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Zenith won't fire if there is step terrain in the way.

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11 years ago

I can't see avoidGround=false.

The Zenith also have trouble attacking ground at max range. It fires a few meteors and then it stops.
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11 years ago
Have observed that, too. It's really annoying.
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11 years ago
Or THey dont fire if you targt underwatter units.DOne that trying to attack underwatter singus and they didnt fire a thing even if they were in range.Also attacking ground near the singus didnt worked.BUt when i attacked the earth near the watter it worked....
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11 years ago
that would explain why none of the 3 zeniths i built in a ffa game worked properly (iirc that made me lose the game)
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Why zenith anyway. nooblight can kill dets, zenith can't.

EDIT by @Sphiloth: I don't tolerate degrading terms for homosexual people. The "faglight" has been replaced. Sorry.
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Well I don't know why there is 3 distinct gameenders. Starlight occludes them them all.
Although Disco rave and Zenith are kinda cool though.
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I would make zenith cheaper, its easily counter-able by shields, stockpiles enemy team with metal and does and its damage is very spread, that is why you cant almost never see Zenith.

Or better, make it real Deus-ex machina, so it blasts huge meteors in very wide area and also makes VERY big holes.
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11 years ago
I would like the zenith being more dangerous. Like the meteor god power in AoM. It would be more of a cosmetic change than a functional change but it would be good.
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11 years ago
@[RD]Goode I think the answer to that really is "Because we can!" they are each a fun toy to play with in its own way really, there just isn't enough advantage of one over another.
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I dont see the point in having three when the starlight is almost always the best in the situation. It may be fun but it is just not as effective.
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11 years ago
GBrankTheSponge then the solution to that is is to balance the three in some way...or find ways to make the Zenith more situational.
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Disco should have high trajectory, and more EMP and Slow damage so it get a higher DPS that can draining and eventually pass shields like Starlight.
AND my favorite option for it that will never be implemented, the "unit cannon".

Zenith should have meteorites of various size, in addition to the actual small and fast ones, there should be a bigger one that have more that 3600 damage to bypass shields and fall every 30sec (or more, 45sec ?), some more intermediaries, and maybe one similar to a nuke every 5min (or more, 7min? 10min?).

Starlight = Precise Atk and a good Def vs Large units like Det etc.
Zenith = Sure base killer after a time.
Disco = intermediaries between the 2 and maybe a Def vs big army of small and cheap units (yeah, i never see big army of cheap units working in late game too...)
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11 years ago
Shields can actually block Starlight but I think you need like 50-60 shields to block Starlight which is like 25000 metal.
How many shields do you need to block of Zenith or Disco Rave party?
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Not really sure, but i think in range of 6-7, no need to be close too.
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11 years ago
One advantage Disco has over Starlight is that it knocks out terraformed walls more effectively.
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11 years ago
You do not need to wall vs Disco.
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11 years ago
I did the math on Starlight shields once. Think it takes 62 to block a Starlight.

I watched a game on Castles that had over 80 shields being assaulted by a Starlight. They never penetrated, but the energy it took to generate that many shields basically meant no overdrive for the defending team.

I think the defending team won because the guy controlling Starlight was dumb and would move it right before it was about to penetrate a locally weak shield cluster.
+0 / -0
This battle. Didnt watch the replay but Im pretty sure its that one. I built a starlight and he build x amount of shields, my starlight got through. Im not sure about the engine for that one though, JKL used 93.2(?) on the stable version of ZK and I used the same. He hated 91.0.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Nah, it wasn't that one.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Better idea, remove the three and the det, cause that's all people do now in FFAs, is terraform off, build a det, send it out, while X other people are fighting with themselves.

I can see the arguements, Scout this and attack the silent player. Agree'd but at the end of the day, how can you attack if you are being hit yourself? You're defending while your neighbour is making a super unit.
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