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If all units were OP...

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11 years ago
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

I see OP units..... not being nerfed
Instead all the other units.... are buffed to worth
and I think to myself... .what a wonderful game
+2 / -0
This thing you wrote STOP ITTTTTTT its killing us
+0 / -0

11 years ago
He just reinvented the local version of the wheel:

"Nerf weaknesses, buff strengths".
+0 / -0
11 years ago
(What a wonderful world)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
He just reinvented the local version of the wheel:

"Nerf weaknesses, buff strengths".

Far too generous. I am of the view that what is displayed here is a failure to understand that OP and UP are purely relative states.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
If everything was OP then nothing would be OP, is what KR is saying...
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Zero-K instagib :D
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Zero-K instagib

Weapon is insta hit & insta kill... and the only way to win is skills!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This sounds badass, but i believe that not nerfing OP units and buffing everything else would be really hard to keep the game balanced.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
OPlaw... heatray sumo... dirt cheat dirtbags.... newtoned gunships...
RIP brave princes, I will always remember the epic lulz I had with you guys... back in the good ol days....
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago
gnats just got buffed... they pretty useful now! especially to counter black dawn rushes
+0 / -0
11 years ago
..............bd is getting nerfed soon i predict
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I used to BD rush years ago, back when Zero-K was still CA if i recall. It was one of my signature cheeses. The BlackDawn has barely changed since then, and the BD rush is way, way, way less viable than it was because you cannot complete it on starting metal alone (you used to be able to).

So don't hold your breath. Anyone who does not scout a BD and gets taken by surprise deserves what they get, there is ample time to scout the build and usually the comm has to walk before it's even finished.
+0 / -0
I do find cheeses (of which theres barely any tbh) and techswitches to be pretty much unscoutable. Scouting just isnt easy earlygame, and its still very difficult to do continously during the match. A few llts or defenders is all it takes for you to get something to look into the depths of your territory. Though this seems to be the trend for TA games. At the same time the chance of you winning from a cheese is kinda small. Or maybe people just have adapted to playing safe in general due to the speed of raiders.

In SC you have tons of scouting being done continously. Worker scouts at the start. Scans/drop harass for terran, observer/hallucination for toss, changeling/seer/lord/runby for zerg. However, if someone manages to hide a switch or strat on you, you probably lost or are at a massive disadvantage.

Edit: Ontopic, I see both nerfs and buffs. Pretty much the whole plane fac got nerfed recently and the gunship one buffed.
+0 / -0
PRrankScrangos - any raider going out front will still let you know that your opponent plopped a gunship plant, even if it fails to get any other useful info or do any real damage. That's enough info to get you putting out enough AA to mitigate a gunship rush. With any lab one of your first actions needs to be using a raider or scout to do as much damage as you can and get as much info as you can, and that will help handle any RPSy rushes.

Techswitches are less scoutable, but a techswitch and the following lull while your opponent builds up his new switched offensive force is going to seriously hold back his ability to handle you at the front. That should tip you off that something is up and also give you the opportunity to make some serious headway, maybe enough to render his techswitched-onslaught a moot point.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
BD is hardly OP, so dont hold your breath...
+0 / -0
Techswitches are less scoutable, but a techswitch and the following lull while your opponent builds up his new switched offensive force is going to seriously hold back his ability to handle you at the front. That should tip you off that something is up and also give you the opportunity to make some serious headway, maybe enough to render his techswitched-onslaught a moot point.

Well, it's usually the leading player that techswitches first, so breaking through his lines might not exactly be accomplishable.
You might have a chance to notice less incoming forces or a drop in aggressiveness. But that still doesn't tell you if it's a dante, two BD or a licho.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Pxtl - your making it sound easier than it is. It varies on map on map basis but some maps are very very difficult to scout on.
+0 / -0