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Is Venom really a Riot unit?

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11 years ago
First thing - there is completely no balance issue with Venom, and balance is NOT a topic i want this thread to be about.

So - is Venom a Riot unit?

Let's try to imagine a most basic, plain Riot unit. I bet most players will think about Leveler or Warrior, they can literally wipe out huge swarms of raiders with ease, and trying to kill them with Glaives, for example, is a terrible idea.

A single Venom can be destroyed by 2-3 Glaives (depends on micro) with no losses at all. I bet most of people reading this will say - "dude, you don't use Venoms alone, you need other units to help them". Now think about it - isn't that a description of a SUPPORT type unit?

Venoms can be useful even as an Anti-Heavy unit, and their speed is closer to a raider than to a riot.

My little suggestion is, Venom should have more specific description. IMO it certainly can't be described as a Riot unit.
This adressess current issue with new players - if they know what riot is, they might try to use Venoms like they would use Levelers or Warriors, which will, in the end, look unsatisfying.

Banisher also works out as a Riot only partially, and it is kinda specified in it's description.

Does anyone agree? Does anyone disagree, and why? Please correct me if i'm wrong.

TL;DR Venoms should have their description changed.
+2 / -0
Riot units are primarily described as short-range, high-AoE units that can lay down sustained AoE fire to suppress/destroy groups of enemy units. Their HP and speed are usually not the best. For Venoms, though, they are remarkably mobile for a 'Riot' type; especially given their all-terrain capability.

Riots are used mostly to form a shield against raiders/scouts, stopping them from overwhelming your skirmishers and artillery whilst laying down decent firepower on their own (plus a lot of them make great flex-AA). Venoms do this quite well, but their mobility and unique EMP ability ensures that they can do quite a bit more than just simple anti-raider operations.

Hmm... 'Support' unit, indeed. It's worth consideration, at least, but I really doubt it'll become a serious problem any time soon.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If it was listed as a riot/support unit, then at least it would be implied that it doesn't greatly excel at just one of those roles but it is a novice at both.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So, just call it "Riot Support" (same as Banisher)?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Outlaw is sort of the same.

The problem is that spider vs spider is flea vs flea, which is a ridiculous matchup, and glaive counters the whole factory.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
Better call it "Support Riot", 'cause Hermit is the Riot Support. :)
+7 / -0
11 years ago
I agree, the venom is not really a riot unit (especially since it cant actually kill things). It is really a support unit to go in and hold units in place for the wildly inaccurate recluses.

I also agree with AUrankAdminSaktoth about the whole factory being countered by glaives (see Multiplayer B188960 2 on Badlands). The spider factory is currently all but without a riot unit that does not cost 1600 metal and energy. Perhaps a good crazy idea would be to give the venom a lightning cannon with splash damage? Then it would be a proper riot unit that can kill raiders on its own.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Outlaw is sort of the same.

Outlaw doesn't damage friendlies.

Venom could also sport that, via chain-lightning or via Outlaw IFF damage filter.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
+1 for giving vernom a minor real damage in addition to its "friend-or-evil-enemy" splash emp damage. damage value shoud be (to my unworthy opinion) in the region of current oplaw, but damage both again ("friend-or-evil-enemy")

+3 / -0
I have noticed that spiders have something of an issue while countering raiders, even if you manage to stun them all there's nothing to efficiently finish them off. Unless you figure out how to make Fleas not kill each other or run into the stun zone Recluses are really the only option to efficiently finish off a stunned raider ball. Of course that also leaves the problem of if one raider manages to escape and then the whole attack is basically ruined as that one raider will be able to start picking apart the Venoms without too much trouble unless there are an absurd amount of spiders around.

With that in mind I'd support the chain lightning or minor damage, but not both.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
does that mean spiders can finally get a damage dealer?
+0 / -0
Venom + Commander is really scary on small maps.
Multiplayer B189371 2 on DeadLands :P

Venom is kinda cool imo, yes it is a support. And yes, it is riot... but without damage. So a description update might be in order.

Spiders are so situational. They really NEED hills to use their spider legs. That's what you pay for after all. Any example to measure it's effectiveness that doesn't include hills is irrelevant. (ok, almost irrelevant)

Damage dealers come as commanders, turrets, hermit and fleas. The flea range update works btw.

I still think we should increase the weight of the flea to a 40 metal unit with enough range to comfortably stay out of the range of the venom splash. 40 is still cheap enough to spam and will have the pleasant side effect it will decrease TrollSpam by 50%
+2 / -0

11 years ago
All I can say is, even if venom only dealt the tiniest bit of damage, it'd improve the spider vs spider gameplay a ton. It'd no longer be 100% fleaspam.
+2 / -0
Damaging venom will inevitably instagib current fleas, so will be even less synergetic.

Now, 40-metal Giant Fleas? Hmmm.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I like EErankAdminAnarchid's idea of chain lightning Venoms. It would make Venoms able to counter raiders without support (which is what riot units are for, right? Warriors don't need Rockos to kill the raiders so why should Venoms?) and not kill its own fleas. This way it would make spiders a valid factory choice for 1v1 (currently it is not as demonstrated in the battle I linked above) and it would still maintain its vulnerability to assault units.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Chain lightning fleas is my idea from like a year ago.

But the implementation was never solid and Google was never sold on it.

I would like there to be more synergy in the factory, so a damage dealing unit to work alongside the venom rather than just giving damage to the venom, but a very small amount of damage on the venom would be the smallest change and I can't really think of a unit design which would synergize with the venom without replacing it.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
How about a spider with a similar speed/chasse that has a short range weapon that is damaging but lacks AoE. It wouldn't make cost vs raiders or assaults by itself, but combined with vennom it would.
+0 / -0
But the implementation was never solid

If we ever move forward with the engine, then technology is ours.

Additionally, it should be fairly easy to just LuaGL.

I can't really think of a unit design which would synergize with the venom without replacing it.

Greater Flea! :P
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think adding actual damage to Venom isn't a good idea, it might lead to massive Venom spam and the unit will be too universal.

The spider factory itself is a really long topic to discuss - i think it's the hardest factory to play(not counting amphibs), but the point is, it doesn't seem weak or underused because it is weak, their main strenght - being AT - is just barely useable on only few maps.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
their main strenght - being AT - is just barely useable on only few maps.

I've heard opinions to the effect that their main strength - being AT - is just done better with jumps.
+1 / -0
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