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Feature request: Clearmapmarks button

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NEvermind, i need a pair of new glasses.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Doesn't that exist in form of this one? (clears all drawings and markers on click)
+0 / -0
I run into problem, cant decide is it FAIL or WIN...
+0 / -0

11 years ago

Why didn't i see that before? XD

I talked about this with Maackey yesterday, we thought it would be awesome to have that. lol
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Maybe this should be depicted more clearly, because many people ask this question and I even sometimes see people wiping their drawed stuff one drawing at a time. (How can you activate the wiping thing?)

IMO that thing should be answered in the FAQ because its very annoying to have the map filled with garbage at the beginning of a game, not knowing how to get rid of it. One of the WTF moments for new players.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
On my keyboard: Hold ~ (tilde) and wipe with the right mouse button.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Those buttons should not be linked to the minimap. Chili minimap is fps hungry and buggy for some people. I myself use the engine default one 'cause it wastes less space.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
also works to type /clearmapmarks into chat
+0 / -0
Its neither buggy nor FPS hungry, its impact on FPS is ~= 0
You can also set it in borderless mode to save space.
So stop spreading lies Skasi.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Chilli minimap has a bad history so a lot of people have probably been running with it off for a long time.

I think we need to re-impliment the mapmark system so that they fade over time (Or just expire after a short time). You only really need them as alert pings, and having them linked from chat is really useful and should be more how they operate. They're very ugly and distracting if you're spectating. When you play you sort of screen them out from your vision but they CAN actually block units visually.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
No it does not have bad history.
It NEVER EVER was FPS hungry.

All this notion comes from the people who have no clue using dev widget (profiler) and making conclusions from its values.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I'm not lying. I got more fps with chili minimap off. I didn't know about borderless mode though. Is that new? Gonna give it a try once I get a chance. :D

Anyway, I'd still like those buttons to be independant of the minimap. I want to move them to another position.
+0 / -0
I don't think the buttons need any major reworks, just make them a lot bigger. Right now they are so small I can barely tell what they indicate. They explain function in a tooltip when you mouse over so just make them more noticeable, like the build/order menu
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Nah, if you know it is there it is just fine.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
chili minimap "flickers" when resizing like this:

default minimap does not do that, even when pressing SHIF to keep ratio.

Also before that test the chat was nicely in the middle. During resizing the chili minimap the chat was made smaller, moved to right and now clips a bit in the resource bars.

It used to cause graphic bugs for me (ATI) maybe that is fixed now since now it did not happen. (was only 1 minute test though)
+0 / -0
Regarding the performance cost:
Chili Minimap actually uses engine minimap. It doesn't draw the minimap. If you look at the code it doesn't have any OpenGL call for drawing stuff, instead it only call engine's minimap.

Its really confusing/perplexing on how to make it more efficient than it already is because when you wanted to tweak the widget there's little choice that you have: you either disable engine minimap or enable engine minimap. The chili minimap also didn't draw the border either, it is 100% processed by Chili Framework.

So in conclusion:
Chili Minimap is just a shell that call Chili Framework (draw border) and engine minimap (draw minimap), and doesn't process anything on its own. Its an "empty" widget.

People should also test the performance cost if you hiding the Chili Minimap (click on the red docking bar), becuase that's the only time when Chili Minimap do not call for engine's minimap.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
chili minimap "flickers"

I recommend we make "Aspect Ratio Map" as the default setting, it is a cleaner setting that doesn't force the aspect ratio of the window itself.
+0 / -0
I think the problem was actually with minimap notifications (the little circles that appear on damaged, killed or finished units), which were turned off when chilli minimap was.

I used to see this many many times, people would have crippling lag and white spots everywhere, and it was a 1-widget disable and the issue was resolved.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
AUrankAdminSaktoth you're right, that was a notorious ATI bug for a long long time.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Notifications werent causing lag but rendering was failing and creating big circles.

People somehow associate minimap notifications with lag, because what actually lags is units doing lots of damage in fights (and thats when you see notifications :)
+0 / -0
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