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commander torpedo module

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coming from http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/1218

a battlecom with lvl 1 and torpedo dies to 3 ducks. see http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/182351

also EErankAdminAnarchid pointed out, torp is an unlock. so noobs would not even have this minor defence tool

is this intended? discuss.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I wouldn't mind to give Commander Junior a torpedo launcher if it starts in the water.

And a small buff to Commandopedo's sounds ok.
+0 / -0
Mein plan:

1) Create an Ultrasonic Cannon weapontype that fires as slower-moving lasercannon (approx. heatray speed?) and completely ignores water boundary (can shoot from surface into water, from water into surface, from surface to surface, from depths to depths).
2) Mount that gun on Junior Commander.
3) ???
4) Likely, get reverted.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So, then Junior is the amphi comm since it would be the only comm that can shoot both in and outside of the water?
+0 / -0
Presumably sonic gun could become unlockable. And non-junior comms can already use torpedo.

Also, 540 in raiders is supposed to kill a commander, three ducks isn't that cheap. Imagine it's 8 glaives instead.

Of course, 8 glaives have less of a chance, because on land, there are riot guns, and your units will be able to assist. But that specific exclusive domains thing is a general sea issue that cannot be solved by giving commander an ever-more-powerful gun.
+0 / -0
Small side note; water does not have any real underwater splash (no pun intended) weapons anyway. That's why the amphi con-swarm can be so strong.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
no underwater splash

Doesn't Crusader torp have AoE?

Presumably sonic gun could become unlockable

...or simply replace pea shooter as the default weapon.

Another solution that also adds a cheap counter to ducks would be to make Beamlaser and LLT able to penetrate water - this way you have a water weapon on Junior, there is more than 1 turret that sees use vs. underwater as LLT gets a role there, and there is little consistency break since those two are the only ones to use that "continuous thin blue laser" visual.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
...or simply replace pea shooter as the default weapon.

That would require two versions of the commander sonic gun, because Junior doesn't have peashooter. Bad.

Underwater lasers might look weirdly strange, imo.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Junior doesn't need to keep the beamlaser, it's just a legacy thing really.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Lasers shooting into water would mean the Mace and Pene become antisub.

A totally new kind of weapon would be a bit weird if only the commander used it.

Comms have always been vulnerable in the water. Start near the shore so you can get out of it if you need to.

A problem is that starting torp comm is a liability before you scout factory, because he may be hovers- as is starting with a torpedo launcher defensive structure.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The 3 ducks killing the battlecom was me actually... here's the replay: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/182351
+0 / -0
A problem is that starting torp comm is a liability before you scout factory, because he may be hovers- as is starting with a torpedo launcher defensive structure.

The problem is that whatever is your first move at sea, it is blind rps. You need torps to defend vs duck, and you need surface weapons to defend vs hovers - while you don't really get any time to scout for it, because both initial threats can arrive even before urchin is finished, were you to start it right after basic eco.

Starting comm on shore won't stop the duck rush from destroying your factory and eco, too.

The totally new weapon doesn't have to be used just by commanders, but giving it to a buildable unit brings it much deeper into serious balancing territory. If anything, i'd give hovers a flex-antisub unit (either new, or upgrade existing) and then strip their torp immunity.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Couldn't commanders be given a torpedo launcher by default, in addition to their other weapons, while removing the launcher as an option? Then every commander would have a defence in water, and no build gets the advantage. Not sure how that would work out in practice though.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Lasers shooting into water would mean the Mace and Pene become antisub.

But that'd just be LLT and Beamlaser. They have a different, thin blue visual, while Mace and Pene have those pulsating fat lasers - though yeah, that's still "lasers"; it'd need the thin ones to look considerably different for consistency and that might be hard to do sensibly. Anyway, LLT being universal only helps remove blind RPS in the first minutes as later you can afford an Urchin, though it also has a side effect of Urchin ceasing to be the one and only antisub turret.

A totally new kind of weapon would be a bit weird if only the commander used it.

Conc shot, Cluster bomb, Disruptor bomb, Sunburst cannon? Only the commander has these. Also, some torp unit could probably be changed to use this since torps are overabundant.

Start near the shore so you can get out of it if you need to.

For Coms that could work, but shipyard can't get out even if it needs to.
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