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Assassination mode and recall

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11 years ago
I've found Zero-K having much more features i like than SupCom, except 2 things i would like:
- Assassination mode: when your com dies, you go spec
- Recall: it greatly annoys me when your survivor com gets exploded when everyone resigns. Make a nice recalling animation pls :)
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11 years ago
First one is available as "commander ends" setting for the host.
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11 years ago
It greatly annoys me when my 1 survivor solar in the corner gets exploded when everybody resigns. Make a nice recalling animation for it too!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
"your comm has been abducted by aliens, we apologise for the inconveniance"
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11 years ago
play trololo/duck/duke, its almost like dead when com is dead.

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11 years ago
Comms are meant to explode, their wrecks and death explosions are a big part of gameplay.

'Assassination mode' is a bad idea. People generally hate being given other players units, and managing a dozen other peoples bases is generally considered unfun by most players- we know this from when people go AFK or crash. Primarily though, it means the winner will depend entirely on whether the competent player ends up with everyone elses units, or the high elo players end up with giant bullseyes on their heads and get suicide sniped by bombers at the start of the game.

If you're suggesting the units go inactive or self-destruct, that's even worse and just causes a slippery slope where one loss means game over.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
We already have commander ends and that works quite well.
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11 years ago
Ah yes, our commander ends mode is not quite the assassination requested here. If a team loses all their commanders the whole team loses, commander losses before that have no effect.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
com ends is shit
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11 years ago
Original comm ends mode could work in 1v1 or in FFA, but it completely sucked in team games. It was just a slippery slope, 1-2 comms died, game over.

Our comm ends mode is different from the original, like GoogleFrog pointed.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
My main argument for assassination is that ppl in most games sink all team's metal into their trollcoms who then get killed by classic 2 prec bombers or skirmish spam. Having to resign with com death will (hopefully) force them to stop suiciding their bloated trollcoms.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It would make neebs invest 5k into combat com and then sit cloaked in the corner to protect it (like people already do). Also, either cloak or spamming HP module becomes mandatory if you don't want random bomber/skuttle to end your game prematurely.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
make com stronger but much more expensive and valuable: higher module costs(but also bigger effects), death explosion which deals 200% damage to allies, all units are destroyed if commander dies, and they have bigger start HP (ca. 10000) and a defonly startweapon (small range).
AND make the coms much slower if unmorphed (1st morph -> good alround combat unit(due to new weapon), normal speed and 8000 HP (can be upgraded with HP module)
max com:
50000HP, 20000HP shield, either jumpjets or personal teleport, maybe cloak, 60 BP, 800DPS at good range, heavy drones, ressurection, ...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Go ahead... Nothing stops you from creating it yourself, all the tools are at your hand.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
how are modular coms implemented?
i already searched the source but could not find anything like this.
if you tell me how modular coms are created (listing the necessary files is enough) ill do that.
!WARNING! the first release of the new commander design line WILL NOT be balanced!!!

pls tell me if you like my idea, if you dont, i wont do it (it will be some hours of work)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
how are modular comms implemented?

You can find it in /gamedata/modularcomms.
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