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Not working

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13 years ago
I just played about 8 games 7 of which were on my clan's planets whichhad not been attacked by ships. This is imbalanced bause the main opoment hasnothad wars on his planets people have killed nearly all our structures because they specifically target them ingame. end result we get trashed and have no control over it. if I get trashed I want to have been at fault for something. I do not want to play a predeclared game, that is not a game.

What you might tell me is that your in a "late game" and you have been out teched.. gaemover. Accept it. but since Zk has gone through all it's balance changes to weed out techers I thought teching was some thing ca dev's hated so this turn out would be ... inconistent
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Since when did we hate teching? I just didn't want units to be rendered completely useless purely by higher tech. There is still investment in the future with economy, this is the essence of teching.

Anyway that was a bit offtopic mainly because I don't really know what's going on with PW, it seems to be Licho's domain. Is the bug here that your planets were attacked with no ships attacking them?

With PW I don't think there should be a significant lategame stage where you're prettymuch going to lose. Of course someone could win eventually but the 'losing phase' should not be lengthy.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If there are no ships in the galaxy, planets get attacked by insurgents (because we have to play something..).

Insurgents attack unocopied planets and planets owned by strongest clan (NC) - they attack least defended planets first.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Topic should be changed to "working perfectly as designed"
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Interesting. That would explain why Oprey was sacked so many darn times. Will keep that in mind for later.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
while I understand this... it only attacks strongest clan all the time? should it not be divided based on all the planets in the galaxy? and attack them all randomly instead of putting a handicap on the strongest clan just because they are organised?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yes by design insurgents attack the strongest. I think it makes sense and helps to balance metagame a bit (counter stomping).

Imagine if it attacked your only planet and destroyed all you had there.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
you'd be a bit upset I spose... I do see you point... but maybe dividing between top 3 or 4 would be a better idea?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I would set it to make attack chance on a points-based system. Each planet you own adds another "point" to your clan. Each planet gets that many points assigned to it. A random generator is used to pick a number, that number corresponding with the planet that owns that point.

For example: there are 10 planets. Clan A owns 7 planets. Clan B owns 3 planets. Clan A gets 7 points per planet (it owns 7) and Clan B gets 3 points per planet because it owns 3. This means the total odds of being attacked are a function of the square of planets you own. Clan a would have 49:9 odds of being attacked (7^2 : 3^2).

For further protection for small clans, determine how much of a "safety buffer" you want to give them. Maybe your first two planets are not counted. Now total odds are [(7-2)^2 : (3-2)^2] = [25:1].

I think this is a way to more evenly balance the game.

Lastly, I think that using the squared idea makes the top clans rise a bit too quickly in the total odds. Maybe you can make the curve s-shaped instead of a simple squared function. That way the curve starts off gently (not many points per planet), accelerates quickly as you gain more planets, then curves off gently towards a maximum number of points. In this way you set the "too small to compete" clans apart from the "average and above" clans. I say this because I don't like the idea that the top clan's chance of being attacked grow exponentially. There needs to be a ceiling to the function. Maybe anything after 10 planets (10 points per planet) doesn't add to your points anymore? So even after a clan has captured 20 planets, their total score will only be 200 (20 planets * 10 points per planet) instead of 400 (20 planets * 20 points per planet). At 30 planets they would have a score of 300 instead of 900. This seems balanced to both newbie clans and strong clans.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
In truth NC was not the strongest, [I] was NC ahd more man power and thus took more planets but did nto have the eco to hold them the only way we could win was by dedicating a lot of man hours to win all the fights. [I] had fewer planet at that point but had 21 fleet cap and something similar in fleet production while NC had +1 ship a turn for a lot of the time. So for NC We played like Russia in WWII vs [I] as a superior force, we just had more men literally. This is a broken balance. even those is is just who it was designed. Let me stress that [I] had fully upgraded planets and NC did not unless we took them from [I] which we did. If [I] had 1/4th our activity [I] would have won until the system turned on [I]. And then [I] would ahve lsot all their investments at an unreplaceabel rate.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
lol Massacre its all in your head,
[I] was always 1-3 very active people, [NC] was just full of ZK addicts at least 1 NC on 24/7, alot of who are very skilled (just look at top 50), You shoudn't be able to win PW without lots of wins in battle (which is what NC did).

