The game was better balance when planes ie. vampires ruled the sky and not the new anti air gunship. Vampires should rule the air because they cannot attack ground units, players are spamming banshee and trident and it is mindless destruction, air took skill to use.
+0 / -1
Air is fairly hard to control and should still be usable. Trident is much slower than Vamp and cannot attack ground either so it makes sense for it to win in a straight fight.
+0 / -0
Planes still have far superior (AA) mobility compared to trident. If your enemy starts a bombing run, you'd rather want to have vamps than tridents i'd say...
+0 / -0
I would like to see afterburner also on vamps. And for radical. I imagine Avenger have gun both from stardust(mainly against ground, can shoot air but very inaccurate, though against big targets like krow its accurate enough) shooting in small bursts which need some time to reload in air after every burst. and 2 light aa missiles which shoots in barrage(2 at once) and also need some time to reload in air. And vamp has only a barrage of aa missiles enough to destroy avanger in 1 volley(or 1 heavy aa missile, maybe screamer missile), but this reloads at base. Here also Avenger and Vamp both has afterburner
+0 / -0
Tridents have a much easier time staying out of ground AA. Vamps are hard to control, especially in big groups.
+1 / -0
Trident needs hard nerf. Mby not on attack but definitelly on durability.
+0 / -0
Nah, dont nerf Trident. Just make planes able to exploit real hit and run tactics, so they kill Trident in on hit. Ofcause not 1 plane kills trident, but maybe 3-5 planes just fly strait to trident shoots off everything they had and get to base on afterburner. So all planes needs powerfull alpha strike aa weapons with long reload or even reload at base
+1 / -0
Main problem is that gunships are easy to control while planes are not Shouldn't vamps and avengers' ai target first trident, then target the other gunships? i have seen my planes being killed because they kept targeting banshees when there was a trident attacking... having to select constantly your planes and telling them to attack tridents first is pretty annoying
+0 / -0
I think trident just needs to be rebalanced to function more like hovering land AA than a fighter - long range, low damage, like the tarantula. That way it can provide aircover and take advantage of its abilility to hover on an exact location, but still gets brutalised up close by vamps
+0 / -0
quote: still gets brutalised up close by vamps |
Trident was designed to counter Vamp for cost as without such gunship Vamps hardcounter the whole gunship factory.
+1 / -0
yeah, but range advantage stacks and would hypothetically allow these units to sit on top of other AA, nanotowers, shields etc. I think it would work well to treat them as AA instead of fighters
+0 / -0
I actually like the rebalance to make gunships usefull. Now the ground army can actually advance without the 100 % chance of getting emp-ed into death. You dont get your chances of winning reduced to 20% anymore when your team looses airfight. Also I dont think that planes needed more skill to use than gunships. BD can be pretty devastating, but is easier defendable than emp-planes and old bombers. Also a mobile ground AA army is usefull cause it can walk around and kinda keep up with gunships, so you dont need full AA coverage everywhere. You can do with less AA and smart movement. Although maybe trident need to change to shoot only when stationary. So your gunships and vamps have a chance to kill things in late game, when there are trident balls. You can kill tridents with vamps when they are out of position. Or reduced damage when on the move.
+0 / -0
But in the current setting, plane only attack 1/2 the time they are in Trident range. the other 1/2, they pass through Trident and then try to turn back all in Trident range. so unless, there are some micro wiget for Vamp in trident range, Vamp need a buff or Trident need a nerf.
+0 / -0
so a summary gunships are a viable start factory now since planes no longer rape it in seconds cause planes cant rape the entire gunship fac in seconds, it must be OP nerf the only unit that can counter air rape, so air can once again rape gunshits in seconds thus make gunship fac the gunshit fac once more and we are back to the status quo... PS: old plane balance was not
+3 / -3
I don't meant to over nerf it, but I saw 2 vamp 600 metal in total die to 1 Trident 400 metal, then I say it is unbalance, since Vamp and Trident are so similar [if Vamp have no micro/wiget]
+0 / -0
the main issue is not that the trident is more powerful then vamp, its that you are using vamps... vamps are great vs planes, and have ALWAYS been terrible vs gunships avengers have ALWAYS been the go to unit for killing gunships quickly long story short "your doing it wrong" try making 10 avengers, and do an attack run on tridents, if you do it correctly you will lose 1 avenger and kill 2-3 tridents
+0 / -0
I'm confused here because Vamp costs 300. In the simplest fight 2 Vamps are about equal to a Trident.
+0 / -0
my bad, I edited my post above. @LittleBunnyWabbit so you saying Vamp, who does damage over time is to kill bomber instead of avenger which got speed boost and whole damage at once? and if it is inferior to avenger, which is faster and can escape, at killing plane and it can only kill air and it is not to kill gunship then pray tell what is it good for?    GoogleFrog so it is 600 in vamp is equal to 400 in trident, how about getting trident at 500? 100 lower due to low mobility.
+0 / -0
vamps are the best at killing planes and chasing down escaping bombers through aa, then getting out alive avengers are best at hit and run tactics vs gunships, and the missile aoe kills gunship balls fast learn2units PS: @sortale try 3 tridents vs 4 vamps, the results are pretty even match... again you are using your units improperly and failing at micro/macro/unit control/strategy (ie. dont fly vamps at trident+ground aa) learn2units
+1 / -2
Quote Googleforg: "I'm confused here because Vamp costs 300. In the simplest fight 2 Vamps are about equal to a Trident." How does 4 vamps vs 3 tridents battle do without the micro? (they both have same cost of 1200)
+0 / -0