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What is my bottleneck for ZK?

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11 years ago
My question is why I can only pull 10 FPS when watching a 5v6. Though really, a 10v10 would probably give me the same thing, battles don't seem to produce much more lag once you get past 6v6. Here are my specs:

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5600+ 2.9 GHZ dual core.
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GT 520

From the way I understand it, these are really the only specs that should matter. I predict that the graphics isn't a problem because I run in fairly low detail and ZK simply isn't that detailed to begin with. I suspect that it is the processor, but I actually just upgraded it. I used to hava a Phenom quad core at 1.8 GHZ. I've heard that better GHZ is more important then the number of cores for gaming. And after examining it, I came to the same conclusion(for most games). Now I've seen multithreaded versions of Spring, but have never figured out how to use them in multiplayer. After saying all of this, I really want to know the ratio of speed increase between more cores and GHZ. Would a six core running at 1.5 GHZ be better then a dual core running at 4.5 GHZ?
+0 / -0
Current spring is single threaded. Autohosts would need to switch to multithreaded spring for compatibility but it's currently a seperate fork under development.

Try just defaulting to lowest settings and working your way up? It could be something more specific slowing you down.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
but it's currently a seperate fork under development.

Also it doesn't work with most of lua, i hear.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
A high ghz dualcore should be fine, it's quadcore and higher with 1 ghz per processor where your get issues.

It might be drivers or somesuch, but an nvidia graphics card should be good.

Under what conditions does it happen?
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11 years ago
Looks like raw GHZ is the best then
+0 / -0
I get lag when alot of things are going on. Pretty sure that's processor related.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
64bit or 32bit OS?
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11 years ago
Just sayin, you might wanna check if ROAM rendering of terrain is on for you. It should be, even by default I think, but for some reason it wasn't for me.

Simply open settings, type "roam" in the chat and press the button. If it changes from roam to legacy, then switch back to roam and nvm. Otherwise you'll get some tiny bit more fps.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
64 bit
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11 years ago
Yeah raw GHz is the best thing for performance. KSP is also CPU limited because the physics aren't multithreaded. It won't matter how many cores you have or how good your graphics card is, your performance will suffer with a low GHz processor.
+0 / -0
It's likely your graphics card. Check here: http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/video_lookup.php?gpu=GeForce+GT+520

Bottom line: If a video card isn't on the high range chart, it won't cut it for gaming nowadays.

I suggest the following to de-lag:

1. Go to the Settings tab at the top right, then click the "Minimal" button and check the "Safe mode" check box.

2. Try disabling every widget that you can spare. (I always disable some, especially the map category widgets that make the pretty grid past the map edges. That normally saves me 20-70 FPS.)

3. Enable hardware cursor in the Settings tab so you won't feel any lag on your mouse.

My graphics card benchmarks about twice as powerful as yours and I get around 300-400 FPS with those settings.

Processor: AMD Phenom 2 965 BE (4 cores @ 3.4GHz each)
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GT 430 (http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/video_lookup.php?gpu=GeForce+GT+430)
RAM: 8 GB DDR2-800 (400MHz)
+0 / -0
It is strange, I get better performance on minimal with some things re-enabled with my Intel HD 2000. It still really bogs down in a 10v10 but other than that it is normally playable. Your GT 520 will massively outperform my Intel HD 2000. I get about 20 fps minimum with anything other than a crowded 10v10.

i3 2100 3.1GHz
Intel HD 2000
Single channel 4GB DDR3 1333MHz CL9 RAM
+0 / -0
its unlikely the graphics card.

raw GHz is needed here.

i play on ultra settings with a geforce 560. lag comes when things like massive pathing commands/issues or much terraform revealed (on core2quad @ 2,8Ghz).
+0 / -0
I found that LUPS have a really high performance cost. I once enabled it accidentally and I just simply can't play ZK at all... its too much lag.

I only discovered it was LUPS when I turn off widget 1 by 1. I had to do this since the FPS cost did not appear at all in any profiler. LUPS have 2 widget: the manager and the LUPS itself. Pressing "Minimal graphic setting" ingame don't turn off both LUPS in earlier version of ZK so I think some people might not able to fix the lag issue (unfortunately).

I also use IntelHD 2000 like GBrankTheSponge.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Weak video card, replace that. CPU is okish but not great.

+0 / -0
It's very likely the video card. With nVidia and ATI, the second digit in the card number is the most important, and it should be above 6 (ex. 560, 570, 670, 7700, 7800).

The only difference the first digit gives you is architecture updates, and even then that's not necessarily true on the low-end models. Also, since the nVidia GeForce 8000/ATI HD 2000(first OpenGL 3/DirectX 10 line) cards architecture hasn't really affected capabilities much, so the difference between a GTX 480 and GTX 580 is much less than the difference between a GTX 520 and a GTX 580.
+0 / -0
My graphics card is defenitely weak for gaming but I simply don't see it with ZK. I tested my card with the Heaven benchmark, and what I noticed that caused lag was the fact that every pixel had to be rendered seperately. It caused lag when showing inside scenes or up-close scenes, but when most of the pixels were the same color(zoomed-out scenes) then I got considerably higher and smoother fps. I can understand this. The card doesn't have to render each individual pixel it just simply renders about 500 as 1. Mainly I noticed boost when it was showing sky scenes where most of the screen was blue. I don't see graphics in zk even coming close to Heaven with all of ZKs settings on Ultra. Since you are viewing pictures most of the time(or atleast I am) That doesn't strain the GPU at all. Agent, some of these sites will misrate things. Possibly find another site with those exact ratings. It seems strange that our cards cost the same and yours is twice as fast as mine. And yours is a lower series number. No matter how detailed I make zk I can still pull above 60 FPS in 1v1. To clear this up, I will do 1 battle with ultra, and a replica of that battle on minimal.
+0 / -0
Well I think this about settles it. I ran the exact map and exact same configuration and got 15 - 20 on Ultra and 170-180 on Minimal with safe mode. That was only in th first 3-5 minutes of the battle as well. Nothing big was going on when I was getting those numbers. Basically nothing was going on. My card could DEFENITELY use an upgrade, but I don't really care about the graphics. I want to keep above 20 FPS when playing SuperSpeedMetal with 20+ people when running Minimal and safe mode. First of all I haven't actually done 20+ people on SuperSpeedMetal with my new processor on minimal + safe. Though I except bad results. This was quite the eye opener though. It seems I can produce 100 FPS out of nowhere. I'm a performance guy. I want maximum fps with lowest graphics(the only exception is the ICBM explosion. I still want that XD). I knew that safe mode made a nice perfomance boost and that ultra kills a ton of FPS, but I didn't know it was this extreme. So should I go for higher processor or higher graphics?
+0 / -0
Graphics. The CPU could have a faster core, but graphics are easily the weakest part of the system. Depending on your power supply, get something like a 660 or 670. 680 would be really good, but probably overkill, and you'd need a 550W or higher PSU to properly power it.

If budget is an issue, then get the 570 instead.
+0 / -0
http://www.videocardbenchmark.net is operated by PassMark software, the creators of one of the most extensive and popular full system benchmarking suites available. They also operate http://www.cpubenchmark.net, http://www.harddrivebenchmark.net, http://www.memorybenchmark.net, http://www.androidbenchmark.net, and http://www.iphonebenchmark.net.

The ratings on their sites are composited from almost a million benchmarks. Basically, those websites present the data uploaded (with users' permission) from every benchmark run using PerformanceTest / PerformanceTest Mobile.

After discovering that they had reliable statistics available, I haven't bought PC parts without consulting those websites. Ever since, I've never had a bad build. They're all fast. (for the price range)
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