Only problem is we dont have enough active players to compete and have a intense PW season, (which factions should fix).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Crutch, Specifics please.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
First, the off-topic one: I versus NC versus V in last PW season.

V (the old V) - got off to a seemingly good start, but then broke down for reasons may have been discussed in another thread.
V (the new V) - needed some time to reform and regroup and struck an alliance with NC who was not strong at the time (I think NC was third or fourth in the rank then), they did finish quite well for such a late start.
I - got off to a good start as well, most likely by recruiting players holding planets from other, less active clans. I's players (including the recruits) were quite active, 1-3 players at any given time. Using this basis Imperium cornered a sizeable portion of the galaxy but then decided to porc up (+9 ship defense for the win). Near the end the number of active I players dropped considerably.
NC - did not start very well, for a long time stuck at 2 planets, even though there were quite a few active players at any given time (1-4). Mostly we fought battles as they came (attacks by insurgents) and with bought tech we increased our influence scattered over the galaxy, Being allied with new V, who also had an active player base, helped tremendously. Only in the week and a half before the conclusion did we actually build more economy and used more ship based attacks on solitary I worlds or on worlds on which we already had considerable influence and that were quite undefended. The final coup was acquiring the last remaining techs by conquering planets that had them and the final blow was initiated by the Imperator himself, who decided to attack the new V planet holding the last missing artefact from NC's possesion. NC defended successively, gained much IP on the planet as a result, then attacked again and thus secured the win.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Now the on-topic discussion.

Now I understand why we were fighting battles on NC planets all the time near the end, even though they were defended.

If the rule is:

Insurgents attack unocopied planets and planets owned by strongest clan - they attack least defended planets first.

Then I think it should be modified along the lines of context's post, that is,
use the number of planets a clan owns minus a threshold of two as a factor in distributing insurgent attacks, because the way the rule is now it strongly disfavours the strongest clan who, even if they win, have to rebuild at least defenses on that planet. I suppose that is what happened to Imperium at one point and why so many battles were fought at Opery.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Please do not replicate these lies, Gretchen. It was my first PW season, I didnt even knew much about this whole planets/ships/IPs stuff. When people wanted to join Imperium, I watched their playstyle and accepted. Only 2 of clan members brought their own planets to clan - Lolmaster and rabb (they lost them after some time). And I kicked one player from clan, not caring about that he had planets. So please stop this shitstorm against me and my Imperium. We won many battles. We earned planets from battles. We had biggest economy and starship production. It wasnt earned by exploiting or abusing, but with strategic and wise meta-game managment.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Dear Imperator,

As I have pointed out time and time again, recruiting (semi-)experienced players from other clans that have planets - which in turn implies that said players are at the least semi-active - whether you did this consciously or not, is in itself not an exploit or abuse. If done consciously, it is a good and valid metagame strategy.

If you had read a little bit further you will note that I did say that you and your vassals used it to corner a sizeable portion of the galaxy, so you must have won many battles and earned them and/or bought sufficient influence points to secure conquest. Period. Full stop.

I only suggested that near the end game your push developed into porc and that, combined with the fact that your active player base dropped, is why Imperium lost in my opinion.

There is absolutely nothing shitstormy about that.

And in the on topic post I also suggested that you may have lost partly to the current design and implementation of the insurgents attack rule. Since Imperium was by far the strongest clan for a long time, Imperiums planets were subject to attacks by insurgents and only Imperiums planets no matter how well they were defended, time and time again. Which is precisely why I believe this rule should be more balanced.

That and the fact that we would get some more map changes then and not have to play the same map over and over again.
+0 / -0