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Zero-K v1.1.4.0 with Spring 94.1

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11 years ago
After fighting through a swarm of bugs we are ready to release a version of Zero-K compatible with Spring 94.1. We've been hard (and slow) at work fixing compatibility issues and working around new engine bugs. There are many important fixes in this engine version so hopefully it has been worthwhile.

Non-ZKL users will need to update their engine but with the appearance of Weblobby and static builds for Linux this should be easy.


Pathfinding around terrain has been significantly improved. This is most noticeable for units with low slope tolerance and large turning circle. Units get themselves stuck on terrain much less often.

Plane related bugs have been fixed. There should no longer be an occasional plane which misses the airpad and has to be reclaimed. Bombers can be given orders after an attack ground order without messing up their queue.

Area of effect damage is now based on distance to hitsphere instead of distance to the center of a unit. This makes a lot more sense and fixes issues involving large units not take damage unless hit directly.

Apparently the whole game should run significantly faster.

Other Changes

Bertha, Tremor, Pillager, Disco Rave Party, Behemoth, Warlord and Catapult no longer avoid terrain when aiming. This is either because they are good at knocking down walls or because they are too inaccurate and high trajectory for terrain to matter.

Gauss weapons deal predictable damage based on the footprint of the unit they are targeting. Scrubber damage has been increased from 90 to 110 to counteract this.

Chicken Swarmers can form writhing masses which packed densely enough. Watch out, they can flow over small barriers.

== Fixes==

  • Modified overall mex values for Evergreen_Haven-Redux-v02, MountDustmoreV3, Riverbedv2
  • Reduced center supermexes for FolsomDamFinal, Deadlands, Motkottava_Nakkivahvero-v01
  • Moved metal spot from on top of geo spot in AquariusCrossing
  • Fixed missing metal spots in Atuminoa, Quoth v1
  • Fixed some structure hitvolumes which were large enough for attackers to hide inside.
  • Outlaw vibrates when firing.
  • Fixed crash while placing Missile Silo caused by some graphics cards.
  • Fixed some small, rare crashes or bugs (as always).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
as always: THX for your work!

lets see how this "performance improvement thing" plays out.
+0 / -0
For non ZKL people they could also use 94.1 from the ppa, this will be a great improvement for linux players. I think that the pathfinding will make it a much better game for players that prefer LVs or tanks.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I can finally play without switching to Windows :) This engine change (91+) was really crucial.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Coms can have shields and cloak at same time again or it's a bug?
Time 17min
+0 / -0
Not mentioned in releasenotes. But there is now an option to play as chicken team controlling chickens.
You need next things:
1) Custom host.
2) Chicken bot of any difficulty on your team.
3) Say in chat "!setoptions playerchickens=1" every time after you create host and/or change map.

Also note, chicken units spawn after 2-3 minutes after match begins, so don't be impatient.

Current bugs with
Chicken queen will constantly change player (owner) when it changes it's air and ground modes.

Bug should be fixed in trunk. Though I didn't test it. I need 2 players on chicken team and a real queen spawned by unit_spawner gadget. :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago

  • Outlaw vibrates when firing.

That's not a "fix". It's a new featurrrre. And it was suggested by meeeee. Hurr hurr hurr.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
There seems to be WAYYYYY more lag in this version than the last, can this be attributed to the game or the engine?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well for me this version does lag more + healthbars of units are missing for most of people(someone said it is due morphing).
+0 / -0
I lag more in it too.

Terraform texture not working too.
+0 / -0


i think i disabled them years ago and forgot they even exist XD

also ZE LAGS I DO!!!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It unstable. can't see health/or morph bars half the time.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
And now lag so much more that unplayable to me.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Yeah and it really laggy.
+0 / -0
I dont see shadows, that is not bothering me, but what is about invisible shader?

I dont like it, it doesnt look good, i want former invis shader, not just half transparent unit.

Game is fluid so far for me, runs better.
+0 / -0
Apparently the whole game should run significantly faster.

Pathfinding around terrain has been significantly improved. This is most noticeable for units with low slope tolerance and large turning circle. Units get themselves stuck on terrain much less often.

the tricksy hobbitses lies to us!!!

btw has anyone noticed that with every new engine version the game becomes slower, with worse pathing, and more laggy?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
btw has anyone noticed that with every new engine version the game becomes slower, with worse pathing, and more laggy?

Until recently everything was faster than 88 for me. 94.1 is questionable, but unless nuked I don't get any crashed or significant frame drops.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
82 was the best one
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Now game keep crashing every time, help?
+0 / -0
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