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what polycount limit for the unit models?

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tell me please what polycount limit for the unit models?
for larger units such as Dante or catapult
I would like to offer model)))
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13 years ago
Highpolygon models arent so good for games. Maby they looks awsome and detailed, but then there just eating sensel CPU power
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Think like this if that unit is gonna be cheap then it must be simple, but catapult is rather expensive unit so it can be high poly.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
And I think devs will be happy if that dante unit could replace bantha or something.
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13 years ago
1000-10,000 is the short answer. For a mech, upper end or higher is good.

Dont listen to Karotte, the Glaive and all other cloakbots are 1000+ polygons (more for the warrior and zeus) and they are spammed by the dozen. Polycount is not a huge bottleneck for modern PC's, pathfinding will always screw over your PC before polycount does.

If the glaive costs 65, and has 1k polygons, then the mechs, which cost ~100 as much (~5000), can afford 100,000 polygons. I am not joking, you will easily see 100 glaives at a time in some games. That is not a reason for lazy modeling or using cinematic levels of detail (These are still game models, so no 1000 sided cylinders) but practically, dont worry too much about polycount. If you're making a Mech unit though, it should look _fantastic_. Though as long as its better than the current ones, obviously, thats a start.

Glad to have more contributors!
+0 / -0
you mean the square polygon, not triangular am I right?
1000 polygons is good - I got 880 polygons ^_^
then tell me more - what size texture used here?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The spherebot is 1000 tri's afaik, but it doesnt matter much, it is only going to, at worse, double the count. Which given your max budget is 10,000 doesnt really matter.

512x512 is standard for most models, but 1024x1024 is appropriate for larger models if you are using the detail. Again, that doesnt mean be sloppy, through good unwrapping, good mirroring, downsizing of unseen portions and reusing repetitive areas you can get much higher quality textures and take up much less uv space...

Do you have any pictures? It can be good to get feedback in the early stage.
+0 / -0
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Ahh very cool looking, lots of chance to get some interesting scripting going in the articulation of the tail and legs.For gameplay, if it had a slow turnrate, the forward-only facing cannons would allow you to outflank it. Very good concept actually. Look forward to seeing the texture- that'll be what really makes it.

Hrrm, when it comes to animation this, i'd have to think carefully about how low it is to the ground. If its a big mech (especially if its all terrain perhaps?) its going to be going over areas with some variable height, which might lead to it clipping into the ground. But it looks like the legs have plenty of articulation, so this can be avoided (there are tricks you can use to detect the ground height under the unit at various points and make sure it raises itself up if it needs to).
+0 / -0
thanks ))
another question - normal map can be used?
+0 / -0
scorpio can sit anywhere on the mountain and stun enemies by Lighting from sting in the tail
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Normal maps can be used, yes, absolutely.

The unit will have to be balanced ingame for role in the game but that shouldnt be a problem.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
another question
can I use an alpha channel texture as reflection map, or it is used for team colors?
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13 years ago
You can i think there is texture 2 which is used for reflection, team color ..
and also texture 3 for normals..
+0 / -0

13 years ago
No, texture 1 alpha is for teamcolor. Texture 2 is for shininess and texture 2 alpha is for alpha.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
More specifically, texture 2 green channel is for reflectivity and red channel is for self-illumination.

Afaik the blue in tex 2 doesn't do anything.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Its best to look at existing models in the game
+0 / -0
13 years ago
finally finished
I have a diffuse, normal map, reflection and team color alpha channel
combine that with what? in what file format?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Looks very nice :D
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13 years ago
Yay, replace Bantha or Detriment with that one! Give the 'arms' Detris Gauss battery and the tail Banthas Tachyon Accelerator! :)
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