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protector is op

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11 years ago
It can stop up to 3 nukes launched at same time, from 3 silencers. Its OP as hell. Cost of protector is cost of 1 nuke, so its fair that it can stop 1 nuke at time, or many nukes launched one after another from 1 silencer. but not 3 at same time from 3 silencers.

we just played game with Forever, and he launched 4 nukes at once from 4 silencers at my 1 protector. only 1 nuke got to the target. To bad replay didnt saved, maybe cause game was like 3+ hours
+0 / -0
11 years ago
On the other hand you can stun it with Shockley or Spy. You can tacnuke it if its out of shields and you can use Quake to tear down tera walls. I think you still can use valkyrie Skuttle newton cannon to drop down and destroy it.
You can bomb it. You can destroy it with Scythes, or Athena fleas.
Or you can just avoid it and nuke something else.
Try to keep the Protector safe from all of these threats and you might just notice how much extra metal that requires.
3 nukes is more than a Detriment and almost a Starlight. There are alternatives that are better than just spamming more nukes.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>There are alternatives that are better than just spamming more nukes.
not much, if its long narrow speed metal map, that can be porced to infinity in very low price
+0 / -0
11 years ago

an example of protecters failing against smart nooks...

i got ca with them nooks XD
+0 / -0
>There are alternatives that are better than just spamming more nukes.
not much, if its long narrow speed metal map, that can be porced to infinity in very low price
But if you can just force your way through with more nukes then why bother with Starlights or Detriments?
I'd rather see that once a team or player has 1 nuke they use other game enders instead of building more nukes to break through the anti-nuke defence or be smart about it and destroy the anti-nuke.

Also the game shouldn't be balanced from speed metal games.
+0 / -0
You completely forget that a protector only protects a certain area. On small maps, protectors are OP (but nukes shouldn't happen anyways). On big maps, nukes are "OP", because you need a protector everywhere that you don't want to get nuked, so you need 15k metal to be save from 7k.
+0 / -0
>an example of protecters failing against smart nooks...
lol, no one protector failed, you just nuked in spots that havent anti or stunned anti. I wasted an hour on watching that replay, give it back lol
+0 / -0
See? It's not op in metal cost. You either have to get many or fear them being countered or simply not covering the area.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Save from 10.500k (protector + nuke)!

But I agree with godde.
If you stun a protector and nuke you will not only make cost with your nuke, but additionally kill 2400m(Shockley subtracted).

Protectors as they are are two-sided swords.
+0 / -0
also you can make nuke, nuke just one area where you scouted to kill about 5000m and reclaim your nuke silo to get 3500m back.

The other team will spam more than three 3000m antis while you only lost 7000m(1/2 silo +nuke) to kill 5000m

not to mention the more carefully expansion which is your advantage
+0 / -0
11 years ago
at least make it need to stockpile antinukes like screamer
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:P imo best buke strat is get +50m/s, make 1 nuke, then build a second while it is loads, and machinegun nuke the whole enemy team before they finish protectors, after they have protects, reclaim 1 nuke and keep 1 loaded with 2 nukes just in case enemy gets cocky.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
What's the point of that? The cases where this will matter are negligible (anti finishing seconds before nuke hits) and it will not fix anything.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
at least make it need to stockpile antinukes like screamer
I could support this if the cost of Protector were also cut.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Wait do you mean the stockpile costs anything? Then it's not like screamers...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I don't think that Protector stockpile would need to cost anything but it adds time after completion of the Protector were it is still vulnerable to 1 or more nukes. Such a nerf would require a cut in the price of the Protector IMO.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
What time are you thinking of here? 20 seconds? 3 minutes?

Also, this would probably constitute a buff to antis. Less cost means you can get more of them (and earlier), while the stockpile has marginal effects overall.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think you still can use valkyrie Skuttle newton cannon to drop down and destroy it.
Godde after the nerf this tactic is usless, newtons are not effective vs gunships.Trust me i was an expert on that tactic.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Free-stockpile weapons don't seem to make sense unless there's an upper limit. Otherwise an older-built free-stockpile weapon has effectively unlimited ammo and the stockpile is meaningless.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It really depends on the numbers MauranKilom. If you add a 1 minute stockpile it will be felt. Anyway this is more directed to brroleg.
Personally I feel like anti nuke is easy enough to counter already and it is virtually impossible to keep it safe near the frontline without terraforming and shielding it plus anti air defense and units to protect it from Athena fleas and Scythes which really adds to the price.
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