- general battle comm
what's "general"?
- battle comm to tiny maps (like duck or TinySkirmish)
less range more dps?
- builder comm
- sea comm
aren't that exact the same setups?
ok maybe there is a chicken com and the sea com has shield/cloak and drones.
But isn't that more a support com witch overlaps with the "general" com or the "mixed support com"?
- mixed support comm (jammer/shield/sniper)
- artillery comm
- pure artillery comm
if you put the arty module at level 3 and 4 you will get both in one setup.
if you have the boosters for 2 different weapons it isn't really effective any more - especially arty coms.
- dgun comm
- balanced strike comm
dgun com with HMG and range boosters is a fine "balanced strike" and "dgun" both ;)
maybe send an Aspis and a Jack with it.
- fast jumper comm
If you can join both arty setups, dgun and balanced strike or the builder and ( sea or support ) com together it should fit your needs.