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Mines widget

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11 years ago
Someone requested I make a widget that made buried Ticks and Roaches act as mines.

Here it is:
Mines v0.1
+0 / -0
A short description would be great. Does it auto-attack close units, or just selfD when units get close? Does it consider attack- and move states?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If Roaches/Ticks are cloaked and up to 1 second after decloaking, it will attack-order on any enemy inside decloak radius.

Unit AI lightbulb toggles behaviour. Does not respect fire or movestates.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So it's pretty much fire at will?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
except that default fire at will for bombs was bugged.

Can you make them NOT attack faster units (fleas, darts) this way?

Then it would be better if they explode instantly [after decloak].
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Better yet, make them explode when lots of smaller units are around or when a bigger one appears. Like Metal Quantity of it's decloak radius?
+0 / -0
I can make it self-D, I can detect metal cost of units that aren't radar dots.

Tell me what you want and maybe I'll modify it.

It also has potentially buggy behaviour if you give the ticks or roaches to allies/enemies. I didn't check for that. So don't.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
A widget can't have weird behaviour because it only takes a player's units into account

If you want to implement it, you can look at unit_shield_link.lua gadget, there is an example how you can handle shared units.

Ticks or Roaches should only chase slower units, they should explode instantly against faster units.

They should only explode/chase if either a metal quantity limit is reached or they are decloaked and a faster unit try to run away.

Jump or fly abilities should count as faster (because vertical distance reduces damage)

If you can do all this, it would be good.

It would be even better if you can overwrite the "maneuver" move state with this behaviour and let the "cloaked hold pos" widget set them on maneuver instead (and only if they are on roam)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I know how to detect shared units, I just didn't do it for this widget.

Furthermore, I won't be implementing many of your ideas since they're essentially feature creep and hidden variables. I might make a self-D version instead of an attack version but you'll have to pick one of them.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I won't be implementing many of your ideas since they're essentially feature creep and hidden variables.

Instead you increase gui complexity :P

Or do you put some behaviour switches into the config menu?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
GUI complexity? You pick the Mines widget classic or self-D variant and off you go.

Also, this is not an official widget so use at your own risk.
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