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NOTA Trailer: would love to see something like this for ZK

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11 years ago
Not sure how many of you have played NOTA (another spring game) but MasterZH just released a very professional looking trailer for it, check this out:

+7 / -0

11 years ago
it's quite pretty but needs to be shorter for use as a trailer.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
That is extremely good. I would certainly play NOTA from looking at that if I didn't already know that I did not like it. We need something like that.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Never noticed before this video that NOTA has problems with ugly ship movement too. Exp icons and map borders ruin everything. :(
+0 / -0
nota will allways have beter trailers then zk, cause nota units wear XS/TP and ZK units just barely fit into the XXL size clothes.

zk units need to go on a diet they are too fat, it makes their battles seem silly, like 2 fat kids fighting

a graphical representation of what ZK units look like

+2 / -0

11 years ago
Lol at 3:40 starts music from Earth 2160.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
+1 / -0

11 years ago
professional looking

But yeah, it would be pretty great if it weren't much longer than needed.
+0 / -0

11 years ago

But yeah, it would be pretty great if it weren't much longer than needed.

I feel like I've seen that youtube video before...

Oh yeah, emo-haircut guy in front of a green-screen making clever-ish observations on whatever is popular, utilizing a too-close camera and waaay too many jump-cuts.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I don't like the style either, but in essence his observations are mostly correct.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
And at 3:12, an idea for an aircraft strider.
+0 / -0
Quite so, my response was really just my style of humor.

Actually the nota trailer music itself has a slow, deep pulsing bass at start, which is not unlike the angry boat sound.

I think one of the biggest challenges is finding good trailer music. I think the Zero-K dev team and community want to keep establishing the game with legitimacy, so that means the official trailer cannot pull music from just anywhere, but needs music with a compatible license.

If people have suggestions of freely-licensed trailer-worthy music, that would probably be a huge start.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
USrankluckywaldo7: Is there a reason the Denny Schneidemesser stuff isn't allowed to be used in a trailer?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It's very impressive, all right. I think NOTA's long weapon ranges really lent themselves to the scenes here. Whatever shaders were used during filming also certainly helped.

Is there a reason the Denny Schneidemesser stuff isn't allowed to be used in a trailer?

I don't think there actually is one. His tracks don't really have that je ne sais quoi a really epic trailer should have though (at least IMO).
+1 / -0
epic trailer music playlists on youtube:

now, someone must find out licencing issues after listening to all of them (~300 tracks) ... ;)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Has a lot of music you can use. I'm not sure how the licensing differs for game projects and youtube in general, but it might be worth a shot.
It's mainly electronic stuff, but there's some occasional trailer goodies.
+0 / -0
If people have suggestions of freely-licensed trailer-worthy music, that would probably be a huge start.

Pick some. The intended use was to make a "robot opera" type of situational-playback music widget, but i've never got to it (and probably never will). All of this is various flavours of CC.

Also this is pretty much all trailer. The tracks on jamendo are 30-sec "demo" versions of the full deal, but by necessity of how jamendo works, they're also CCBY.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
cool trailer
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think a trailer shouldn't only be "EPIC!!!", it should also show ZK has a lot of strategic variety to offer. It shouldn't only look like "OMGZ NUKE!" (smashing planets into eachother, anyone?) but also "omg, this looks like well made game with great balance, I would like to try out some clever tactics in this!"
It should show some early raider game, some RPS, some sneaky cloaky stuff, some great synergies (shields, spiders,...), team interaction maybe (synergies over factories e.g.: OPetto stunning stuff, team coming in to kill; cloaked roaches; zeusdrop; bd luring AA, glaives kill; domi under shield), heavy killing stuff, antiheavy killing heavy, assaults breaking porc, great push, killing eco, krow killing push with dbomb, then suddenly NUKE.
A trailer should have it's mini story, which builds up in a highly strategic back-and-forth game that keeps on escalating, it should keep the viewer on the edge of his chair, wondering about which side will win. His yawn should drop more and more with every cool tactic/unit that is introduced.
The NOTA trailer looks kinda fancy for people who know spring, but I personally think it's a mess, it just shows lots of big battles, without focussing on what the units are doing and why, how strategic decissions lead to small (or big) victories.
In a good trailer, every shot must be necessary and must add to the trailer. (in the NOTA trailer, most shots could be cut out without affecting the trailer)

I would really like to help making this trailer: discuss a script and play the game(s) that are 'filmed'. But I can't run the game smoothly on high graphics, I don't know how to record and I don't own any fancy editing software.

Maybe we could make a short, EPIC, 'cinematic trailer' and a longer, more strategy-focused trailer, which maybe shows UI elements (mapmarkers, eco, line orders, ...) that are used to execute said strategies. The first one should attract more casual players looking for entertainment, the second should attract more competitive players looking for a challenge. (or maybe commentated matches are even better for this)
+3 / -0
for windows users:
you can record a game/replay at 30 frames/sec independant of cpu/ram. use CTRL-SHIFT-F10 to start recording. there is a built-in engine plugin, which is started then. it grabs (on windows) from your globally installed video encoders (e.g. h264), you can configure it, then press "OK" and the recording starts. the engine does then slow the game, so it can give the video encoder exactly the smooth 30 frames/sec. on the other hand, the encoder drains cpu cycles too. in the end, this high load process outputs a video file, which is smooth (while the recording was very laggy). you might want to play in window mode for better operation the encoder window, second monitor is also recommended.

(some recommend to record the ingame camera view path too on low graphics first, the replay it and record on ultra settings, but i have no clue how to do that)

to cut the video and encode it i used avidemux, an opernsource video editing tool. it can encode vids, cut and you can apply filters to resize, crop, etc (not the best intuitive tools, but they work)

i have in my head for a long time to do video stuff but i simply dont find the time beside having family, doing master thesis beside working full time and being addicted to actually playing ZK. oh and i forgot, soon im starting to build my own house ;). i have made some recordings though, unedited wasting cheap hhd space somewhere...

someone should do a step-by-step tutorial how to record ingame video with many images per step each, maybe this will stimulate the community to output more videos ...
+3 / -0
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