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Zero-K v1.1.6.0 (finally)

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11 years ago
After a three-month delay, huge cost overruns and the resignation of the Czech president, a new Zero-K stable is finally out! This one makes long-awaited balance changes to some particularly notorious units, and swats a good number of the most annoying bugs. Enjoy!

(The engine update will have to wait a little longer, we're still getting some bugs worked out)


  • Damage 50 -> 20

  • HP 190 -> 200

Bandit (through many engine changes) ended up with DPS which was 20% too high. This has been fixed.

  • Cost: 1800 -> 2200
  • Range 1250 -> 1200
  • Aimpoint to make it less able to hide behind terraform walls

  • Now has disruptor beams each does 250 damage and 500 slow damage every 2 seconds (was 60 damage every 0.5 seconds)

  • HP 380 -> 450

  • HP 700 -> 840
  • Raw turnrate 329 -> 400

  • Changed mound shape such that bots cannot pass them. This alleviates the factory based hardcounter and forces Shieldbots to use Dirtbag more intelligently, mindless spam could hurt yourself. Impassible area is about the size of a Windmill.
  • Cost 20 -> 35
  • Multiple Dirtbags no longer spread out when jumping on a single point
  • Units bounce off mounds, it is now much harder to trap units by jumping on them. Quake (Seismic Missile) causes units to bounce around in the effected area as well.

  • Coverage 2000 -> 2500

  • Inherits land/fly state from factory


  • Fixed Leviathan tacnuke failing to fire
  • Allied units obstructing a factory will automatically get out of the way
  • Fixed a number of bugs with unit wreckages
  • Fixed lag monitor returning units captured by the enemy if the original owner lags
  • Fixed keybinds not working on first run
  • Fixed various mistakes in Award gadget
  • Carrier and commander drones are now captured along with their parent
  • CAI checks if a mex spot is reachable before trying to cap it
  • HLT fires from correct barrel
  • Fix to Lups distortion effect
  • Fix non-standard Spy self-destruct time


  • New awards: Loot & Pillage and Traffic Cop
  • Head Hunter award counts captures that last to the end of the game
  • "Overwhelming numerical advantage" threshold (when weaker team's units are revealed) occurs at 25:1 unit value ratio, instead of 100:1.
  • Hide comm processing debug messages
  • Map Edge Extension only enabled by default on High and Ultra graphics
  • Easy Facing only affects factories
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Looks good. Do we know when we will be changing engine? What I don't get is why the answer to dirtbags is to make them leave an even bigger mountain. Since it is only mindless dirtbag spam trolling that is the problem(?), shouldn't it leave a smaller mound?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
the robot engineer make Dirtbag a bigger hill with extra cost!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Haha! Wow, they'll never learn.
+0 / -0
Quake (Seismic Missile) causes units to bounce around in the effected area as well.

i have so waited for this!!! : http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2244 THANK YOU!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Dirtbags leave a larger mound because it is a disadvantage for shieldbots. Vehicles, Hovers and Tanks couldn't care less. This also lessens the factory hardcounterness of Dirtbag as more factories are affected by it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
how to get those new awards(what to do to get them)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Loot and Pilage: kill the most mexes (15 minimum)
Traffic Cop: deal most slow damage
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There have been a few more stables now that we can make a release without testing 1000s of commits. There were also some bugs to fix.

Here are the main extra changes:
  • Floating works a lot better. Units cannot block each other from floating, they just drift out of the way if they are too close.
  • Scrubber and Gauss use the singlehit gadget. They weren't doing so before.
  • Archer can float.
  • Duck's land torpedoes now home.
  • Stiletto has twice the AoE with about half the damage. This makes it more consistent and worse against shields with little other change.
  • Bombers stuck on airpads is now "fixed". As in I can detect when it occurs within a few seconds, destroy the offending bomber and spawn you a new one.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
* Bombers stuck on airpads is now "fixed". As in I can detect when it occurs within a few seconds, destroy the offending bomber and spawn you a new one.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
Oh I forgot. The Dominatrix interaction with AFK monitor was fixed in too.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Dunno if annihilator needed those nerfs(now it is worse than before its buff ~year or so ago), but most welcoming change is anti coverage increase, because getting nuked was getting old really fast.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
wow outlaw dmg from 50 to 20 is quite a drastic change, i hope it won't make it useless from now on.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
There is also one more important change. Reactors (Fusion and Singularity) had their pylon range reduced to 150.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Anni used to cost 2.6k so we shall see.
+0 / -0
Nice Fusion and Singularity range reduced makes pylon useful. Will also nurf anni and doomsday.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
What's keeping us from updating the engine right now? Or rather, what can players do/test to help?

This page hasn't been edited in a couple of weeks, still current?: http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/wiki/NewEngineTodo
+0 / -0
Many thanks!
I find the solution proposed for dealing with dirtbag very unexpected but I am eager to see what it does in a game!

What do you mean with "resignation of the Czech president"?
+0 / -0
Changes mostly seem to be sensible ;)

One thing that annoys me: the comic font for displayed damage. Is there a flag such that I can get the old font back?

Outlaw: wtf

Reduced grid area for fusion/singu: wtf
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What you mean burp? WHY is the new one bad?

Are we talking about the "display damage widget" that show damage on unit like an MMO game?

IMO it was an improvement over the old one because now it has color & look more comical (the old one look style-less / like a typewritter text that float on unit's head and can't be colored).
+0 / -0
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