other units that can be used, I dont worry about det being nerfed.

I like the idea of athena not being a scout plane, but I hope the scout plane has double hp and flys really fast. I have played 100 games and nobody has ever used the scout plane.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
free radars and 2000 hp metal extractors would have been a good improvement.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Wait what? Disarm weapons have a white effect and units blink yellow, emp has yellow weapon effects (half of them) and blink white? Wut?
+6 / -0
11 years ago
disarm sounds great!

remove all emp!

just slow and disarm ingame!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I very much like the timing of this release. It might be a cool idea to do "updates" or "fakeupdatsnewsrelease" around major holidays when most people have holiday to try a new game.
+0 / -1
Now that I have played this a bit, the new racketeer is awful. It is now by far the most overpowered unit in the game. It stops entire advances of pretty much anything by stunning the big ones and killing it all with glaives. It can go burn in hell for being so OP. It is truly game breaking. It needs its AoE removing.
+0 / -0
I am curious why Racketeer was changed, i know every one reclaimed about Stiletto, but did never see anyone talking about Racketeer....

Maybe revert Racketeer changes? normal emp, no homing, etc..
+1 / -0
Colour scheme could use some adjustments, yeah. Though lightning causes emp, and is blueish, just like paralyze.

Racketeer could use a minor accuracy reduction imo. Hitting commanders and zeuses is fine, but running glaives much less so.

Reading up on commit log, it seems this is exactly what's happening soon :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Agreed with forta. Ye, stunlocking coms was a bit nifty but apparently it's the lesser problem.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
IMHO, good changes are:

- changes done to Panther, Kodachi, Duck, Archer (very welcome!!), all those made on air units (including Athena, but it could use some armor upgrade too), and the needed Detriment nerf.

And I've considered bad changes:

- Disarm damage. It is somewhat confusing, and only two units sport it. I think that we would be better with EMP only. The Stilleto problem could be solved by reducing stun duration or Stilleto's AoE. Rackeeter was somewhat useless against a horde of units, but that was ok, since it was the Felon's job to deal with massive armies. Now it is too overpowered, since it can tackle both static defenses and armies.

- Damage for Venom: now Venow doubles as both a raiding unit and a support unit. It is way better now to just make venoms for raiding, since three or four of them will stun everything that moves with utter precision, slowly tearing both units and static defenses apart with no retribution.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I didn't like the athena nerf because now there isn't much use for it. I'd suggest making it like the old one and increasing the cost; or keeping it how it is, lowing the cost, and making a new costly scout for the strider hub.

Like I said, the racketeer is way too good now. It even hits air.
+0 / -0
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