@Kingraptor wrote it right? could you please make up/downvotes non-anonymous? because if not, insults have no name. and there is no point anyway in anonymity there.
+4 / -1
It's simple to show reverse karma (how many up/down votes you give).
+2 / -0
I already see topics with everyone who posted having -1 votes. :)
+1 / -0
This would be good. Then people could argue a point without getting random down votes. Forum karma could be a useful tool in discussions about balance and such but in its current form it is open to abuse. To me it would make most sense to have a list of who voted up/down when you mouse over the buttons.
+1 / -0
i was thinking about something like   Ivica , you mean like http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/5337
+4 / -0
Mojjj's picture is what I meant too.
+1 / -0
the +1 fairy strikes again!!!
+2 / -4
This doesn't REALLY matter, anyone competing for total karma is kind of doing it wrong, karma does nothing. But it's great when you see a post and it has +10 or something, you know there is a fair userbase who agrees with the idea, and when you see someone making a stupid comment with -5, you know it doesn't need responding to because it's not a representative concern. It's not about karma whoring. But I mean sure, if this is easy, I'd like to see when Godde agrees with something as opposed to toot.
+3 / -0
quote: anyone competing for total karma is kind of doing it wrong |
QFT. Harvesting karma is doing the wrong thing. Just try to be a good person, and you'll enjoy a better reincarnation :) Nirvana not guaranteed. Karma DOES some things though: it helps people to understand when they're being too unlikeable, providing useful feedback for them to improve. This factor is not really influenced by whether karma is anonymous or in-your-face.
+2 / -0
quote: This factor is not really influenced by whether karma is anonymous or in-your-face. |
@anarchid, you are too good faith thinking. there are in downvotes just because people dont like you. or worse. if you see over and over the same person downvoting you, you can tell the difference between constructive critics and mean people. 1+ for mean joke? my self-esteem needs this! -.-
+3 / -0
quote: if you see over and over the same person downvoting you, you can tell the difference between constructive critics and mean people. |
The inference subnetwork in my central cranial neuro-biobrain can already easily detect such cases from the post orderings. A much better solution to random "karma griefing" would be limit of karma changes available per day, with possible alterations to this limit based on your level. Like, once you reach -50 net, your posts get minimized, and your votes... well you don't get any, until you get better.
+0 / -0
quote: Like, once you reach -50 net, your posts get minimized, and your votes... well you don't get any, until you get better. |
This would not prevent the (worst case) scenario of someone using all of their smurfs to make sure that you got -50 because you were arguing a point that differed from their view. As far as I can see it would make the most sense to have karma as a measure of how popular the idea is and have a list of who voted what, otherwise it may appear that it is a controversial idea when Anarchid, Godde and Licho voted up and Sfireman, Ddab and toot voted down.
+4 / -0
Considering  brroleg just became the first ever ZK recipient of the forum ban for spamming downvotes, I'm likely going to make it admin-visible at least.
+2 / -0
Make it visible for everyone please.
+2 / -0
and make beside the displayed karma of oneself the own stats of karma given to others...
+1 / -0
the +1 fairy strikes once more!!! quote: Considering  brroleg just became the first ever ZK recipient of the forum ban for spamming downvotes, I'm likely going to make it admin-visible at least. |
i was banned for upvote spam! great sucsess! great success! also Ana is the holy one, raptorjesus reincarnated as +66/-2 karma and i am the anti-jeebus, at +37/-61... muahahahahahaha
+2 / -1
Anarchid is just so agreeable
+3 / -0
I have bad feeling about this Karma thing. It might make some people look too righteous. In reality its just a person voicing a strong opinion that someone wanted to hear. Its like watching a talk show in TV where someone say crazy things which only make sense to you, like Fox TV or Piers Morgan, or politician. They are good people/performer/presenter/politician, but... I really don't know what it really mean, except it look like in TV.
+1 / -0
But that crazy guy who says thing that only make sense to you will get more down votes than up votes. Recommendations are probably the best way to quickly tell if someone is saying something insane without reading eight paragraphs of madness.
+2 / -0